Top 10 most fertile nations according to the World Bank

Top 10 most fertile nations according to the World Bank

>1. Niger
>2. Somalia
>3. Mali
>4. Chad
>5. Angola
>6. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
>7. Burundi
>8. Uganda
>9. Gambia, The
>10. Nigeria

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Kek fertile nations? Just because you can’t afford birth control and the only dopamine hit you get in life is sex does not mean you are fertile

gotta keep making fresh babies to cure the aids

Niger so nice they named it twice?

That's only because of christcucks and Western foreign aid keeping them alive

Even Chad as a country acts like an asshole. January at like Chad irl.

The future is female (black)

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fpbp, well played leaf.

Lol so now the black man embraces his women after the white man beat it into his head how pathetic he is. Niggers always do it to themselves

yes poor countries have high fertility rates.

I would unironically increase western foreign aid if i could

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>what is the demographic transition

Jesus, that webm is all i needed to get off Jow Forums for the night

that webm is a great metaphor for the future. the white race, as a whole, will be fewer, elderly and in mental and physical decline. easy prey for the more numerous, younger and aggressive black race. aside from nuclear war or a pandemic run wild that collapses global society i don't see this trajectory changing. i am depressed.

You just gotta go with the flow, user

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Unfortunately, nature isn't that smart...

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Even black men don't want black women. They are the most shunned race/gender combination on the planet.
Look at this shit, for instance. I see only three women in the bottom picture and the black woman is far and away the most hideous.

Sad that she’s easily in the most attractive .01% of blacks and she’s still only like a 3

If I didn't work and hung around all day fucking like lazy minorities do, this country would be more fertile

we're fucked

the black heart of Africa will reign supreme

we will regress back to prehistoric times

This beast is disgusting

nations of the world should cut any and all help to africa
more help leads to more niggers lead to niggers leaving africa leads to global niggerization

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Is your father as pathetic as you are?

Defeatist shill

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why are you such a butt blasted faggot?

t. nigger

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Data heavy video with mostly unbiased sources that talks about the population growth and where it is growing across the world.