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Trust this great biznessman pls sir

Says increasingly nervous cuck... for the 7th time!

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Trump is bad

Fuck your retirement savings goy

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Hi LeftyPol hows it goin?
Fuck off Pastanigger

it will balance itself

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leafistan is so fucked you guys have absolutely no idea. There WILL be a white genocide in canada in your childrens' generation.

I've seen retards totally incapable of understanding simple statements. For example, Trump says there is no trade war with China because that war was lost long ago. So of course our dumbed down retard population interprets this as
>durrr twump say no twade war so dum lololol
Without realizing they're putting their complete stupidity in display.

There's a silver lining. If we have another Depression, we can destroy capitalism and replace it with Communism in the States.

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Fine I will go kms Jow Forums-style

dunno bout you but my children have a cottage 150 miles into the woods that you have to take a boat for another 30 minutes to get to on a lake full of delicious lake trout and bass, once there, they have a shed full of weapons behind the house

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>t. ling ping wang

Guido here is right, you know.

It will balance out, at the end

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t. vladimir cuckovich

great, then they can go shoot them some fishes and shit.

Why would I want to stop this? I voted for the Chaos Candidate :)

t. Floppygut McBurgermutt

italians were a mistake

And if that doesn't work, we'll just destroy something else! Cause SOMETHING has to be holding back communism, I'm sure if we kill enough people it's BOUND to work this time!


penne yourself retardo

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Fine I will go kms Jow Forums-style


the fed is crashing the market, that and media panic also led by jews.

gambler's fallacy economics is the new jew faggot get in we're making america great again

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>someone stop this man before he saves US Industry

You have to go back

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Wtf this guy is a goofball

Trump is a successful businessman. America will make great profits out of this. I am afraid cucked EU will lose.

Fine I will go kms Jow Forums-style

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t. eurotrash von angst

It's too late. You're all fucked.

soon as chinese bubble pops they will be ruined

perfect during a depression you can get really pissed off at the jews since they own the banks this leads to nationalism which lets us take the jews stuff and redistribute it to the people aka socialism

commies get socialism but they have to have nationalism to get it

I want Jimmy Carter era double-digit inflation so that we can pay off this house quickly and fuck over the jew

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>Trump is a successful businessman.
He has to be successful to afford all these shills with VPNs.

roll for 911

Trump made a clever parody of Jews. Just like Trudeau parodies the cultures he visits. In this sense they are both like Sam Hyde.

dude how many times are we going to come out here and say that the stock market is a complete fraud propped up buy fiat currency and the plunge Protection Team

The deep state wouldnt let him fuck with big money like that if it wasnt all planned beforehand.

All the fuckers are in on it.

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I think Trump understands that if war were to happen, the US needs to be as self reliant as possible. Uppity chinks, niggers and retard Muslims are getting too jig for their britches. Hopefully he kicks the Jews in the nuts, too, but I think they're last. It might be why he's destroying the stock market, to move us out of kikey fiat.

What are you talking about? I am an innocent Trump supporter from cucked Sweden!

Have any of you watched that doc of Trump on netflix?

italians are NOT white

Up 1.78% this week and 12% this year. You faggots need to play the market like the kikes,do some research and find value in the companies they aren’t talking about.

Or just buy Facebook, Tesla and Apple like some normie retards.

>1 post by this (((SHILL))) ID

you know damn well who's really behind our $21 trillion debt, motherfucker

Who gives a shit about China. All they make is shit and they pollute and have no osha. What are they going to do? Start a war because we don't want to but their shit-tier products to support communism? Fuck them.

There is no value in the market because it's artificially propped up. It needs to come down. People have been acting like they're geniuses by putting money in and sitting on their asses collecting those sweet gains. Yet every time it comes down, the fed starts fucking around instead of letting true value rise.

Don't you anti-Trumpers ever get tired of being wrong?

Is your humiliation hardware disabled?

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I love this man!

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t. triggered triggerina

when you cut yourself off from 1.4 billion people as consumers, you win


>Trump made a clever parody of Jews.
By selling them his own daughter? That's my Donnie!


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Juan post ignore

t. paid minimum wage to post here

>buy their shit-tier products to support communism
do you even hear yourself when you talk or do you legitimately not know what communism is

>we need more garbage in our lives

china's fascist

i'm talking about the chinese market retard

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Pretty sure you're the retard, dipshit.

The thing this guy is forgetting, though, is that the US doesn't have the capability to manufacture everything here anymore. If we don't have ANY fallback for cutting off steel/oil/etc ready, we will be facing a recession. Not as bad as the ensuing global /depression/, but we're talking about 1930's America to a global 1930's Germany. Every single economy, except for maybe Japan, Brazil, and Russia, would immediately implode. Japan's decided to just ride the wave down, and nothing is going to stop them. They're banking on AI saving them. Russia and Brazil are the only other countries with enough natural resources, employment, and sustainability to maintain a relative standard of living. China is quickly depleting its resources, and gets most of its money from trade.

The net outcome would be like playing Civilization 6 and nuking EVERYONE'S trade routes. Like, the entire world. No more trade routes. Your only income comes from your already built up commercial hubs, harbors, and plantations. Don't have those? Well you're fucked. And China doubly so, since they're already facing down like 10 different economic bubbles + the shadow banking bubble.

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China - 1.4 billion consumers
USA - 300 milllion consumers

sure i am

Another great depression will be pretty great. Maybe the poors will finally realize their true enemy and the riots will increase.

i have come to the conclusion that between the 2nd amendment, electing trump, and declaring trade war on everyone that mutts deep down have a death wish

You'd think with all this trade war shit you'd have learned something about how China does trade. Fucking idiot.

China is still communist, though. If you didn't know, there are Special Economic Zones in China where capitalism is allowed. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, etc. Everywhere else is still communist.

Basically, China is 99% communist, except for their big cities, which supply 95% of the country's GDP, due to being capitalist.

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cry moar faggot
this is divine punishment

Yeah man why couldn't we just go down soft with the pedo elite still in power? Silly Americans, hehe. So dumb.

It's like Trump has strapped a suicide bomb to us, except it's actually a nuke and we have -99% nuclear damage equipment on. Everyone else gets exploded, and we only take minor damage.

Still not damage I want to take, but I don't think Trump wants to, either. I think he just wants to get China to come out and argue with us on equal terms instead of shouting at us from 5 stories high.

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China - 1.4 billion consumers
USA - 300 milllion consumers

i know enough to know that it's not the US who has leverage in this case

at the rate we are going many in the west will not have retirement savings anyway.

name one thing about china that's communist

>this is divine punishment
for you

I really fucked that up

They steal our shit and sell it for cheap. Goddamn, even watching fake news you should learn something.

>Redistribution of wealth
>Spying on citizens
>Having citizens rat other citizens out for not praising the glorious CCP
CCP, by the way, is the only party allowed to win elections in China, and stands for the "Chinese COMMUNIST Party"
>Nationalization of land
>Guaranteed housing that you can't move out of and is really shitty
>Everything is falling apart

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you mean companies handing over IP to gain a foothold in their market

i said communist. not fascist

Trump is good.

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That IS communism, though. Franco's Spain and Mussolini's Italy were nothing like China from 1945 until now.

So about that 1.5 billion consumers buying our, I mean, cheap knockoff Chinese shit.....

>is that the US doesn't have the capability to manufacture everything here anymore

mate US manufacturing IS higher now than in the 70's

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Most jobs are lost to automation, they aren't coming back.
>trade wars are easy to win

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Consumer demand is also much higher. Plus several key factories have shut down and/or moved over seas.

And also a large percentage of it is automated. Machines are going to replace ~7 million jobs by 2022.

t. not paid at all

> no funny tabs in the screenshot
you had one job user
anyway most of the gains in output according to your graph was in the 90s, the manufacting jobs collapsed in the 2000s, which is also when china became a WTO member
and other industrial countries (germany, japan) did not lose jobs as much as we did even though automation was there too. 20% of germany still works in manufacturing, in us it's just 10%



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nice, theyll get a beautiful ruby ridge special