Nasim OC #6

Attached: fbb404df73d75757e2ff6fccf1becb1def882de1fd875d4383f924d8ffefb63f.jpg (768x511, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:!aNUnHZxQ!UCLQFkYD9fAN4QY7ni_9WQ!Tc12jT5Q

got a ban from /qresearch/ for overposting Nasims

Attached: nasim ban.png (818x755, 118K)

Attached: autism.jpg (1414x1337, 407K)

Attached: 1522987323309.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

/bump/ for truth

Attached: 1522915905642.jpg (1136x1179, 265K)

KYS for shilling that tranny turdskin fuck

Does anyone have a good do you dare remix video?

the era of ron paul happening threads is over

nasim happening threads have just begun

Attached: NASIM HAPPENING.jpg (1043x1158, 268K)

Attached: guns.png (1400x1200, 1.41M)

Attached: 1523052604983.webm (1920x1080, 1.81M)

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/OurGirl/ RIP

Attached: #censorshipkills.gif (400x297, 3.11M)

Attached: the worst is yet to come.png (731x611, 876K)

Attached: do_u_dare.png (900x875, 972K)

Attached: 1523063084928.png (1043x1500, 89K)

I support this.

Attached: 1523050992761.png (1630x1808, 966K)

Does anyone have the DO YOU DARE song?

I have it downloaded in mp4 but check You'll have to dig tho and I have yet to seen it in the files.

Attached: 1523072036667.jpg (508x571, 36K)

Im weirdly attracted to her.
I hate her stupid politics. I dont give a shit about iranians. I hate rabbits and dont give a shit about chickens. Vegans are annoying as all hell.

But shes stolen my heart.

Can you love a ghost Jow Forums?

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she scares me

Attached: 1523012126526.png (972x1440, 966K)

can someone do this one plz thx

Attached: 1516347783580.jpg (436x600, 50K)

What do you want done to it nazi friend?

change her face to nasim

Attached: chad stopping the beta uprising.webm (640x360, 1.15M)


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these motion pictures are the greatest gifts i can give

Attached: COMMIE BOOOOOOM.gif (376x278, 2.94M)

Attached: otoyo ymaguchi.gif (500x375, 1004K)


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Attached: ww1 doggo trix.webm (773x580, 2.77M)

>Run onto youtube campus
>Pull out gun
>Shoot three people
>Decide that's enough
>Kiss a bullet
Goodnight sweet princess

Attached: DemonetizeThis.jpg (1690x1523, 417K)

Attached: Puppers Loves Nasim.jpg (716x1024, 173K)

Attached: for you pupper.jpg (502x1711, 306K)

i'm not very good in this type of image editing, but here it is

Attached: edit.png (436x600, 240K)

Attached: 1523070504932.png (2000x1325, 3.71M)

Does anyone have the link to the PDF of her cookbook?


Attached: Flow.jpg (1630x1808, 374K)

just in case you want cooking vids too

Stop posting this ugly sandnigger.

she was persian, not arab

Attached: mneroi.jpg (1863x1385, 1.09M)

>she was a shitskin B, not a shitskin A!

t. Ahmet Mohammed

You're bad at pretending to be racist, Schlomo.

Serious question (not /x/)
Have there been any threads positing this theory, and do any anons consider the plausible?
>the last three mass shootings have been dog whistles to elites etc that WWIII is imminent
>the Vegas shooting happened the day after Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. Soon thereafter powerful male Jews were ruined by the random ubiquity of MeToo, for months...until
>Parkland shooting, leads to overnight media sensation of David Hogg, a permanent Gen Z face and presence for anti-2A gun control, who seems incredibly rehearsed. Parkland shooting is at a Jewish school, in Jewish county, with Jewish sheriff. (Another huge mass shooting may lead to sweeping crackdowns)
>YouTube shooting, it just happens to be an Iranian meme machine. As tensions between Iran, Russia and the US escalate. And as YouTube is pressured to crackdown on gun videos and right wing views.

Just as 9/11 was a dog whistle that the Greater Israel Plan was kicking off, I am 50% convinced these last two or three mass shootings are dog whistles for elite Jews/WASPS. Nasim also reminds me a lot of Dylann Roof, in terms of so much styled photography with no one identified.

You know there have been other shootings in between...right?

Attached: Cruz.jpg (1096x616, 62K)