Not what I remembered ...
Fahrenheit 451
Its not going to be a good adaptation is it?
pick one
to be fair, them burning the source material is true to the source material
Does it really fucking matter, he's just black, be grateful he took the time to learn to act instead of becoming a decrepid jaquandis.
But don't see the movie cause there's niggers in it seriously.
Meh, I mean granted we're all getting sick of Hollwyood casting nogs in everything; but it only really annoys me when they're casting them in parts where the character clearly should be white, like that BBC bullshit version of the Illiad where Achilles is a spear chucker.
From Wikipedia:
>The novel has been the subject of interpretations focusing on the historical role ofbook burningin suppressing dissenting ideas. In a 1956 radio interview,Bradbury said that he wroteFahrenheit 451because of his concerns at the time (during theMcCarthy era) about the threat of book burning in the United States. In later years, he described the book as a commentary on how mass media reduces interest in reading literature.
Either they try and make it true and it gets interpreted as against metoo and commies in college silencing speech, or they make norsefire running the book burning and one black man stands up to them in a movie based loosely on the premise of the book. Place your bets.
Theyre never going to stop casting niggers in heroic movie roles
Thanks for the laugh.
Dammit. If I didn't laugh I would cry.
We will never have a Lord of the Rings or Gladiator again.
We wus firemen
It's in some scenarios.
But you're right. They took blaxploitation, brought it back, and made it blaxsertation.
I just want my Jeanne of Arc to be white. Not much to ask. A wee bit of historical accuracy.
Isn't it a book about a dystopian future?
Why is this fuck in everything now?
>opinion discarded
>Michael Jordan.
Not as I remembered.
Yea, I didn't think he could act.
so what's it going to be about, evil Drumpfs censoring trans liberation literature?
This is hands down one of my favorite books of all time, and the adaptation looks like complete shit.
It seems like they're gonna turn Clare, probably one of the most important character besides Guy into some sort of fuckin love interest for Montag...
Wtf? Is it so hard to find a pale-skinned tween-teen actress with big round eyes that symbolizes innate, childish awe, wonder, innocence, and curiosity that whose aforementioned qualities prompts Montag to start examining the world he lives in?
Just look at the fuckin trailer. Hollywoodfied the fuck out of it. Looks like dogshit to me.
You're wrong my friendo, we will have remasterings of both. Maximus shall be a trans woman and sam will be a fat black in an open homosexual relationship with frodo, they will get married by Galndalf the Dragqueen and it's gonna be beautiful