I don't get it
I don't get it
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See, the reason that the flags on their shoulders are backwards is that, if you had them marching forward, the flag would be oriented in that direction. It's symbolic.
I hope that clears everything up. :^)
Retarded gopnik, its to celebrate togetherness
wait, is it a Selma reference?
I thought Trump was a racist?
forgot pic
Why not put the flag on other shoulder
On border patrol I legally shot and killed 4 Mexicans during my 6 years of duty. How does it feel knowing I’ve killed your cousins, and our government put a body bag over him, and then flew him away in a helicopter to probably be dumped into the ocean?
It's on both. It's only backwards on their right shoulder.
Gay black herpes ridden puss wort fear the wall.
shut up you potato nigger
We leafs are master trolls or just retarded.
I'm going with the latter
le 56% wall.
this. so gay and cheesy. has ben garrison abandoned libertarianism completely and gone full drumpftard? i mean that is when he isn't doing natsoc comics of course.
i hope you get banned for crossposting your stupid thread everyday
Man, if he doesn't even state what part of the pic he doesn't understand, especially with how much media coverage the whole thing has gotten internationally, then he forgoes his chance of getting a serious reply.
Securing the border is literally one of the ONLY LEGITIMATE RESPONSIBILITIES the government has. The fact that it's such a fucking struggle, politically, is really damning.
If only the army had uniforms that aesthetic
>2 spics
>2 niggers
>2 whites
Really nigger.
This shit is getting hard for even normies to ignore
We all know CADPAT is the best.
i agree with all of that, i just thought the comic was a bit lame.
americans are easily to trick, and believe in voodoo. its not like washing your favourite sweater for football during playoff season
you cant get shot if the flag is backwards on the right shoulder
Someone needs to post the original.
I can make an edit if you want, I don't have anything better to do
I love how this genius tweet about him being smart completely trolled leftists.
Trump really is fuckin smart.
It's hilarious.
Every since ancient times, military was used to guard borders.
Open migration is a myth liberals thought up.
Migration was never free.
>Toll roads have existed for at least the last 2,700 years, as tolls had to be paid by travellers using the Susa–Babylon highway under the regime of Ashurbanipal, who reigned in the 7th century BC.[2] Aristotle and Pliny refer to tolls in Arabia and other parts of Asia. In India, before the 4th century BC, the Arthashastra notes the use of tolls. Germanic tribes charged tolls to travellers across mountain passes.
>bolt a scope onto a crowbar
>Canadian sniper rifle
Гappиcoн yжe eбaнyлcя и пoлнyю пapaшy pиcyeт...
We’re actually going to build military bases on the boarder
It’s about damn time
actually kekd, gw
I believe that most white Americans are mentally ill psychotics that fight and die for their Jewish masters.
I'm glad I live in a country surrounded by ocean. All I have to deal with is the government legally importing shitloads of Chinese, Indian and Arab immigrants.
Then why live in their country built by them?
keep telling you that...
I prefer men with guns more than walls. Could be a lot of fun.
Combination of both is best.
No, it's not ,you dumb cunt. Fucking leaf, seriously, why aren't you guys banned yet?
Thats a very diverse army
he will send military to the south border, what's not clear about that, thread baiting Schlomo?
Ben is to date is only person whose life has improved because of Jow Forums.
I like Trump but what a talentless hack.
The nigger on the far right of that photo shops at the Whole Foods across from the trendy Ponce City Market in Atlanta. Guess he overcame but still can't shut up about how awful life is for blacks.
>Ben is to date is only person whose life has improved because of Jow Forums.
Nope, Notch and the guy that made FNAF are also literal billionaires because of Jow Forums.
Dammmmmmmn. That's savage.
>Jow Forums will never make you billions
Why live?
holy shit
>Nope, Notch and the guy that made FNAF are also literal billionaires because of Jow Forums.
never heard of this. Explain
Notice how naturally diverse the all-volunteer military is under Trump?
/v/ had a large part in Minecraft's early popularity. That's why one of the text bubbles on startup is "thanks, /v/"
Because that's what the faggots in the chair force do. The Army can't afford to look like a bunch of pussies, so we put in on the other arm.
Because you carry the flag into battle. When you earn a combat patch it goes on your right shoulder. Left should just gets a unit patch.
Nah. It's easier to send the troops somewhere else once the demoshits are back in power. Tearing down a wall requires more money to be spent. Then again it fits their "shovel ready" jobs mentality. The demoshits also hate the military and will use any reason to downsize or fuck it over.
i love it how 3 of those soldiers are subhuman
so accurate
>56% wall
You can call Trump a jingoistic nationalist, but only skin color obsessed libs project their own racism onto others. All illegal immigrants regardless of race need to be kept out
And they regret it immensely.
the fuck
Mestizos can't build a society themselves, they have to find someone else to leech off of.
This is the real version.
the Stephen King one is perfect
What's the problem here?
I didn't pick up that as being a reference, I don't think there's a lot of subtext in this one.
I don't get it. Who is the guy in the middle and why is he with so many Usa?
I would just like to point out that Mexican immigration is at its lowest point since 1971.
You people are getting worked so hard it's hilarious.
That dude is a tragic waste of talent. He's a good writer but most of his books are pure degeneracy. He has a few writings that aren't horror which show what he could have been if he resisted the tempation to glorify evil.
Don't you CTR fucks ever get tired of your shilling? Stop editing the originals and go home. The election is over, you lost.
Immigration levels are dropping because the US is becoming less inviting to them, Scholmo. If the givernment starts taking an anti-immigration stance as opposed to the gibs approach of the last decade, the beans start becoming more afraid to walk across the border.
>I don't get it
They're making a "human wall" in that picture.
Reminder: Gas all Jews.
Not real, the mountains aren't labeled.
I found the original guise.
It triggers me with artists draw US military without researching their gear, uniform, and weapons.
They all look like garbage in this pic.
Because you render a salute with the right arm.
The stars always lead.
>exactly 56% of the soldiers are white
Distraction while Trump sends in JSOC to fuck up the deep state and shadow government.
Our people kill themselves all time don't be so cocky
the US-Mexico border wall is 3,144,658 meters
the average male shoulder width is a little less than 40cm
2017 the total number of active service personnel in the US armed forces numbered 1,429,995, with an additional 818,000 in reserve, totaling at 2,247,995.
That only amounts to a 899,198 meters of wall. Is this comic actually satire? Is Garrison implying that Trump will fail to deliver on his promise? Or are the service men and women going to lie down and form a snake across the border? The average height in the US is a little less than 180cm. This would make the border 4,046,391 meters, but thats still 74,570,059 meters short of the entire border...
True the original would certianly not include all the shades of brown.
nope, wait that actually works!
as long as they form a snake, the current US armed forces manpower is more than enough to cover the entire US-Mexico border.
classically the breath of god blew the stripes forwards, meaning the soldiers were marching with His Will
When asked why Sparta had no walls, a Spartan king pointed to his men and said, 'these are spartas walls'
This. Government is doing every other job except its designated job but its our fault for not lighting a fire under their ass.
i bet notch doesn't
How did /v/ help the guy who made FNAF?
It's because you are stupid
That’s a nice way of saying the wall is not happening
it took this many fucking posts? What happened to this place?
To be fair though, Sparta also built a wall in Corinth to keep out filthy Persians.
>"Duterte you really don't want to do this gay shit do you?"
>"I'll shake your hand when I'm done with this slant eyed fuck on my right"
how about a 30 meter gaps between the soldiers?
actually correct