Jesus is coming back soon.
Jesus is coming back soon.
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catholic server /bkXHBgq
(((They))) think he's coming back to bless (((them))). It's time for Judgement.
The day of the Lord is at hand.
Please be real I want to go to war with atheists.
God not real
You'll see
false flag
Lmao @ christfags
Could the divine be a bit more clear with their messages?
Like just a sign popping up in air saying "be right back"?
You shall die in your sins.
sweden being so anti religion may be the reason it's been taken over by the sub-human rapist muslim hordes.
Jesus doesn't want blood. He wants us to forgive. Do you even know christian values?
>God will never appear as a giant face in the sky glaring down at the world
Why even bother.
This is why Christianity is a joke.
if he do so you can be 100% sure it's operation BlueBeam finally going on
jesus is a kike faggot and so are you
>Hide corpses of children you raped.
>Starts to leak.
>Call it Jesus.
Yea okay, I can't wait for this Pope to get publicly executed.
He was killed by kikes you stupid nigger. Look up the rothschilds oldest family bloodline. Fucking medkits are the dumbest bags of shit on here besides Leafs and meme flags
Go suck Allahs cock
I'm praying for you. :)
>implying christianity didn’t fail us in drivning away the muslims
Even now, the church gives 0 fucks, it’s just a scam for money
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
For you Catholics out there....This is fake until the Church completes an investigation and makes a ruling. More often than not these things turn out to be hoaxes.
The day of judgement is near, pray tomorrow on Divine Mercy Sunday for His mercy on the whole world.
I'm Catholic.
What does this mean?
Why would the kikes think he would bless them after they killed him? They also go on about how much they hate him. Is this just their hubris?
Bullshit. That's the cucked version of (((Christianity))). Jesus was no fucking pushover, and he sure as shit wouldn't allow his followers to be subjugated and abused by his enemies.
how public is this place usually? If someone faked it wouldn't they have been spotted by everyone else present?
It's spelled Jewbris.
>You could see there was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his wherever.
"Father, forgive them"
do whatever you like you kike worshipping nigger lover mutt and traitor to the white race.
Turn the other cheek and forgive me, faggot.
he was killed by romans you uneducated mutt subhuman
well if that happens it would be irrefutable evidence not so easily dismissed..also why doesn't god just whisper inside every mind on the planet while doing it (god sets the physical rules so he/it could break them right). Be a lot more clear than symbolic acts.
>Father, forgive them
>Except for when I need to cleanse the Temple
JIDF om high alert
I am your Lord and Savior! Kneel to me, for I have returned!
>It's time for Judgement.
>The day of judgement...
>"Father, forgive them"
1. Abortion
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said abortion is now acceptable
on this planet when solely desired by the embryo mother; there are too many souls on this planet,
and many new developing planets need old souls.
2. Birth Control
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said birth control is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the male and the female; there are too many
souls on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
3. Death Penalty
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said death penalty is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the jurisdiction; there are too many souls on this
planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
4. Euthanasia
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said euthanasia is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the body's owner; there are too many souls on
this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
5. Human Embryos
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said human embryo destruction
is now acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the embryo owner; there are too many
souls on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
6. Human Cloning
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said human cloning is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the donor(s): however; there are too many souls
on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
7. Marriage
GOD, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said marriage is not acceptable
on this planet; as I wrote at Mt. 22:30; for in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given
in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
the Father
Great another filthy kike in the world...
>somebody vandalized the church with red paint
>police close down the scene
>post that it’s blood on Twitter for internet points
>the Father
Fuck off Kike.
You dare question your Lord and Savior? You chance eternal hellfire?
The catholic church is anti-bible, anti-christ. The pope is a heretic, and the catholics are deceived.
Become born again in Christ, read the KJV version of the bible
another nordick cuck
i dont get it how they hoax it in jerusalem ON the holy sepluchre
that's like some terrorist blowing up mecca or something
Another brown criminal
No he doesn't. He's coming back with a sword.
He made his sacrifice.
He gave you your chance.
Now he's going to fuck the world up.
Thou speaketh falsehood. I had created one Church, a Universal Church for all mankind! Now enjoy the pits of hell for all eternity.
Good try lad but I'm white but your filthy kike in the stick actually was brown so haha.
We are Jesus sword you moron.
The world will be cleaved. Just watch.
Nah. You're brown. Criminal. Rapist. Sinner.
Theyre going to DNA test that right?
Probably pig blood
>implying we are not to join his army
>implying we won't cleanse this world with holy fire
>implying the father doesn't want us to stand side by side the son with the spirit flowing through us
Don't be so mean amigo or daddy jesus will punish you.
Typical catholic. The pope is antichrist
I'm not catholic you tard. And the pope is a huge pedo commie faggot.
That changes nothing I've said prior.
Threads like these are a good reminder of how batshit insane some people are.
>>the Father
>Fuck off Kike.
1. Abortion
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said abortion is now acceptable
on this planet when solely desired by the embryo mother; there are too many souls on this planet,
and many new developing planets need old souls.
2. Birth Control
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said birth control is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the male and the female; there are too many
souls on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
3. Death Penalty
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said death penalty is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the jurisdiction; there are too many souls on this
planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
4. Euthanasia
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said euthanasia is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the body's owner; there are too many souls on
this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
5. Human Embryos
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said human embryo destruction
is now acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the embryo owner; there are too many
souls on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
6. Human Cloning
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said human cloning is now
acceptable on this planet when solely desired by the donor(s): however; there are too many souls
on this planet, and many new developing planets need old souls.
7. Marriage
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said marriage is not acceptable
on this planet; as Isa wrote at Injeel 22:30; for in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in
marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
the Apostle
>Jews lie about everything, except for the religion they created specifically for the Goyim which teaches that Jews are literal slayers of aryan gods
>which teaches that Jews are literal slayers of aryan gods
that is not even remotely close to how the gospel actually occured
8. Dosomy
ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, said that he'd practticed the sodomy himself so is good and healthyfor the mutt man.
the cuck
Just a reminder that Orthodox Easter is this Sunday.
Are Drumpf supporters really this stupid?
Havent you read revelations, it is not a kind book, it is a brutal war.
Get your ass to church Sunday.
It's the deceiver.
Oh look its another christcucks babble about shit that makes no sense thread.
Go pray/talk to yourself or some shit while the rest of the white race is actually productive nigger.
Yes. Im going to a service.
>Sweden destroys their church with liberal ideas
>Sweden’s church reflects Sweden
>the church failed us
No Swede, your people failed your church and due to that your church failed your nation.
The church is in its core egalitarian, pacifist and anti-racialist
It also worships a long dead jewish warlord named yahweh
It's no coincidence that the best centuries for Christianity occurred when most of its followers were illiterate.
How come terrifying /x/ shit never happens when I go to church?
>Bleeding crying statues
I'm not even prottie scum.
Or illiterate to the language of the Bible at least. And I'd say it's more to do with the culture than the followers being able to read it.
I guarantee you couldn't read Aquinas, soyboy.
Would you really want it to tho? I'm not even practicing and if I saw a statue just crying tears of blood I'd nope.txt the fuck outta there.
End human slavery. Lets be openly defiant of any property restrictions.
christcuckery was started by Anunnaki empire, jeebus was Anu's soon. Stop falling for alien schemes fools they take advantage of our superstitious tendencies
what the actual fuck
can i get a quick rundown? why's there blood?
Best get /comfy/ lads, shit's about to go down.
Because Jesus is about to return, that's why.
Wrong, he wants us to repent and admit our sins as judgement is laid upon us
Well actually there was one time when I was looking at a Pio statue. There was a gap in the statue's glove where I saw the marks in his hand, but when I went up to it the glove was totally covering his palm.
It was probably lighting playing a trick on my eye, but it really freaked me out at the time.
To a certain degree. Christ loves all and extends His gospel to any who will listen, but the wicked will receive their just reward upon His return.