When did you realize that whole (((alt-right))) movement is a fucking joke?

When did you realize that whole (((alt-right))) movement is a fucking joke?

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Since the start because these people will never acomplish anything as they did before.

Jesus Lord almighty. Was that written by a middle schooler?

How dare you insult the alt-kike goddess?

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most far-left and far-left groups consist of losers, jobless people, NEETs, and loners or ugly people, so I never respected them

angry people don't enjoy society so they want everyone else to suffer as much as they do

women have the minds of children.

How long have you been under the impression that thots are leaders?
You haven't even seen the beginning, user.

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There was never an alt right movement, the Alt right is just a Think tank. The Movement You speak of has No Name.

It never was real.


Oh, wow. That's written by an adult. A successful one at that. Now I remember why I don't try. Brilliant.

There is an Alt-Right movement. It consists of millions of Americans that no longer trust the media or their elected officials.
The "Alt-Right" tag is simply a scarlet letter by the old establishment, but we know who we really are and we're growing by the day.

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>Unironically listening to women
kys Vladimir

Do you trust the current establishment or the current elected officials?

"Old establishment." Who is that? Who is the new establishment?
This text makes it so obvious she's pushing a narrative and doing damage control. Of course nu/pol doesn't catch on to this because it's full of stupid 19 year olds. God, just fucking kill me.

>he thinks a cam-whore nationalist represents anything other than a pair of saggy tits

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Considering that left/right is a political false dichotomy, it's obvious isn't it?

when the media coined the term before the supposed "alt-right" did
I remember reading those early articles calling Jow Forums an alt-right shithole while at the same time browsing Jow Forums and nobody had the slightest clue what the fuck "alt-right" meant

when media is making up words you know its bad, when people adopt the made up words things are worse

>another thread claiming Southern is "alt right"
Southern denies shit, self-identified alt-righters deny this, more distant observers that use the term in a descriptive fashion deny this.

OP is a faggot. Southern is descriptively alt-LIGHT, but she doesn't self-apply the label.

Beyond that "alt-right" was being self-applied by many far-right thinkers for years before msm or these out of the loop anons heard of it.

When they let effeminate faggots speak for them

The Alt-Right is a for hire Think Tank, nothing more nothing less.

the "Alt right" movement was literally a bunch of gofundme and patreon faggots who cucked a bunch of know nothing losers like this board into donating to them

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>actually thinks Jow Forums is the entirety of non-neocon right-wing thought
Most of these faggots didn't know about Land, Moldbug, countercurrents, Jacobite, UR or NRx generally...that doesn't mean jack shit.

Jared Taylor was collaborating with the NPI before the msm or Jow Forums had heard of the NPI or Spencer. So what?

Sorry fags but if the first time you heard the term "alt-right" was out of Clinton's mouth, then you were an out of the loop faggot that spent too much time on Jow Forums.

I can't believe she actually published such trash and people are actually buying said trash

What movement? Alt right is just internet shitposting.

When Hillary Clinton was the one who popularized it?

M8 you just described all of Jow Forums

You are a Nationalist, You Just don't know it yet.

>When did you realize that whole (((alt-right))) movement is a fucking joke?
When I first visited this site.

When it got coopted by opportunistic kikes.

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I recognize you, Russian shill. Pic is not alt-right, it is just some right wing g edgelord, however these edgelords are at least on the right track.

I realized the alt-right was a joke when it BEGAN. You guys NEVER had good ideas, just reactionary bullshit.

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Not cringe. It's awesome.

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