The hypocracy of feminism

If all bodies are OK, then why do feminists always attack the hourglass figure as "sexualized"?

Have they actually thought of women who have hourglass figures?

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Don't try and bring logic into this.

No, of they cant have a nice body nobody can, there fore every hot girl is evil product of male programming in society

Logic and intersectionalism go as well together as slavs and kebabs.

Stop logicsplaining.Logic was created by men and cannot acurately reflect women expirience

it's envy. the hourglass figure is objectively superior.

They don't attack the hourglass figure, they attack the showcase of it in the media as a sexualized ideal.

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>Have they actually thought of women who have hourglass figures?

They've never met one

well now you know there is a considerable subsection of the feminist movement that if only feminist because it's an organized way to bring better people down to the level of some of the shitstains who espouse that view.

Women are incredibly insecure and jealous of one another.

a man that truely understands women

Don't doubt it.
>Diet obsessions
>Stupid questions about how she looks or if it looks good on her
>Movements to tell her she's beautiful no matter what
>Salty over rating women on a scale
>Salty over men enjoying porn
>Salty over men aknowledging the beauty of another woman on an irrational level
>Thinks you can't love her if she's ugly despite this
>Thinks you must be lying about how you think she looks good, but at the same time wants you to tell her she is so perfect
>Salty over you are honest about how ugly or average she is despite all of this

Are all women like this?

>Are all women like this?
Jow Forums just looks at the world throughout
heavily distorted distopyan lenses
its the end of the world as we know it every day


>implying 95%+ of women are not exactly like that

they hate men and anything that gives us pleasure. also, man-hating dykes don't have curves because the same hormone imbalance that didn't feminize them also gave them dyke brains.
furthermore, why do you give a fuck what some carpetmunching piece of shit thinks?

Because the bullshit they spew actually affects people, and we don't need that happening.

You'd care a lot about ______ if you lived in an environment in which all your social power depended on ______ and people demonstrably didn't respect you if you lacked on ______ .

I mean, the entire incel lunacy over looksmaxxing, SMV and the dangers of roasties being able to choose is what happens when men start being judged 1/5 as harshly as women over their physical appearance. They chimp the fuck out.

Here, have some la creatura Samus.
Look at that hand.

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Just don't be lacking

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They are threatened by another woman wearing the same outfit as them at a party, so being threatened by a fictional character should come to no surprise to anyone
They feel that because they are more emotional that their emotions are more sophisticated/validated so when they say a perfect woman makes them 'feel' inadequate they 'feel' someone else should do something about it
if a man, just for the sake of argument, said the same thing about HeMan he would just be shrugged off as some oversensitive cuck for having the exact same opinion

They used to be judged on other things, they gave all that up for muh empowerment.
>inb4 no they didn't
Commitment, motherhood, teaching, homemaking (warmth and love felt in a home), cooking, making/repairing clothes, cleaning. You know running the microcosmic world of the family unit, while the man worried about the macrocosmic world of the family unit. They choose to become wage slaves like us in order too... I don't really know anymore seems like they played a losing hand. They're entire lives are just about wage slaving for vapid materialistic desires to promote the last thing they have left sexuality. It actually must fucking suck to be women nowadays.

squeeze the neck

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It's just repackaged marxism.

>Hourglass figure is desireable.
>You can't be better than me by any fair metric.
>The world is conspiring against me.
>Hourglass being sexy is a conspiracy.
>All bodies are beautiful means equality
>This means I have to take skinny bitches down a peg
>And drag everyone down to my level
>Eat the rich

Yeah, they used to be judged on how much they dedicated their entire lives to serve men, but now that they moved on to something else, they are being judged more for the passive ways in which they can still serve men. Because, apparently, men can't see women for anything other than fuckdolls who bear and raise children, do the chores and decorate the place all along.

When people truly serve one another, and in following the natural order, there is balance.