Let's talk about how Obama Made America Great Again by ending Bush's recession and making the United States a more diverse, inclusive, and socialistic nation.

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Fuck obama, he can die in a pool of hotdogs

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He’s a nigger too. That’s pretty awesome

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He was YOUR PRESIDENT for EIGHT LONG YEARS. :D Hopefully Kamala or Sanders will be the next in 2020.


Fuck off commie. I hate mods enabling you and your kind and banning more fringe rightists who would stoop your ads literally and with arguments in seconds.

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someday, plebs will come around on Obama.
he wasn't the greatest president of all time as some say, but he certainly wasn't the fucking worst either (the false god emperor easily has that position...no matter how ironically you claim otherwise, shitposters).
a decent president at best and a mediocre president at worst.

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Obama was such a terrible president I'm still not fully aware of everything he fucked up
I only started to tune in during the Trayvon bullshit in which Obama singlehandedly torpedoed decades of race relations with one sentence

it was a global recession you dipshit

You didn't even read your own picture. The Snopes page says it's false.

Yeah, I agree. He didn't handle everything perfectly, but he did lead us through tough times.

Fuck off, Obama was a massive imperialist and you can't be commie if you think Obama was a good thing. In fact most president's are just string puppets to corporate interests.
Also NAZBOL is better.

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not his fault when a bunch of butthurt right wingers were still mad their playground was taken away from a black kid after their lengthy party with Dubya, so anything race related was going to snap at any given minute.
that said, I don't think the GOP was expecting some fat slob was going to commit a diarrhea bomb on their playground upon getting it back and make it smell so fucking bad, they just can't find a way to clean it up without pissing off the petulant child to the brink of annihilation.
>inb4 "blah blah blah drones".
Trump's committing that same shit anyway, idiot.

How did Obama make America more socialistic? By creating a "healthcare policy" that directly benefitted predatory insurance corporations and penalized the poor for not being able to afford a plan? Or was it when we bombed Lybia and killed millions of brown people because our ally in the Middle East (you know, the one currently genociding Palestinians) wanted the region to be further destabilized? Refresh my memory.

Every night about Obama's Big Black Cock,I'd like to suck his thick cock and drink his semen.
Go Obama

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No he wasnt, maybe by proxy, but ijist niggers specially obama,iber i could take his ass ina fight

I only read like half a sentence and then decided your post wasn't worth finishing, but was worth replying to in order to type this
Hope this feedback helps!

>By creating a "healthcare policy" that directly benefitted predatory insurance corporations and penalized the poor for not being able to afford a plan?
you can thank the bastards at big pharma and greedy doctors for that.
Obama tried his best, but he got outplayed by truly wretched fuckers.
>Or was it when we bombed Lybia and killed millions of brown people because our ally in the Middle East (you know, the one currently genociding Palestinians) wanted the region to be further destabilized?
again not his fault. if you really like that fucker in chief we got right now and agree with his complaints regarding how rogue the various intel organizations in the government are, its easy to say Obama's hands were tied regarding the drone strikes too.

in that case, that greasy loaf of tumors isn't my president either.
neither was Dubya, but I was too young to vote during both his elections.

read the date, mate

I'm sorry, perhaps you're having trouble understanding.
I didn't ask you to run damage control for your magic nigger. I asked you to explain to me what exactly he did that made America "more socialistic."

Holy shit are you guys trying to sound this stupid on purpose?

He wasn't bad but wasn't great. The best you can describe him is America's first black president. How many real accomplishments can you even name?

It doesn't matter what I've done, its what he was capable of destroying while in that position which matters. For instance, zipperheads like you got all uppity under the magic nigger.

damage control? i'm just telling it how it is.
>explain to me what exactly he did that made America "more socialistic."
come the fuck on, man. Obama was a mildly conservative president despite his hip, progressive exterior.

OP writes:
>Let's talk about how Obama Made America Great Again by ending Bush's recession and making the United States a more diverse, inclusive, and socialistic nation.

So why the fuck are you talking to me again?


i see shlomo remembered this time to disguise properly

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The Nobel Peace Prize

>oh shit i cant turn every thread into the same tired country shit flinging
fuck off

YES we CAN get the rope for ourselves and steal because at the end of the day John Lewis, Eric Holder and I are just dumb niggers. Cant change genetics.

honestly, OP's post was obviously done in jest.
i'm just here to drop my own two cents on Obama.

Australia, i love and respect you for your bantz, but you are stupid if you dont see that those threads are ALWAYS made by memeflags

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I still cant believe we had a literal Kenyan Muslim with Hussein a middle name as president.

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>More diverse

How so?

Atleast Trump is trying to do away with illegal migrants.

What's so hard to believe?

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>Let's talk about how Obama Made America Great Again
by ordering more executions than all other presidents combined?

gee what a great guy, he killed more individuals than all other presidents combined total

Obama has the top score for kills

>What's so hard to believe?
there was that nigger Hussein who was the nation's greatest enemy for a second, just shows how moron the average American is

Deus vult, faggot.

Obama did more than any president ever has for transgender people. I’m trans and I love President Obama. He is the greatest of all-time imo. Hillary would have been great too.

got any redpill or source on that ?

FOIA request

Probably not.

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