Shills on suicide watch. Pray for POTUS and keep your room clean user.

>U.S. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Friday ordering the end of a policy, known as “catch and release,” in which illegal immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

>The memo signed by Trump orders the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with other agencies, to submit a report to the president within 45 days "detailing all measures that their respective departments have pursued or are pursuing to expeditiously end 'catch and release' practices." VERTISEMENT
As part of the order, Trump is requesting "a detailed list of all existing facilities, including military facilities, that could be used, modified, or repurposed to detain aliens for violations of immigration law at or near the borders of the United States."

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Its really, finally, happening.

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>cant stop winning

i love it

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Get those dirty fucking spics out of my country.

Praise Trump.

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The oven just got 10 feet wider

Thank you Trump


So what, are you going to kill them? Or just let them rot in jail and take more tax payer money?

Fucking Orange monster

I believe they stay in jail til their court date. Sounds very expensive desu. And what if there are kids idk

They'll be sent to black sites, user. You won't see them or hear them again, ever. You will never know if they are alive or dead, they will simply be "gone".

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so more satanist sacrifices.

>Fucking Orange monster
go walk into another country and see what happens to you

Who knows, they won't be clogging up the welfare or criminal justice system and they won't be walking around 10 fucks deep acting like they own you and the block you live on, so I don't really care if they die in satanic sacrifices, though naturally I'd prefer something not-satanic to happen to them, like simply death. Instant, painless, immediate.

>Or just let them rot in jail and take more tax payer money?
Keeping burritos in a cell for a couple weeks is immensely cheaper than giving their kids 12 years of free public education. And thats just one example of the many ways they leech BILLIONS every year from the public.

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He's got my vote

If he starts actually rounding illegals instead of giving Democrats everything they want, maybe I'll have some hope left for him.

Did Q predict this?

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Its a start.

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Why did this take so long

Get a load of this goy

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>Why did this take so long
Because the system is that rotten and we were really that close to becoming Bongland.

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This is a good start after he cucked on that spending bill, but hes got more to prove if he wants our faith back.

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Theyre going to hapoy fun time camps chaim, your people and party know all about putting minorities in camps

The system is rotten to the core
Also SCOTUS ruled last month that illegal immigrants can be detained indefinitely without bail

If he wants YOUR faith back faggot

Peak soyim


>Finally signs an order he should have signed on day 1.
Impressive. Maybe there will be a wall in 20 years.

Keep crying shillberg.

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How long before a federal judge forces DHS to enforce Catch & Release

You don't talk for anyone you fucking retard

Send them back to their shithole why of course el goblina

why would we leave where we're born you dumbfuck leaf. are you really too stupid to see he's just making sure the jail beds stay filled so prison and law-enforcement industry donors keep the cash flowing?

Hopefully, they keep the children there too so they stop overrunning our schools.

Is this for real?