3 Hours 56 Minutes

38 49 39 N 88 25 28 W

Attached: triangulate.png (1440x1295, 2.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:




these threads are the most interesting thing I've seen on Jow Forums in a while. Much anticipation

what is it op?


Bad Self EATER?

Probably on a road trip and almost to destination

Whats with all those aliens drawings in the field user?

Bump. You have my attention.

What's there?

Attached: jaypeg.png (322x338, 232K)

Attached: Deep-Web-10-Creepy-Websites-With-Eerie-Stories-4.jpg (700x308, 49K)

>Q might actually be right about this one...

Attached: 159340589345.png (644x573, 68K)

Fuck the janitors. Fuck the mods.

There’s at least five faces in this picture

>This thread has been pruned or deleted.
>This thread has been pruned or deleted.
>This thread has been pruned or deleted.

Attached: CC7875D7-D201-4B3D-83C9-60F787EFF968.jpg (261x184, 23K)

In before......

Attached: OP delivery factory.gif (321x223, 1.99M)

I live 10 minutes from there, hope to find something nice

can I get a quick rundown was busy tonight

As long as you're in the area, do this one, too.

41.8781° N, 87.6298° W

Wabash valley seismic zone?

Attached: image.jpg (254x300, 17K)

i'm bored

Attached: 1522760765392.gif (900x1300, 600K)

>implying a leaf has insider knowledge about anything


Attached: 1503714125936.gif (275x206, 802K)

>38 49 39 N 88 25 28 W
some one check it out

>being led on

it’s happening


My intuition is telling me that these threads have the kike shills scared and whatever's happening isn't a kike operation because they never post shit like this. Usually when the kikes have a false flag prepared they will spam threads about UFOs or some shit the day before.

Body drop?

>38 49 39 N 88 25 28 W
(((Levi)))) road

The time for caution has passed.
Make the triangle.
Find the center.

I believed it in the first couple of threads but now in every thread the leaf is posting new coordinates. No happening.


Attached: 130657878909.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Dude, im not much into the larping threads, but you are doing a great job, keep it on.

Attached: 1516549284826.gif (230x290, 3.45M)

Attached: gptr,1400x,front,black-c,313,133,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.u6.jpg (750x1000, 63K)

>The time for caution has passed.
>Make the triangle.
>Find the center.
I'm too lazy
Do it for me?

What's this about? Can someone link?

live near there, i will investigate, trust me, i`m for real.


Attached: idshabbening.jpg (500x372, 136K)

It's going down

He's talking about triangulating with the other locations Canada user posted in other similar threads that got taken down quickly by them.
u know what to do.

how do I triangulate with only 1 point, OP?

gib other points


39°50'35.2N 105°25'39.1W


44°5625N 101°4129W

1289 kilometers easterly perpendicular

There were several threads, user.

Attached: evidence2.png (1500x220, 118K)


or just post the fucking center coordinates. this is getting retarded.

Attached: 1492381212824.png (1121x546, 1.41M)

Seven hours had coords that landed in the woods west of Denver. I should have saved the coords he posted. Second was an airbase in Canada, third was in the middle of the Gobi desert (China)

The HWNDU flag

Attached: Shit LeBed.jpg (272x186, 6K)

All the threads are taken down!
It’s happening in pollack down!
This thread has been pruned or deleted!
And yet the coordinates are repeated!
Q predicted, he depicted!
All the mods make threads restricted!
The sky will soon my blackening.
Newfags and Oldfags alike...
It’s Happening!

>Unecessarily complicated steps

Congratulations you discredited yourself

Are something supposed to be at this locations?
Or is something supposed to happen once the timer runs out?


Attached: gonein6.png (620x770, 408K)

Wow. That's some schizo-level pareidolia.

triangulate this leaf

Attached: 8DEAD84C-E0D6-4335-8E74-59234C759F10.jpg (350x350, 9K)

39°50'35.2N 105°25'39.1W



Screen cap or it didn't happen

One can only hope.

-76.055508, -135.925955

some of us aren't here all day mate, I missed it.

would this be the center?

Attached: center.jpg (1121x546, 314K)

they actually are getting taken down, but that could be because they have quickly devolved into this "quick triangulate the location and follow my clues" shit that screams larp.

anyone map it yet? And wtf type of happening are we talking here?

Really? That's exciting!!!

39°50'35.2N 105°25'39.1W

49°53'31.4"N 97°14'13.9"W

38° 49' 39" N 88° 25' 28" W

Find the center

My body is ready.

That's my Mom's house

i live in lincoln, i'll drive over and tell you what i find out

39°50'35.2"N 105°25'39.1"E
Were the Chinese coordinates

no u

You use this with the other pinpoints and triangulate the true impact center for the upcoming nuke

Attached: 1507516613312.jpg (250x308, 24K)

Wow I feel dumb

Agreed, but I'll probably be up so whatever

a farm in the middle of kentucky

Because it's a leaf spamming garbafe? I dunno.

Wait seriously??

This some shit larp? Or is there finally going to be a HAPPENING!!..

argh laddies we found the coordinates to tha treasure onward we sail to the land of Illinois arrrghhhh

>41.8781° N, 87.6298° W
Chirac meet up when? As long as it's south of Commie County and west of Douche Page

This gonna be a sick party.

Holy shit that blue line goes right by my town! What are the odds?

38 49 39 N 88 25 28 W
second thread
39°50'35.2N 105°25'39.1W
third thread

don't have the first one. anyone?

Attached: center2.jpg (992x816, 228K)

Attached: bergur.jpg (608x547, 179K)

Remember last nights thread?
4 Trident subs left port
This is Cuban Missle Crisis level happening
The Cali island has pedo history
Epsteins island is kill

They are freaking out

3 hours

30 minutes

get there

Attached: depart.jpg (1440x1440, 243K)

Plausible. Some military shit in souix falls

Time to put on “Komm Susser Todd"

Reminds me of the triangle that Las Vegas was in before the

oh my

Attached: burger lover.gif (250x250, 487K)

>thread theme


>>Find the center

What if some dingdong waiting you there ?