This is completely sane.
Jordan Peterson
That's like covering your walls and ceiling with various faces of Mama Merkel to remind you how much she despises you.
I'm not a Peterson supporter beyond his defense of sex and gender, but he explains in one of his interviews that the art of this period appeals to him because the artists were heavily repressed and limited in style by their censors; Peterson was looking for any experimentation within the art and trying to imagine the artists attempting to break free of their limitations. It's cringeworthy but hardly insane.
oh he's fucking crazy isn't he?
It seems that he is.
>hanging huge redpills on every wall of your house and sitting there quietly while they stare your commie professor dinner guests in the face
Get on his level
nobody reads his book
Emmm, if you check Amazon, or literally any bookshop, you will be met with bad news.
I don't read his filth. It's laughable he has the time to publish anything with all the hoops he jumps through in his head just to arrive at the same spot he started at. Kermit the frog.
It's not even cringeworthy, kinda interesting desu.
Imagine being so autistic that you think collecting historical memorabilia in the form of art is "insane" because "you can just remember it inside your head".
I hope we meet soon
Great men don’t do things in halves.
Besides from a purely financial point of view it seems like a great long term investment
Why do shills fear Peterson so god damn much?
My extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia is just to remind me of how bad they were, honestly
>I have artistic renditions of third reich members and Adolf Hitler throughout my entire home. I dress up as him and roleplay that im gassing yids with my wife. I have a sonnenrad tattood on my back. Goddamn do I ever hate national socialism
I went into my local Waterstones (big chain here), to be met by a whole table of "12 Rules for Life" and a big sign saying he's one of the great thinkers of our time. The memes are leaking into real life again.
>Why do we need to make all these movies, books and public memorials about the Holocaust? Can't you just remember it inside your own head?
>tfw I got all the walls in my house covered in nazi art and propaganda
>mate asks me why
>I tell him I hate nazis and the holocaust was terrible
go clean your room bucko!
THIS asshole is calling other people pretentious?
I hate all psychologists but I hate kike shills like OP even more.
OP I hope you kill yourself painfully and soon.
Of the things you could criticize Peterson for you chose this?
5 star post.
It’s actually not. I own some North Korean propaganda but don’t support the regime or ideology. You can appreciate communist art and the significance behind it without being one.
Sort yourself, your projection is showing
along with a decent recipe for banana bread, your wedding anniversary and your Reddit password.
because he is an effective weapon in the culture war that makes points in a palatable and eloquent way that cant be dismissed with low level arguments the left is used to employing.
they do try, but its sad.
You guys are all dumb gay niggers.
If you covered your whole house with post stamps I would think you were insane too
Someone has to do a “when it’s time to clean your room” meme about this
Used to think like you but all Peterson (along with his other Heterodox buddies) has done is create a more intellectually rigorous bluepill than the standard. He's dragging down disaffected liberals (like the qt Lindsay Shepard) into another Plato's cave when they otherwise could have redpilled themselves.
>Be vocal about sjw insanity
> Buy up commie art to remind yourself of the danger inherent with this ideology
> RWDS start rounding fuckers up
> See walls in your house
> Tell them it's just to remind you of the danger
> Get killed
Set aside the autistic cringe pill linguo, that's pretty much the case, like this guy said
He seems to be really good at making people believe he's doing some amazing ideological and therapeutical work while simply digging deeper into the status quo. Not interesting by any decent standard, it's glorified stagnation, he's the TED of psychology
>Clinical Psychologist
>Collects examples of an insidiously attractive death cult from which to better reason out why it worked on gullible minds.
Oh yeah, totally insane. I'm glad someone like him is in the world to hold fast against lemmings that would all march off the cliff together.
Fuck yeah, lol.
>Stop converting my useful idiots reeeeeee
shit bots on 24/7 dmg control
It's not cringey you autist
I keep an 8 ball of cocaine all rocked up into crack on my mantle, to remind me that drug abuse is bad.
Same thoughts.