To the awan bro scandal? Its still really important. And It exposes the elites pipeline to Pakistan.
>Is awan still in the US or has he been arkancided?
To the awan bro scandal? Its still really important. And It exposes the elites pipeline to Pakistan.
>Is awan still in the US or has he been arkancided?
He is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood which is a cell of Mossad. His case has been buried because it is disasterous for the swamp. Don't expect many answers though because Jow Forums has been entombed in shill and slide threads.
I'm sleepy. Are you sleepy?
no, i just woke up and had 4 cups of coffee.
Aren't you PUMPED and ENERGIZED to start your DAY?
Man, I feel like I could TAKE ON THE WORLD.
Alright champ if you're so awake can you explain to the class wtf awan was doing as a tech advisor for so many house democrats?
The prosecutor was Debbie's brother. JUSTice
Bummmmp for noodles
Why cant we just have honest media coverage of this? Legacy media are making their own graves. The younger generations will not fuck with this fake news
Bump. It’s being buried user. Let’s bring it into the light. Also Epstein Island is kill.
Hahah u sure about that? What do local Westchester dentists have to do with pizzagate?
So far, nothing is happening with the case, and Debbie doesn't seem too worried about it. It's one of the open questions about what Jeff Sessions is actually doing as attorney-general.
Currying favor with DWS. The question you should be asking is "Why did DWS foist the Awans on so many House Dems?"
There was a leak on here claiming that the Pakis actually work for Mossad, with DWS using the info they swept up to backmail the entire Democrat congressional caucus.
The next day the Florida fake shooting went down. In DWS electorate.
Where the sherriff is also a jew and a friend of DWS and Biden.
Where the electronic vote count for the president stopped and didn't resume for a number of hours, resulting in a massive pro-Hillary margin, that would have guaranteed her Florida if the polls had been correct instead of off by two percent nationally.
Nothing to see here, move along.
With backpage taken down and other sites. Its only a matter of time the headhunters come hunting. This may not make the news, many things go quietly away under the radar. Truth and God is on our side, always!
>Why cant we just have honest media coverage of this?
img related
For a middle man in Pakistan to arm rebels in Syria and lybia. Duh. This is common knowledge user
>Taking down Backpage
>Targeting powerless local guys while actual big-money sex-rings of millionaires and billionaires go free
"Under the radar" is an excuse at this point, not an explanation.
this is a good thread, i love talking about awan.
here's something from a 2005 article which mentions his fine work.
Funny how George mossad Webb was the first to mention awan etc but never mentions mossad.
Wow (((technology))) is wonderful
Original trial date was supposed to be back in Nov/Dec last year. It got pushed back 2 or 3 times and supposedly their court date is this month.
It's been very quiet on this front, but recently, several places have started talking about it all at once. Maybe a part of the IG report that's coming out this month? Who knows.
Judicial Watch did a recent review/update on it, here:
Make sure to contact your representatives and demand action.
awan and obama are ass buddies, awan isn't going down as kong as king nigger is alive
Sleepy fucker!...
long time no see!..
i have a good amount of circumstantial evidence that awan was associated in some way with the elsagate problem on youtube, but none of the news outlets will respond to my emails - not even that guy luke, who is covering the story the closest.
in any case, there are a number of youtube channels which he subscribed to in the maryland/virginia area that don't "fit" with his other subscriptions and that also have phony "tech" companies associated with them...and i strongly suspect he used the channels to launder money.
but whatevs.
We need a new platform - one with a shill filter that lets legit sources rise to the top. Wait - reddit?
Thread theme for everyone to stay awake
Yeah they have their own internal
Backpage - probably not dependent on technology at all
It’s blackmail and extortion operation
>The younger generations will not fuck with this fake news
HAHA you're kidding right
"le based younger generations" got worked into forming commie faggot rallys because the front page of twitter and youtube told them to.
But it got out of control when the swans started collecting on their own handlers and threatening them
have a bump for non slide bullshit
the evidence i've seen suggests that "the awans" are really just Imran.
Abid, Jamal, and his wife all appear on the payroll - but it's pretty clear that they rarely, if ever, did any real work.
There is also the issue of the sheer number of documented property allocated to Imran, as well as the number of business registrations surrounding the guy and his known addresses.
WOW. i just got back from a morning jog. HOLY SHIT. i feel GREAT. W I D E awake. my blood is really FLOWING. my body is feeling so good. wow. i feel so awake. like WIDE A W A K E. i just had some breakfast with a lot of protein. WOW. i feel so good. i'm ready to dig through this stuff and bump non-slide threads. i feel GREAT. i might do some jumping jacks and get myself really E N E R G I Z E D. i have so much ENEGY. i am so AWAKE. wow! WOW!!
i'm so glad enegy posting has taken off user.
the movie is a real banger
i've had two cups of coffee, the morning air is crisp and clean - and i feel ALIVE and AWAKE, user.
now if i could only write off my $120k worth of lost equipment.
kek. keep up the good work user. saved your image. anybody remember when the real WHAnon, with the jfk pic, predicted the swan arrest last july as he was tying to flee the country? i remember
i remember.
Who would hire the Awan bruhz?
Awan is Pakistani ISI. Why is Mossad relevant to this conversation?
(((wasserman schultz)))'sIT aide. same DWS that is from (((Broward County)))
Quite a bit actually. Tell me what you know user.
Read because Awan is key to bring down the Israeli deep state, and it is going to come down sooner than many think.
maghreblet detected
i think we're in a minefield of questionable motives and information...dis-info agents love to push "that information is false because it was supplied by someone with hidden agendas"
facts remain - awan was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and schultz kept him on the payroll for much longer than a normal person might...under the guise of "diversity and fairness".
dunno - it's all a mess.
Why hello there, Mr. President.
How is the White House this time of year?