ITT we post our political compass and stance on: 1. Gun control 2. Drugs decriminalisation 3. 1st-trimester abortions
I'll start: 1. US needs stricter background checks and maybe a license/testing process to receive any firearm. Military grade weapons should not be available to the populace (you'll never be able to defeat the army with ar15s anyway) 2. All drugs should be decriminalised. The state should have no say in what you do with your own body as long as its not harming others 3. Fine. Any later and it starts to get pretty weird.
1. Background checks + licensing/testing. NO GUN BANS. 2. In favor of marijuana, NOT shit like heroin. 3. I would also be okay with second term, but I can see why you think that.
sure have all my info, based on your results just kill yourself
Austin Johnson
1. Stricter background checks and a more rigorous testing process for a license 2. Weed should be fully legal like alcohol, Magic Mushrooms, LSD and DMT should all be legal at fairly low doses as they expand and improve the mind. The rest are for degenerates 3. Abortion should only be legal for children that'll be born with genetic illnesses
>1. Gun control Guns shouldn't exist. The only people who'd want access to guns are insecure vainglorious retards and insecure vainglorious retards definitely shouldn't be trusted with guns. >2. Drugs decriminalisation Decriminalize it in certain towns. It shouldn't be a crime to alter ones consciousness but by the same token, normies have a right not to be disturbed by those who are on one. >3. 1st-trimester abortions If a woman wants to rid herself of what is essentially an unwanted STD then it's nobody's choice but her own.
The test is bullshit though. I unironically agree with most of what Kaczynski says yet this is what I get. How am I supposed to answer whether x's role should be y rather than z when I don't believe x should even exist. 1. Gun control shouldn't be a thing 2. Drugs should be legal. After the removal of the safety net, natural selection will do it's job for those that are too far gone to live. 3. Abortion should be illegal unless rape baby or malformed/ ill baby. Condoms, pulling out, abstinence. All are things. If you don't want to have a kid, close your legs, whore
This is a better test, although still shit. At least it separates the "Libertarian-Authoritarian" axis from Traditionalism-Progressivism
Adam Cox
Intp in the purple section.
1. Guns should be legal and most types should be available, including full auto. But there should be strict rules in regards to who can own them. 2. All drugs should be legal, drugs use should be encouraged by the government. 3. Fine but only before 20-22 weeks, well before the brain starts to produce dmt.
Jose Butler
A fucking Chad.
Matthew Fisher
You and those like you are the reason this country is such a shithole right now.
Daniel Brooks
1. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. 2. Only to less harmful drugs and tax the shit out of them. 3. Abortion only legal in case of: Rape, threat to mother's life and if parents are not white.