I... uh... don't know how to feel about this one...
I... uh... don't know how to feel about this one
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Based Soros
It's a fluke designed to distract you
Globalist does globalist things, more at 11.
all Jews need to burn
WTF I love Doris now
Huge difference between atheist, so-called Jews and traditional, religious Jews.
Israel would be flooded with Africans and Arabs if liberals ran the whole show there.
Israelis arnt kikes ggoy-guys I swear! Israel greatest ally not at all filthy yids. I-if you disagree it’s like anudda shoah
It's a Jew on Jew problem.
>Haha see? Soros is against me, I am on your side, goy
>I... uh... don't know how to feel about this one...
They are getting Sweden to take those refugees. Soros doesn't want them back in Africa, he wants them in Europe.
Stop replying to this bot thread, cocksuckers
fucking based Soros
>I... uh... don't know how to feel about this one...
Why? This is a typical move for Soros, as he's a globalist who wishes to see all races and cultures melted together. Whereas Netanyahu is a nationalist who wishes to have things separated. Did you think that because Soros is ethnically a jew, that Netanyahu would want to follow his plan?
Exactly, it has nothing to do with Soros supposedly trying to destroy Israel's Jewish character.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this damage control...
The whole Jewish conspiracy nonsense just took a huge blow.
>who wishes to see all races and cultures melted together
Absolutely nothing wrong with this.
One world, one culture, one nation. Hopefully one day one gender.
israeli jews are the good guys and globalist secular jews who mostly live in america and the uk and western europe are the bad guys
this is somert pol needs to understand,israel understands that if the nuclear powers of the world succumb to islam then islam controls their nuclear stockpiles and what do you think a muslim nation would do with them?
.00000001 shekels has been deposited into your joint JIDF/ShareBlue account good goy
>Gee, I wonder who could be behind this damage control...
Damage control for what? I clearly hate Soros, so I'm obviously not working for him. Am I supposed to be a jew who is against what Soros is for? And if so, why would you hate such a jew?
americans are stupid and think in black and white and dont see the grey.
they see them good jews bad,they dont see that there is 2 groups of jews one just wants a homeland the other doesnt want them to have a homeland and wants globalization the other just wants to be left alone to do its own thing.
Soros is globalist, Netenyahu, Adelson and many Orthodox are pro-Israeli Nationalists. They hate Soros.
Goyim are mad at Israel for sending dindus to Europe. Bibi is now claiming that it's all Soros' fault(not Israel's, goy) and part of his plan to destroy Israel's jewish character.
You're both retarded. A cryptojew is a jew who pretends not to be a Jew. None of the people involved in this story are cryptojews; they all readily admit to being jews. This is simply yet another case of liberal jews clashing with zionist jews. Both seek to destroy the goy by rebuilding their temple, but through different means.
He sold out his fellow Jew for money during World War II.
This. He's a globalist trying to globalize the world.
Why are you surprised?
This, not even reading the article is necessary here but reading the full OP + pic is just a tad too much for precum-summerfriends.
Jews have outlived their usefulness as a protection mechanism for Rothschild banking cartel?
Jusidasim isn't actually zionism/talmud/kabalah.
Judaism adopted these things through Babylon and the pharasies which Christ abolished.
The anti-christ is to use the spear of Destiny (the spear the periesed Christ's heart and side) in cutting his own hand in the third temple in Israel proclaiming himself God thus ushering in his death. Side note is that the irony will be that the spear of Destiny he thinks he has is in fact fate.
So, if this crap us even true (I do t think it is. Doris is trying to play Jow Forums and other opponents) the ultimate goal is to convert hardened Jews into the kabalah/Talmud into full Zionist ideals and to halt the growing Christian presence of Jews in Jerusalem. The majority of Jews in the country will take tithe zoros news and hardened their Jewish ethnic political geographical hold. This will have the Jews persecute all christians/catholics/orthdox even more to stop conversation from continuing.