What’s the point in being white when you’re only 5,8?

What is the fucking point? I’m supposed to be a God, but instead I’m nothing but a fucking manlet. I’m 5,8. Possibly even 5,7. I’m not going to succeed in business, I’m not going to ever get a hot wife or fuck tons of hot girls. No women will ever swoon over me. Ever thing else is going for me and in the end it didn’t even fucking matter because I’m a manlet and no girl ever wants that. This bothers me every day of my life and I can’t hardly deal with the pain anymore. I won’t kill myself but it just is intolerable. Why did God make me a manlet. Being a nigger but 6,0 almost seems perfable to this curse.

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All manlets are niggers and bastards to their father’s eyes

>5,8. Possibly even 5,7
user, what system of measurement are you using that units are differentated with a comma?
this is imperial, feet and inches?
we use an apostrophe
5'7 6'2 , etc etc
besides being a manlet, you're foreign, hepped up on goofballs, or a brainlet as well
sort yourself out, guy MAGA

Buy some lifts shoes and stop complaining.

Lol grant eat your vegetables

Take the distraction osteogenesis pill. It is painful and it will cost you.

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>lift shoes
Also, lift. Muscles help.

T. 5'8"

You should kill your self if you care so much about height. Fuck sakes figure it out bud.

do not do this. I'm 5'6. Just act like a normal fucking person and you'll be fine

Mfw 5'8" with hot wife, 3 kids and making 200k combined income.

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Well alternatively move to Asia or anywhere where everyone is a manlet and you'll be a Chad.

You can't change your height but you can change your attitude. MAN the FUCK UP and stop being a PUSSY.

>I’m not going to succeed in business, I’m not going to ever get a hot wife or fuck tons of hot girls.


You CAN succeed if you're short, but SURE AS HELL won't if you don't change your PUSSY ATTITUDE real fast. Did you know that if a man acts more confidently, people will be psychologically biased to overestimate his height? It's true. If you're not confident, just fake it and tell yourself you're good. Telling yourself that you'll always fail is for RETARDS.

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Had a girl over today

Was a full head and a half taller than her, felt nice.
I always ask girls im talking to (as a joke) "what would happen if i was this tall" and hunch down to just barely below them, a literal inch

Stop whining just find your self a nice 5"2 qt.
Or have kids with a tall chick and fix you crappy genes.

I avoid 5''2 women at 6 because I dont want manlet kids.
You'll find one.
I often tell them. Find yourself a dwarf

Being a manmore isn't that great, but I don't know what's like to be a manlet.

Honestly 5'7, 5'8 is not bad. the real question is are you hideous looking? I think thats the real issue other wise you wouldn't be bitching right now. Also your probably kind of slow if you don't know how tall you actually are.
Guys who anywhere 6 foot 1 or taller can get away with getting woman just because of their height. Unless your good looking being under 5 11 can be a real shitty deal. But look at all the short succesful guys. They wouldn't be where the are with out being handsom. Justin Beiber, Tom Cruise. Both 5'7 5'8. If the height is really bothering you. Wear thick shoes. something like 1.1 to 1.3 inches. Then get half inch or if you really want 1 inch insoles. except 1 inch insoles is kinda shitty. But not as bad as guys who wear 2 inch insoles. If your lets say 5'7.5 + 1.2 inch shoes = 5'8.7+ 1 inch insoles = 5'9.7 there your now taller then the average male height. if your actually 5'8 you could end up being 5'10+ using this technique.

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correction * Unless your good looking, being under 5'10 can be a shitty deal. If you overly care.
I'm 5'9.5 and used to kinda care about my height but im almost 5'11 in inch shoes. theres nothing to cpmplain about. could have been better but whatever and least im not hideous to look at. In no way am I saying having extra height helps a lot though lol

google use to say hitler was 5'8 ?

That's not true you stupid faggot!! I've been attracted to short guys before that had amazing confidence and senses of humor.

What is this meme. Most my coworkers at my old job were manlets or fking ugly but they all had no problems with women.
They were just confident i guess. I am dece looking and a manlet but i am too shy to get women.

Fucking lol

Retard larp nigger

Find women who are shorter than you, dumb dumb

in no way am i saying having extra height * doesn't" help a lot though....im way too drunk now

Euro faggot spotted

5'9" manlet here. Go into healthcare, I am on my last semester for nursing and already have multiple job offers, all pay well. work out everyday. It can be a pathetic routine as long as you do it everyday you will start to see results. My trouble is with women, I'm above average in looks but I'm a misanthropic autist when it comes to dating and social media.

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Stop being a bitch about it and control the factors you can control. Plenty of the greatest men in history have been manlets, and for god’s sake just find a short woman, there are plenty. The more you obsess over this, the more you let it become a part of who you are. Stop feeling inferior, a man who values himself based on his height whether short or tall is a faggot 10/10 times
>t. 5’8

Imagine being 6'2 and conventionally attractive with a 2 inch micro penis. Women want me until they grab for my dick while we are making out... and then they ask to leave. This has happened a couple dozen times to me.

I've grown to enjoy being alone and I've found hobbies i enjoy enough to not want to kill myself any more. Just take it day by day user.

I am 5'8" and two inches taller than my dad so it could have been even worse.

fucking kek stop being a fucking pleb lad
5'8 is literally the above average height of the world.
I'm 6'0 and a 5'8 person standing next to me isn't really that short btw.
Also you can grow taller lad

I'm 5' 9" and I do okay. I've never had a grown woman insult my height in over 10 years.

>they ask to leave
Just say no, not seeing the problem here.

I'm a doctor measured 6'0 barefoot. I've never in my life looked down on manlets or felt superior to them just based off height. One of the most alpha guys i've ever met was around 5'7 just like you. He didn't let it mess with him. If a woman doesn't like you because you're short, you're better off without her. Chances are down the line it would be something else.

I got blessed with a larger than average penis. I couldn't live if my dick was small. Dodged that bullet.