How do we stop the coming corporate technocracy?

How do we stop the coming corporate technocracy?

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Say no to neurallink

We can start by not encouraging such kikery on our side.

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Internet should be regulated like a drug. It shouldn't be used at all by the young until their brain finishes developing.

I agree with this. The internet is turning people into autistic hermits. I'm 26 and this has happened to me because most of my childhood was spent on the internet.

Make our own AI God.

You wanted more control from government and you was pushing MUH GOOD STATE. Now eat what you deserve

A new form of Sermon.

This is a message for the science worshipers and borderliners...

>you hate vile people
>Podesta repulses you
>spirit cooking exists

Well it's time to become a crusader and join Gods Army!!!!!
>fight these demons in the consciousness of the world and you will become righteous through King Jesus the Alpha and the Omega

Build the TempleOS AI

Chad Buddhist vs virgin christcuck.png

The real term is Fascism

indeed, internet is akin to taking drugs constantly add in porn and ur brain is #rekt

>Feel the Bern 2020
Break up the corporate monopolies

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I agree. Then we can work our way slowly into Communism (the good ultra-Socialist kind, not the tanky kind).

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Nasim showed us the way.

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In my 30s and this place and Drudge Report have long since rendered me into a Pavlovian creature. My eyes are fucked. Like drugs, the internet really fucks up certain types of people. Ironically, Facebook and Insta is my why I hate socializing with new people, 7/10 of whom are obsessed and dulled. I just prefer uncut spontaneous info and discourse, but it's like a rip tide. I've tried to quit this place 8 times in two years, the longest I made it was 17 days, about the same as porn. And most of my reading material is Jow Forums tangibly related, and any affinity for movies is a dimming tunnel.

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HOLY FUCK, you actually know about Yudkowsky?! Awesome.

That could go really wrong though...

Possibly the stupidest smart person alive. Once reasoned himself out of exercising to lose weight.

Rationalism, not even once.

George Soros can help us.

Attached: Soros-facebook-google.png (640x743, 284K)

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By understanding that society goes first, capitalism is secondary and just a tool of society. When it doesn't work well for society we should regulate it. But to achieve it we need a conscious population, and I have no idea where to get one.


lol,he wants them removed because there is still too much free speech on these platforms

proliferate adblock

>the coming corporate technocracy
>implying western society hasn't functioned as a corporate technocracy for the last six decades at least.

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With GNU/Communism

lmao bitch, """capitalism""" IS society. do you produce your own food or manufacture your own fuel or construct your own shelter independent from the limitations and mandates of the global corporate state?

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Here's another book you won't read that makes a compelling argument that western civilization has functioned as a state corporate technocracy since the end of WWII.

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As soon as tech gets implanted inside our bodies, it's all over.
This is not far off. The next generation born will probably have cell phone contact lenses and bloodstream nanobots cleaning their blood and eradicating all disease.

Jesus Christ. And I thought my life was shit.

Man, this 100%. Fuck having laws and shit too. We all just humans and shit, you know?

*hits blunt*

I know, he's such a character.

>Jesus Christ. And I thought my life was shit.
Haha nice.

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How many Jow Forums istinians like less wrong / ssc etc

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he'll go down in history as writing the most popular fan fiction of all time and not much more probably

(((Google))) is about to be smashed into a thousand pieces and scattered into the wind.
JFK would be proud

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There is no stopping it. Here comes the dystopian cyberpunk age, faggot.

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>We're already in the dystopian era
>Germany firmly in the Matrix
so much fail in your post

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>When the left is cannibalizing it's greatest ally
Are you communists really that stupid?

>mfw America "rescues" Europe again

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Your "help" in WW2 banned half of Europe behind the Iron Curtain for 60 years.

I think we're already in a corporate technocracy. The levers of control have simply moved from print media and tv to online. The fact that we've identified the problems with fb, google, and twitter and people are talking about it is a good thing. Step one is always awareness.

worth it to put the german people back in their place

Can't wait till China buys you up in 30 years. Amermutts of the future will be the new Chinese worker bees.

Hopefully its to celebrate pulling out of Syria and Ukraine and Eastern Europe.



Fucking German think there will be a central banking system in 30 years

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