We have decided to elect a Muslim mayor of Tokyo...

We have decided to elect a Muslim mayor of Tokyo. Now crime has risen and the number one name of male babies is not hiriro, but now muhammad. The people love this and in 2 generations they are replaced completely by muslims. They are locusts. They have invaded and will continue on to other Japanese provinces.
All the while the indigenous welcome their own genocide. They know its happening but are too pc to even question it.
As said, in 2 gens, its over. The indigenous allowed it and smiled along the way.

This is not happening in a fucking proud country like japan.

Where is this near complete? Say 2 decades?

Attached: 1791-004-1998D4C6.jpg (375x250, 21K)

Not one?

Burger flag but claims to have partaken in the Japanese elections. OK user LARP time is over.

Attached: 2787.jpg (768x960, 76K)

Fuck off gaijin. We're full.

Lol ty sir
I was talking about the GAYEST AND WEAKEST PART OF EARTH


Maybe if we are lucky it will happen today.

That will literally never happen. Japan is basically immune to western leftism. They aren't like us on a basic cultural level.

>basic cultural level
basic GENETIC level

They entertain Western liberalism the way we entertain the thought of taking shoes off when entering a house.

I wish I were joking.

I take my shoes off. What are you, some kind of savage?

> Wanting dirt on the floors.
America isnt gonna make it


>not taking shoes off
Americans are something else



you're just half japanese you cuck stop using that retarded way to spell it to make yourself feel special

haafu, god it makes me fucking cringe 死ねボケろくに日本語も話せねぇクセに

Still not as bad as your autism.

posting this attention twitch whore on Jow Forums


This is Tokyo Governor, Yuriko Koike
She is so strong

Attached: yuriko-koike.jpg (720x405, 41K)

>being this mad over a word
Well, I didn't even know the term until a couple years ago; born in Hawaii, I always threw the word hapa around more. Thought the terms haafu and double were pretty cool, actually.

People like you make it a bigger deal than anyone I've ever met lol

Attached: kekuna.png (572x496, 26K)

>half jap faggot making fun of autism

You inherited the autism from your whore mother.

She is super incompetent and lost billions of dollars senselessly delaying the transition from tsukiji to toyosu