Norm Macdonald talks Trump, PM Trudeau

Attached: norm.jpg (775x417, 37K)

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Did Norm get dentures? Why is he lisping?

Norm MacDonald is redpilled as fuck.

>didn't inherit his father's flinty intellect

wild turkey 101

Sounds like he's got the flu.

oic. hope you feel better

>old demented alcoholic degenerate has an opinion!
Seriously Jow Forums has no standarts

What a fucked interview

Thanks bro! Much appreciated. :)

he's a funny guy
and it's funny because it's true

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We let you in here so maybe you have a point.

yeh i don't know what it is about norm. He's not a good comedian. I just like him. He's someone It would be fun to have a beer with or something.

Norm MacDonald is a true jokesmith. He cultivates jokes the way we cultivate memes.

He was hilarious on Weekend Update on SNL. After he left it went to shit. I also used to watch the Norm Show, it was hilarious.

I can't find the webm right now, but Norm was joked about falling under the spell of Hitler's eyes, saying he's afraid he would join the party if he had lived back in 1930s Germany.

You can't be observant enough of the world to create jokes like MacDonald does and not become redpilled.

CTV reeks of Jew. That (((blond))) is a disgusting kike.

Where does Norm keep looking at off camera?

I think someone is giving him cues to let him know if he's coloring outside the lines.

you so funny

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that's his sister-in-law, have some fucking respect nigger.

did he stop drinking? he's on the ball in this one.

yeah, on his podcast he says he would be afraid of going back in a time machine to kill Hitler since he might fall under his spell instead. He has a few Hitler jokes, usually pretending to be ignorant of him and complimenting mundane features. It's all on youtube.

Can you help me find that video with the time machine Hitler joke? I can't find it.

Antisemitic ventriloquist dummy joke:

>Norm MacDonald is a Canadian

Attached: penn_jillette.jpg (300x400, 31K)

Norm is based
Pretty sure it's under "Norm Macdonald's best joke" on YouTube, look at the I'm not Norm channel.
Looking forward to his Netflix show

He's also pro-life, theist and one of the only (actual) conservative comedians
Got it, there's a 40 minute "politically incorrect" compilation also that probably has more, I feel like some may have been taken down since I last watched them.

I mean, Justin Trudeau is a real jerk

Thanks, but that's not the one. In the one I'm thinking of Norm talks about being afraid he'd join the NatSoc party if he went back in time.

>he's not a good comedian
you're right, he's a great comedian, one of the best actually.

I know the bit, it was a recurring one on his podcast. I imagine Netflix has pulled them in prep for his show but I'm trying to hunt it down.
Can confirm Netflix pulled his Hitler jokes, anyone got a backup? Also if you are norm please give me a job ty

just started reading his book yesterday, almost done already. very much written in his voice, and thoroughly entertaining. nothing political but there are some great insights on life in general, i find.