Do men care if women cook for them?

Political correctness deems cooking for ones husband an act of slavery. Feminism looks down on it etc. But I grew up where my mother always cooked from scratch for my father. I cook for my husband each meal and in the evenings I make it a celebration with bread beer roasts and all pasta is from scratch. I made ravioli from scratch last night ( a 4 hour project) and while he says he loves it and cant believe he has fresh pasta, I remember the way he used to eat. Before we were married and had our baby boy, he used to eat fast food. He cooked something for me once and it was awful. French toast I think. I told him it was nice that he thought to cook for me but I spared his feelings because Im from a culture where men should eat and not cook (Russia) so I was not shocked. My father is also a terrible cook so who cares.

But I wonder, wouldnt men just as happily eat fast food as opposed to the long slaved over 8 hour pot roasts and slow cooked ribs that we present? Also I make fresh bread daily. Does that matter at all? I really cant tell.

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If you fed me fast food I'd throw you out in the street with no questions asked and never give you a second chance.
Don't fucking try me.
I show my appreciation by not disowning you.

A person cannot work for 40 hours a week and survive on fast food only.
It's tasty, once in a while, but it's not real food.
Also, self-made bread is tasty as fuck.

nah american men would eat anything, stop cooking for him and just focus on networking, you will need to have a wide circle of friends before it's safe for you to divorce him.

go to the gym, get a black trainer, maybe have an affair. live a little.

>Do men care if women cook for them?
Wouldn't mind if my wife didn't cook for me, I just make sure I have something to put in the microwave.

>mfw no Russian wife making home made food every day

Holy fuck this sounds like eutopia

No it matters and it’s fucking awesome, it’s my dream to find a wife who cooks regularly

Yes! I always was taught this as well but american men are different maybe

>Slaving over an 8 hour potroast.
>Putting meat, veggies and spices in a slow cooker and leaving it alone for 8 hours while you do other things.

Also he is working more than 40 hours because when he comes home he works and I help him with accounting. Doing the payrolls. He has a new business and the first years are hard but he is happy and loves it the opportunities plus import tax from chinese goods help make new business!

This is a funny larp thread. Do you also do your make-up right before he gets home from work? Is there a frosty beverage awaiting him?

I do not have a slow cooker and the meat is not the same. Do you only want to eat steamed food? You must marinade at least 24 hours also searing is best and veggies will be mush if cooked so long. You need a sauce such as the bernaise and your potatoes must be golden and crisped. In the middle time you should make your bread. Yeasty and texture is the most important... You should stay away from the ovens

A Woman who can cook in today’s society is rare and should be treated as a valued commodity. My woman cooks pretty damn well but I usually do the cooking.

Cooking is over. It no longer is much work.
U need to work something else in order to reciproce

I used to.
Then I realized all women cook for shit.

the fuck is wrong with you fagoots

OP, you're amazing!
Trust me, there isn't anything more heartwarming than a wife or girlfriend who cooks for you. Especially like you who makes fresh pasta and bread, that's really sweet thing to do!

Fast food is ok sometimes, but nothing beats good home-cooked meal by a person you love.

Stay awesome, OP!

Are women even good at cooking?

God knows my girlfriend can't.

“Men” want their wives to cook for them, but Men could care less who cooks for whom as long as there is good food on the table and the family is together.

not anymore

What really pisses me off is when they ask your preferences then try to force you to have different preferences.

>How do you like your eggs?
>Over easy.
>She then prepares to always make scrambled.
I mean, fuck off, cunt.

this post is so stupid you could very well be a woman

a slow cooker is like 20 dollars lol some professional housewife.

What has corrupted the mind of weaker men is that fact that most women LIKE to bake and cook and provide for the family, these weaker minded men misconstrue this to mean women MUST cook and can be held accountable for failure to do so.

This is the opposite of what other women say to me. Everything for them is from the cans or the frozen bags. And I was cooking today with my neighbor here and she only criticized every extra effort I did. These are the things and responses that I have to use to know if this is worth it. The cooking I mean.

It matters. But we (men) are still an extremely pragmatic sort. I'll eat anything if I'm hungry, and probably not find it too bad. This being despite how I'm spoiled with great food in my family.

My wife is a hardcore feminist and she fucking cooks the best meals for me. Your argument is invalid thus tits or gtfo.

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This. Women CLAIM to like cooking. Most just pretend for brownie points.

How's your wife's son doing?

Marriage is a team effort. Each contrubuting to the household in everyway. Each helping the other with all tasks.
Growing closer to God while growing closer to each other.

Bullshit. Put a chuck roast into a slow cooker with a stick of butter, onion gravy mix, au jus gravy mix for about 8 hours and it's one of the tastiest roasts you'll eat. I do this for my husband and he loves it.

There is not much better then coming home to food you payed for prepared for your consumption after a long days work
stopping at a mcdonalds does not even sort of compare to that


It's a team effort. If your wife is working a lot of hours you can't expect her to cook your meals too, that's just degenerate.

If you're able to support your wife through a good job and she doesn't have to work or only work part time, then yes.

its like saying "men only like working to get brownie points with women"

Most do, though. How does that invalidate what I said?

Most wives love to shop for food and cook, but get pissed off about it for a few days a month because it can be repetitive, especially with all the cleaning involved. Just be happy and eat, don't overthink it.


guys u can stop responding to this Shill Thread now which just wanna check peoples opinion

This is the current American dream and it makes me sad.

You are a lazy woman.

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>not using a pressure cooker which takes only 1-2 hours

>where men should eat and not cook
A man who can't cook deserves to starve. I appreciate the traditional views up to that point. Anything a man can't do for himself he doesn't deserve to have. What if he needed to take care of you? Who will feed your children if you're sick?
A man needs to learn to live without a mother before he can provide for anyone else.

You sound like a great wife!

>onion gravy mix
>using processed bullshit mixes full of chemicals
motherfucking kys you lazy whore

The OP asks a question and then just completely vanishes from the thread

who keeps making these spam threads and why?

I cook for my boyfriend every night, sometimes he cooks for us but it's usually when I have to finish work late. I like cooking, and I'm better at cooking than him as my parents taught me how to cook and his didn't. However he is capable and can cook when he needs to I just like doing it.

People calling it a larp are jealous they don't have a cutie gf to cook dindins for them every night

>Canadians jealous someone else is getting free (You)s

>tfw gf makes every dinner on weekdays
After a long days work nothing beats coming back to a home cooked meal

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Whatever, loser. Slow cooking is the only way to cook a roast.

Why is he a needy mammas boy if he works all day with only time for ready meals? He wants something fast and good. Something already made so why should he waste his time cooking if I can save him a lot of effort and a bit of money? At least he has a great quality meal or a great steak without the restaurant prices. For the entrepreneurs they need this.

it doesnt really... you are just trivializing/demonizing the sum of thousands of years of evolution and 100s of years of culture to slight women for who want to make their man comfortable for some reason?
i guess i was perplexed by trying to figure out implications more then the premise itself


what the fuck is this post
never post again

Did you read what I posted?

You're an idiot.

>Anything a man can't do for himself he doesn't deserve to have.
Can you impregnate yourself?

It’s a little girl actually, does this meme works with a daugther too?

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Yes. Because no matter the gender of the child if it's not yours then you're a cuck.

Food out of cans is full of preservatives and all kinds of jewy garbage

Having a wife who makes homemade food is like one of the things a man hopes to accomplish in life... in this day and age anyway

Even my grandmother just made canned shit all the time for my grandpa. Nasty.

The joke here is courts overwhelmingly give custody of the kids to the woman.

The OP is never real. Humans don't make threads on Jow Forums. Bots paste single-sentence posts designed to stimulate a particular type of discussion and various groups parse the results. This is all of course intentional.

No I am here.

>a cutie gf to cook dindins for them every night

trap detected

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Ha! I like this.

Yes madam but you must learn to use your OVEN! It is a crime to steam a roast. Or as you call, "use the slowcooker". You are STEAMING MEAT! Meat must be seared and roasted!

Are you implying he had no time to learn how to properly feed himself during his lifetime?
It doesn't matter who does the actual day-to-day cooking.
Knowing how to provide yourself with good nutrients for the sake of your own health and continued success is something even animals understand. And the money you save cooking properly is a no-brainer.
And if he can't take over full household duties in the event of an emergency, that's your risk to take.
t. has benis and is man

>trap detected
Oh insulting me cause you're jealous you're never going to have a girlfriend let alone one who cooks for you

Oh yes. This is the attitude I am dealing with always.

that's exactly what a trap would say

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Fuck off leafy

This is good news in a media and culture of the opposite. The things mothers make for their children and husbands was to heal them and now women like my mother are laughed at. Even though she was smart and kind and all of the things which makes a person.


at some point you realize, that people in general and women in particular can't cook

there are two exceptions
either they had an upbringing in a traditional eastern europe country and learned from their grandma
or they have a despression and try to fill the void in their life with over the top cooking or baking

Damn, got me there

>(((other women)))
They are jealous of you, your man and your good relationship. They try to bring you down to their level because they are miserable. Don't listen to them.

First of all the best cooks in the world are men. However show me one man who doesen't like his gf or wife cooking for him.
The problem is that many city trash thots nowadays don't know how to cook for shit because their busy partying and sucking cock.
From my experience if you want a gf who and future wife who knows how to cook you should go for country girls.

I will still do as I was shown. But I wondered why there are some others who hate it. Other WOMEN who hate it. And so maybe you are probably right. But they really spend lots of time telling me I am wrong. I know not one person who says cooking for your family is good except my mother and my grandmother.

I mean I married a girl who is a sous chef so her cooking everything is actually one of her desires.

>I know not one person who says cooking for your family is good except my mother and my grandmother.
It's just a COMPLETE coincidence.

Yes I care. End of discussion. It's as important as the money I bring home to her. Also tldr.

there's no excuse not to know how to cook reasonably well
any competent person should be able to follow a recipe, or at least a youtube video
irony is, in the west you're called a faggot if you can't work a BBQ

This is sad.


For fucks sake it is called a grill.

Bar-B-Que or Barbecue is specific cooking style involving pit cooked meats and smoked meats seasoned in a traditional fashion.

When you an your mates grill it's called a "cookout" not a BBQ.

Real BBQ doesn't involve a grill.

I really don't care.

Yes I am more than implying. Men are supposed to learn business and finance and a trade. Why should he bother to learn to cook beyond the basic things? Where is his mother? His sisters? So he must work all day and cook and meal plan for himself as well? WHAT IS THIS!?

I don't see what's the issue. When a man and a woman marry, both have their duties to fulfill. If the man is working to support his family, Then it's his wife's duty to take care of him after a stressful day.
My mom isn't too fond of cooking while one of my aunts took care of my uncle and cooked what he wanted even if ihe didn't end up eating much in the end and my other aunt works then she returns to her house and makes dinner for her family. Needlessly to say, this isn't something that my mother does that I see as a example to be followed. She does cook really well, tho.

hhhhell no. fast food sucks and everyone knows it. we eat it because we have to. i would love to have a wife that cooks.

If I had to choose between fine dining at a Michelin star restaurant, or eat at nice meal at home prepared especially for me by wife, I'd choose the meal at home. It matters a lot.

Yes I do. You spend 1 hour making food for me while I spend 4 hours per day, 9 months per year working extra to maintain you, just so that one day you will start shouting oppression in my ear. No deal.

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Yes, men can learn all of these things. His head won't explode. I do all of these things and still have time to both fuck her and masturbate in between.
I lived alone, as every man should, to learn how to survive on my own.
That way, when I found a competent woman who both cooks wonderfully and can hold a job, we get to exist as twin pillars of strength rather than two sticks propping up the other.
Also, if you're not an utter dipshit, you can make yourself a week's worth of quality meals in bulk, in less time than it would take to cook any two meals, and store them in that big cold boxy fucker that sits in your kitchen. You don't need to watch meat marinade either.

My wife likes to cook, however she is terrible at it. I prefer to do it myseld

I'll gladly cook. It's fun, it's cheap, and it's a subtle way to keep the little bint from getting too hefty.

Most of what I care about is the agreeableness. She can tease if she likes (in fact, I kinda prefer it, this one church girl I dated wouldn't have been doing it if she knew what it did to me), but at the end of the day I want a girl who I can be bossy with, especially sexually.
>What's the magic word?
>Yes, dear.
That kind of thing.

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>1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID 1 Post by this ID

Jesus Christ.

Umm, no. Martini. Shaken, not stirred.

>But I wonder, wouldnt men just as happily eat fast food as opposed to the long slaved over 8 hour pot roasts and slow cooked ribs that we present? Also I make fresh bread daily. Does that matter at all? I really cant tell.
it matters A LOT

jealous of what exactly? jealous of getting poisoned by my wife? my wife cooks on the weekends and i cook during the week because i work from home and the kids come home for lunch.

... What's your problem?

No it matters a lot. I’ve never heard of anyone who makes fresh bread anymore or slow cooked ribs. I’m hungry now

OD'd on reality, roastie.

Youre a good girl.

Jealous of what? The garbage you serve your unfortunate offspring? You didn’t even hear what OP said: you are STEAMING MEAT BY USING A CROCK POT. Seared and roasted sounds a lot better than wet, soggy and limp. Your cooking is The perfect example of why women can’t cook. Garbage fast food is better than your trash. I bet you do casseroles too. Recipe from Betty crocker or some shit from a box.

>But I wonder, wouldnt men just as happily eat fast food as opposed to the long slaved over 8 hour pot roasts and slow cooked ribs that we present? Also I make fresh bread daily. Does that matter at all? I really cant tell.

It's nice to know that there are some real women left in this world. Thanks for reaffirming that. A man would eat a home-cooked meal over fast food any day of the week.

>But I wonder, wouldnt men just as happily eat fast food as opposed to the long slaved over 8 hour pot roasts and slow cooked ribs that we present?
Ultimately, no. While men will eat fast food, it slowly destroys their bodies and makes them fat and weak. What you do makes your man strong and healthy, and is honestly the most valuable service a man could ask for.
> Also I make fresh bread daily. Does that matter at all?
Absolutely. Bread making is an asset that lets you survive off flour, one of the most cost effective calorie and protein foods. Bread making is not only healthier than store bought, it gives you self reliance from the grocery store. Keep 5 sacks of flour in the cellar and you have a year of meals if shit hits the fan.

>You spend 1 hour making food for me while I spend 4 hours per day, 9 months per year working extra to maintain you, just so that one day you will start shouting oppression in my ear. No deal.

Stop being a faggot. We need to encourage women to go back to the kitchen.