Hinduism General

>What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Law. It has no known origin and no founders - it is a synthesis of various Indian cultures and practices from as early as 4000 BCE.

Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Abrahamic religions in that it does not have:

>A single founder,
>A specific theological system,
>A single concept of deity,
>A single holy text,
>A single system of morality,
>A central religious authority,
>The concept of a prophet.

Hinduism is neither polytheistic, monotheistic, trinitarian or henotheistic, yet it is all at the same time.

The development of Hinduism was influenced by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occurred when light-skinned, nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India (circa 1500 BCE) from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of Vedism. These beliefs mingled with the more advanced, indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus valley culture."

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n3/mode/1up

>Political significancs of Hinduism

All the decadence of the world today has been predicted by Hinduism.


Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
>At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

Kali Yuga with regard to human relationships

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will take vows and break them soon after.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
>Teachers will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama(lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.


>Introduction for westerner

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n3/mode/1up
>Bhagavad Gita









>Ramayan anime

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So is it really kicking off on a couple hours?

I like Hinduism, I like Europeans paganism more. But I like Hinduism

What benefit will embracing Hinduism have for me? As much as I enjoy conjecture about spirituality and religion my primary focus has always been grounded in the material as that is all I have firm control over.

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Spirituality and religion aren't necessary two sepreate things atleast in Hinduism

I love India; you're Asia's cultural center.

What's the majority religion in Korea?

Good thread, OP

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jai shree ram. thanks for doing this op.

That doesn't answer my question. Let me simplify it; why should I embrace Hinduism over other religions?

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Mostly atheists to be honest. There are buddhists and some christians, though.

If you follow dharma you are Hindu; it doesn't matter what you think you are.

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You shouldn't embrace Hinduism over other religions, religion are a mark of this age their is only one religion and that's the truth

Is this due to communism or did people loose religion?


Slowly losing it. Buddhism used to be quite influential in the past.


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I know very little about the Korean peninsula, are you a Buddhist, what kind of Buddhism is the majority do they practice idol worship

I like nrsimhadev

le dinduism general

Le katua comeback

Alright, you snarky hosers, allow me to rephrase the question once more to your liking. Why should I accept Hinduism and it's philosophy over those of other worldviews and cultures?

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Because Hindu meta-physics are objectively the most defensible.

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Are you actually a gook?
Because the internet says SK is 50% Christian and all the Koreans I know are Christian and all the K-dramas and Korean films I have watched were included heavy Christian themes.

You shouldn't this isn't to convince you or anything, you should make your decision for yourself, for me the concept of dharma or duty is what draws me towards it my psychedelic experiences were in tandem with the teachings of Hinduism so i embarked on a journey to discover my religion and i found it to be the truth, your experience may vaty

Christianity tends to subvert the culture in such a way that it always comes out on top

Likely the closest we have to the truth when you really look into it.

Fair enough. I'll look into it more.

I appreciate the thoughtful response. I'll be adding something Hindu related to my reading list after this.

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Well yeah if you believe in Christianity, it takes precedent usually.

I meant specifically though that when Korean TV shows and Films seem to be made by a christian society.
For example every funeral in K-drams and Films has mad crosses everywhere.
If a character prays or is in need of guidence many times the have church scenes.

Where I am from we have a massive Korean population and nearly all of them are Methodist, Baptist Catholic etc and there are like 20-30 K-Churchs for every 1 K-Buddhist temple.

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Actually I was a born in a Hindu family user.My personal experience with the rituals and practices of hinduism has distanced me from the religion.I understand how rituals vary in different regions but almost everywhere idol worship is common.We are a poor country and honestly I'd rather see the funds spent on temples and the daily rituals to be invested elsewhere(the same goes for other religious structures).I've always been repulsed by the uncleanliness of most of the temples I've visited.I've seen people stuff food in the face of an idol in order to appease to the god that supposedly resides within it.In a malnutrition stricken country like ours that's a luxury we simply cannot afford imo.

To get more traction with these threads you should draw out the similarities between the old European pagan religions (especially Celtic polytheism) so as to appeal to the modern day pagans in the west and those in general who are fed-up with the Judaised west we find ourselves living in today.

I have for sometime thought western pagans need a system reminiscent of the Smarta tradition within Hinduism whereby many pagan pantheons of old Europe could be brought together and accepted by all as different manifestations of the one God. Just as Smarta provides the option of worshipping one of five chief deities as ones preferred Ishta-devata with the understanding that it is no superior to that of the other four deities, it is just the manifestation/personality of God that most appeals to them and thus will be more conducive to worship and devotion to.

My thought was to have four pagan pantheons of Europe and the Hindu pantheon included within a Panchayatana Puja structure. Underlying this would be an acceptance of the nondual truth as taught by Adi Shankara.

Bhagivad Gita & Mahabarata
The beauty of Hinduism is there is no way the are wrong.

You tell a hindu there is only 1 god, they agree.

You tell a hindu there is an infinite amount of gods, they agree.

All conscious beings are god, so there is an infinite amount of gods and only 1 at the same time.

They pretty much can't be wrong in general unspecified terms.

Temples feed million for free every day, religion is the glue that holds civilisation together


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we could triple that number if we invested the money spent on temples on state funded feeding centers.

It is very well worth anyone who isn’t a degenerate nihilist or spiritual noob’s time to study up on Hindu doctrine (there are many). I feel like traditionalism of guenon and Evola have helped adopt many Hindu beliefs, which blend well with Gnosticism, hermetism, early Christianity, neo Platonism, etc. which are more or less what the ancients actually believed and not what we thought they believe. And those truths haven’t changed. We are just ignorant and oblivious today.

That shouldn't be tour first read if you are a western, and as most translation in the west are taken over by iskon you should be vary of the translation you read

>You tell a hindu there is only 1 god, they agree.
>You tell a hindu there is an infinite amount of gods, they agree.
>All conscious beings are god, so there is an infinite amount of gods and only 1 at the same time.

Sounds suspiciously like Postmodernism

Postmodern philosophy is a bad perversion of ancient Hindu thought.

Hindus "worship" consciousness, which has many manifestations. That is also why consciousness-altering chemicals are often associated with Hindu philosophy.

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Temples are managed by the state not by private entities the money is procured either through donation or through the land allocated to the temple as i said your qualms with Hinduism are misplaced you cannot force people to donate to your cause, and secondly we don't really have a malnutrition problem grains are pretty much free for the poor you aren't drinking the reddit kool aid are you?

It’s not anything like post modernism but you show your ignorance on both subjects nevertheless.


>hindu metaphysics
They are the same as every pagan system and modern """"scientific"""" explanation of cosmology. Plato and Socrates can sum up all of hindu metaphysics and logic, and the theology is literally "we're all God, lmao"

>we're all god
That's not how it works; Westerners cannot into dharma; there is no honor amongst goyim.

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Kek, enjoy your kool aid.
If 40 percent of the population is under stunted where do they get the average data from, really makes me think, look into vitamin D deficiency in India farmers that work 8 hours in the sun have vitamin D deficiency the world community has a habit of writing hit pieces on India

I'm not Pajeet but from what I understand the only real frivolity in your Temples are the offerings and idols.

My friend's Mother just had a Vase or something made in Kerla out of 50KGs or .999 Silver just to please a deity.

It seems your temples bring people together and feed them.

I think they are a NET positive and just need cleaning and reform, I haven't been to India so this is all speculation, mind you.

>Sounds suspiciously like Postmodernism
Postmodernism is Satanism/Kikery/Nihilism/Communism

Hinduism is about understanding.

>Understanding that you are that which you seek.
>Understanding that there is a higher power greater than yourself.
>Understanding that that higher power is actually manifested by you and the rest of life.

Hinduism is so fucking deep, symbolic and metaphysical it makes most religions look like Dr. Seuss books.

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>implying every Indian hindu actually believes in dharma
No wonder our country is riddled with corruption

How is it a bad perversion when it's exactly the same viewpoint? Hegel wrote that India was a country without the Logos, so it's not surprising the Postmodernists, who've rejected the Logos, are not dissimilar. When you're wishy-washy about everything except the Truth (which is a pill too hard to swallow) then you get a stagnant civilization of street shitters

>Hindus fail to follow dharma
Krishna predicted this.

You have a good understanding of Hinduism, especially for a non-pajeet.

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>green peas

What the fuck does that even mean?

>reject logos & (((Hegel)))
Heidegger is a better philosopher and closer to the truth.

>hurr street shitters
If you want a substantial conversation then ask for one, if you want to meme for (you)s then ask for that.

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I don't doubt that Hinduism is deep and has a lot of good things we can extract, but see

Anyway it's late here so I'm out

>posts asking for a discussion of philosophy
>immediately leaves after posting
Not with dharma.

>pineapple lassi
How the fuck have I not thought of that.

There are definitely good Gurus to listen to etc but do you recommend any better books on Hinduism?

Both the BG and Mahabarata have some seemingly good translations and many I assume are shit.

I'm an Autistic, Incel, Xenophile with an IQ at the highest end of the spectrum and a disgust for the mundane and shallow.
I read 1-5 books a week and speak several languages.

I'm not bragging, I just try to be very informed because it is the only think that seems to give life meaning.

>Krishna predicted this.
I think you mean:

>K predicted this

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Brahman = Atman
I know how these philosophies work I have read many books and scriptures. The whole point is to destroy karma by "detaching" yourself from the fruit of your actions so that you end samsara, even though you really are the entire world experiencing itself. That's pretty much all of hindu thought.

Their healing systems and hatha yoga used as promulgated by people like iyengar or Baba Ramsey used as excersize are unironically great; but their philosophy is junk.

>tfw only speak one language

You're just parroting back what you've heard/read, you haven't grasped it yet.

Karma is the metaphysical dirt you attach to your memories purely because they are yours. The fact that you are merely a reflection of the universal consciousness and not at one with it is what creates karma, because your understanding of the universe is clouded by your own perception.

The composite consciousness, the reality stitched together by all individuals, is what creates dharma. When you have absolved yourself of the differences between your perception and the perception of the universal consciousness, you are free of karma and have achieved moksha.

Detaching yourself from the fruit of your actions is necessary but not sufficient to end samsara.

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>believing hegel

The problem with your analysis and Hegel's is they are shallow and vapid.

India is not one country, Hinduism is not one religion, Indians are not one race.

India is hundreds of micro nations, practicing thousands of religions across scores of ethnic groups in thousands of languages(including dialects).

Saying all India X, will be a false statement 99.9999% of the time unless that statement is some like All India is in the Hindu Sub-continent or All Indians breathe air.

Sleep tight friend.
What would you prefer?
I eat veg so my choices are somewhat limited.
Any recommendations?

Get on my level scrub.

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>Is the most ancient religion to exist
>similar to postmodernism
Are you retarded?

Redpill me in ISKCON. There's an ISKCON place near where I live I heard there's free food.

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Probably, what's your point?

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They give out free vegetarian food and sing songs; they are ok people but their understanding of Hinduism and the philosophy they espouse are contradictory to dharma and a syncretic fusion of Hinduism with Christianity.

It's worth going for the food at least once though.

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>tfw only speak one language
No excuses bish.
Start now.
What language do you want to learn?

I'll tell you how to learn it quickly and effectively.

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Are you the same Chutiya who thinks that a school/hospital should be built instead of Ram Mandir ?

the soy levels in that picture is off the charts

Japanese; I studied abroad in China and learned characters but not enough to be a fluent reader and have no experience with katakana.

I said they fused it with christianity dammit.

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Sorry user, meant to tag

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Listen. Karma was the first thing that was created in this world. Karma is action and the making the world is an action which plunged every single aspect of existence into samsara.
Read some Dattatreya if you want to understand what Hinduism is without all the pagan """"philosophy""" on top.


Read more dude, you are judging something you don't understand.

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>Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world.
Hinduism was never an organized religion. It lack a unified text, unified belief system, or unified "church"

I want to learn German so I can fully appreciate the Führer’s speeches and books :) I’ve been starting with the basics on (((Duolingo))) for the past 4 months





What the fuck are you? Also Oral tradition is more solid than any (((written))) text

How long have you been into this? Which books have you read and how familiar are you? I understand these philosophies perfectly well and I am vocal about them because they are retarded. I'm not judging people who like this religion because they are genuinely nice and I understand the longing for God.

>karma is action and was created
We don't have a formal "creation"; stop reading the law book of Manu literally.

>karma is action
This isn't correct. Karma is like the dirt you get from walking as an action, it's not the action itself. Karma can be created from inaction as well, and even unawareness. For example, not being aware your father just died creates karma, simply because you weren't aware and then became aware. This is because karma is created by your own perception of reality being divided from the collective consciousness' perception of reality.

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But you're objectively wrong about these philosophies as you're explaining them and "the longing for God" is more apropo to Islam than Hinduism.

Just admit you are a shitposting paki leaf, please.

An oral tradition is even more nebulous and transitive. All Hindus can not even agree on holding the Vedas as sacred, let alone agreeing on oral tradition from pre-history. It's a simple oxymoron that Hinduism is plural and unified. I don't know why this hypocrisy is so appealing to New Age hippies that will throw away their lives to the allure of foreign mysticism, and next thing they know they're living in a commune and washing someone's Rolls-Royce otherwise they get put in solitary.

Man, listen to me, keep reading and reading. I have read many creation stories while I was into Hinduism. Look up day and night of brahman, it describes the universe being created and destroyed infinitely.

Read Tripura Rahasya and Ribhu Gita, you can find pdfs online. This is what Hinduism is trying to teach you underneath all the cool cosmologies and stories.

>people profiting off gullible individuals
This is not unique to Hinduism.

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See, their glorious unity can't even agree on a basic creation myth.

Have you read the Mahabharat or the Ramayana in your readings?

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How is ISKCON's philosophy contradictory to dharma and what elements of Christianity did they add?

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>this leaf proves me right
>basic creation myth
>the universe being created and destroyed infinitely
>We don't have a formal "creation"
Everything that's been said is entirely consistent; you just don't speak English well.

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I've linked the book recommendations in the op a
I generally prefer home cooked vegetarian food i'm strict non vegetarian when I'm outside

I assume you know how to torrent, if not watch a youtube vid on how...

Pimsleur Japanese(90 audio lessons 30 minutes a day and you will be functionally fluent)


A video course from the 90's with e-books


Below will help you with reading/writing

MEGA PACK OF 37GB of Japanese resource:

Find in building classes after you have some grasp of speaking.

Look up youtube and podcasts about learning Jap.

And Unironically watch a FUCKTON of ANIME and listen to J-Rock pay careful attention to the words and learn to sing a long.

Steam also has Learn Hirigana and Learn Katakana games.

Kanji is the biggest obstacle likely in the language but if you lived in China it shouldn't be that bad.

Please inform me on how china was and any tips or trick I am considering going and teaching English there soon..

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They overemphasize Krishna as the sole aspect of god and theologically equate him with Jesus, including the overemphasis on bhakti yoga as a pathway to nirvana because it fits very well with traditional Christian salvation through acceptance of Christ.

It is contradictory to dharma in totality, at least according to me, because I disapprove of proselytization and I think the current age does not benefit from advocacy of bhakti yoga; it enables low-worth individuals to be "spiritual" while not accomplishing their dharma or benefiting society.

Individuals should find their own dharma as a matter of principle and finding one's true purpose & dream. There are many paths of yoga and bhakti is just one, it is not superior nor should it be overemphasized.

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Is Prabuhpada redpilled. I downloaded all of his translation of the Simrad Bhagavatam. If I read it will I be psyoped?

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Do your young girls still fuck trees?
And do you know about Maitreyi, Eliade?

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I was in China in 2010-11 under Hu Jintao, I hear it is somewhat different now.

It's mostly the same as other Asian countries on the street/day-to-day level. People are friendly but caught up in their day-to-day affairs, Beijing and Shanghai people are aware of the larger world outside of China but it's an afterthought. More rural provinces like Sichuan and Yunan are different, people looked at me like a mythological creature. I figure not many pajeets make it to interior China.

It's very enjoyable overall and the average Chinese person is friendly but naive, kind of like an American. Haggling in street markets is different, there they are just like the rest of Asia and will fight over a penny.

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I've read B.G from mahabharat but not ramayana. I didn't like epics, my main interest was yoga, vedanta, and directional treatises that straight up tell you what is "going on" but I am telling you.... Read TRIPURA RAHASYA and tell me that it does not fit with The Bhagavad Gita.

thanks fren

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