Are blacks our ally or enemy?

Are blacks our ally or enemy?

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Depends on the individual. The true enemy is the welfare state that enables the survival of the absolute bottom of the barrel worst elements of their race at the direct expense of the productive.

soon bbc will take over you melanin deficient cucks

full video?

Didn't know you got internet while shitting on the beach. Good for you Apu!

You know why we evolved to have less melanin, right?


lmao learn basic biology you albino monkeys


They're chaotic evil. Ally of nobody, enemy of everybody.

Fuck off street shitter, you arent even a real black person. You're malnourished gooks who won't admit you're country is in the continent of Asia.

Gtfo you black monkey rapist.

>whites synthesize more vitamin D from their skin
>whites can tan

l m a o kys indu shit and go clean the aryan steppe cum from your asshole please it's starting to stink really bad.

They are definetely more chaotic, which easily evolves into evil since being a good person is walking a thin line. They are not inherently evil though.

No, it really was an evolution.

The environment pressured us to be like that or die.
But you in india, your environment did not pressure you as much, and in africa even less. Do you know why?

... Also, India literally has a caste system that prefers lighter skin over dark skin.

Depends on who they are listening to
In the end, Blacks know that they need whites to survive.
They'll even turn on the Jews eventually

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My good friend is a black man who immigrated from Kenya. He is the most redpilled person I have ever met. Good sense of humor as well. One time when we were out doing stuff someone brought their blue hair tranny friend along and when he saw the freak he started singing a traditional sounding African song under his breath and smiling at me. Later on he told me it was an old song about burning gays.

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Enemy if they’re around us.

Our ally if they’re separated from us.

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>you arent even a real black person.

>Gtfo you black monkey rapist.

calm doing chinky boy and look at your text before posting it first

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>black people

Choose one. There's a difference. I work with a bunch of black dudes that I would never call niggers. Why? Because they have jobs for a start, actually go home to their kids, and are legit decent human beings.

I thought one of the younger guys was kinda niggerish when I first met him, because he was blasting hood rat music pulling into the parking lot. But after working with him one day we became pretty good pals. We talked about halo and Dragon ball z for like 4 hours straight. Turns out the dude bought his own car using his own hard earned money and voted for Trump.

So remember, niggers are to black people like what white trash are to whites.

have you heard of this wonderful new invention yet? every indian i ever met reeked of BO

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Kind of like small pox was in the 1600's?

you dumb nigger thats called genetic drift.

also caste literally has nothing to do with skin color you fucking inbred retarded cuck. Just read a goddamn history book you pigskin nigger

Spoken like someone whos bloodline didn't experience enough selection pressure

You'll serve humanity better as recycled fertilizer

wouldnt over thousands of years europe go back to all being white since evolution would favour the less melanin n shit or am i brainlet to the max

What was the name of the suicide fag again?

Where is the full video of this?

when they made you beg in the street did they spare your eyeballs or are you using braille right now?

is that why finnish women prefer alpha muslim big thick cock over puny little micropenis finnish dick

opinion discard, didn't read

if i remember right, that happened in Atlanta a few years back. from what i recall, the...uh...unconventionally gendered individual actually initiated the aggression although i am unsure of the cause

might have been something like one of the dudes talking shit as the tranny walked by and they snapped, getting way too big for their britches. really astounds me how some folk can be so completely delusional that they don't even consider someone reacting with physical violence to their aggressive behavior like shoving, spitting, etc. damn.

lotta lefties around here (as much as there are such a thing as i'm not in the city) made a big deal about it, but you can't be out there aggressing on other folk and have any recourse other than getting rekt

dont worry leaf you wont be discarding my opinion when I shit on your street you cumbucket

Rampage Rajput the Rage Pajeet!

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Poo in loo Rakesh

>every thing you know about India is from a movie

lol try harder next time cumskin

Faggot McSplodyhead

Even I got myself a Finnish woman and my dick isn't even that big.

actually i reckon i was wrong, or its difficult to tell who initiated the aggression. video cuts right before the throwin and stompin.

least i was right that it was out by one of the skate shops at little five points in ATL

nh that's ok i'll just enjoy not living in shithole india

They are Orcs.

a resource is neither an ally or an enemy.
water can kill you, or you can use it to make pyramids.

Why talk about penis size when you know your kind has some of the smallest in the world? Finland actually has on average one of the biggest in Europe. Bigger than Arab dick, too.

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>le based shitskin meme
colour me surprised

There are jokes going around how average Indian penis size is 3.5 inches while Western nations have an average penis size of 5.5 inches. Do you know how the Indian penis size data was collected?

It was collected from a clinic that treats sexual dysfunction … yep … the men of the clinic, who already suffered from penile erection and shrinkage issues were gathered together, and then there cocks were measured, which came up with the conclusion of mean length of 3.25 inches.

And here’s another shocker – it is the length of the flaccid penis, NOT erect penis. The average erect penis measured 5.12 inches, which is close to western average. And you have to keep in mind that these people already have sexual dysfunction.

It is this survey’s flaccid penis length which was reported against the western nations erect penis length, creating the stereotype of small Indian penis, which the racist whites love to roar about all the time .. here is a report of that study -


Now, here is a news that reports the average Indian penis size after a sexual health clinic did a survey with 1670 normal, healthy Indian men –

The average penis erect penis size came to 5.54 inches, with close to 40% having a size of 5-6 inches, 17% a size of 6 to 7 inches, and 7% having 7 to 9 inches .. This matches with the international figures, especially western ones. This report highlight how American average is 5.6 icnhes

why do they do this pajeet?

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>Old Spice
I'd rather have a guy that smells like curry than a guy who smells like a fucking nigger.

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>tinydick defence force out in full effect

Shut the fuck up pajeet

>no source, argument, or context
sage all botspam

the enemy is the jews that run the government and corporations that leech off it

>indians evolved into the ultimate streetshitting form as nature intended
how can we wh*te bois even compete?

No, it's literally because up north, there isn't enough sun to supply the vitamin D needed for good health, therefore those who were paler had a huge advantage over those who didn't in those particular climates.
The exact same goes for those who evolved lactose tolerance, as milk is also a good source of Vitamin D.

That's literally it - that's what you're whining about.

Genetic Vitamin D problem-solving

this post is interesting to me. the poor man probably has made very similar posts many times; he's actually invested in the fact that his country of residence and likely origin has small average penis size statistics. he's ready to go out there on the battleground of mainstream imageboards and defend his nation's penile honour.

what a fucking trip this world is, man.

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muh epics. lmfao. white ppl are not that special. calm down

can you link to full video?

tank you in advance

Penile honor is the reason your stormfag peers come here.

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Fuck. Rare flag. Didn't know you had internet up there

>Be Scottish
>have 9 in dick
>not a nigger
>leader of the free world

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neither. they are parasite subhuman niggers.

Nog vs SJW
Holy shit op you've just divided Fucks by ZERO you madman.

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>TLDR white guy realizes that black people are not stereotypes, but rather actual people with complex ideas, emotions and personalities

This is why we call white people racist. Why the fuck am i deemed a no good nigger until a prove myself otherwise? White people who think like this are why innocent black people are being murdered my law enforcement.

>But but but black people are more likely to X
Actually, the vast majority of black people don't commit any crimes at all. All the propaganda on this site is always a percentage representing a small number of black people.

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Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. It's 2018, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

>can't statistics.
>can't proportions.

I've never seen actual people use Old Spice in real life though.

full video please, that clip ended just as it was going good

>but the naacp said

the thing you don't understand is how any of the statistics are read

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Blacks are not allies or enemies. They are another race which deserves its own homeland and Nation, just as we do.
Its the Jews and upper class white cosmopolitans that are the enemy

You are hypersensitive.

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The same reason you are not trusted until you prove yourself trustworthy.

>A Fucking Land

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Yes, yes what ever you say yet blacks across Africa now have more developed cities than pretty much everywhere on your sub continent.

> this is why we call white people racist
so its ok to stereotype people based on the behaviour of a large portion of them?

>Why the fuck am i deemed a no good nigger until a prove myself otherwise

basic pattern recognition. so many of your kind have such shit behaviour that it becomes over time easier to just avoid blacks altogether rather than taking the risk and finding out he's like the previous 100

Love that white bitch getting stamped.

It's hilarious when miscolored subhumans try to attack whites on their color.
No white person in history has ever been offended at being called white, simply because we aren't insecure about our color.
Browns know that they are objectively uglier than whites, which is why they get so fucking mad when it's pointed out

I like that black guy actually, he kicked that disgusting failure of a tranny in the face.

If you're a tranny, be a convincing one at least. That's the best way to not get oppressed.

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But your pattern is wrong. You're basing your opinions on propaganda. Again, most blacks don't commit any crimes at all.

And yes, stereotyping is generally bad. If you don't want to be blamed for the fucked to shit that white school shooters, Hollywood elites, polititcans, and white people in general during the age of imperialism, then why should i be blamed for the behaviors of random black people?

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Blacks are the enemy of humanity

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The left have abandoned everyone and thrown their lot in with muslims. So yes, but the darkies haven't figured it out yet.

They've stabbed blacks in the back just they've done with everyone who hasn't got them into number 10.

The only good is, they screw over muslims once they've shot their load in their faces as well. Providing the muslims don't throw lefties off the nearest rooftop first when they realise they don't need them to grab power and bring in sharia law.

Leftists genuinely believe they can sweet talk muslims into becoming social democrats.

>most blacks don't commit crimes
>somehow a quarter of them will end up in prison during their life becuz RACISM

In the loo please sand flea

>most blacks don't commit any crimes at all.
you know you dun fucked up, right?!i6RD3ICI!oeeKW0SMOxzh-sMDVP4hcQ

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I love it when he goes limp after the head stomp.

A black man with a job who has his head together is naturally conservative and Bible-believing. We just have to keep them alive to reach that point. This is the tragedy of racial dialogue in the USA.

>stereotyping is generally bad
yeah, never use mountains of statistics and evidence that show clear trends

> "give me some real evidence that shows 2+2, and don't parrot any of that '4' nonsense. That's pure racism"

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Violence is the enemy. It is never an ally.

nobody is training blacks to act this way, they have free will and decided to be total fuck-ups.

don't even delude yourself thinking blacks are capable of living in a collective society.

I can give you tons of evidence and statistics, to which you'll dismiss as racist and "institutional oppresshunz", so I'll keep it simple.

EVERY black you have or will encounter suffer from the exact same pathological thinking errors. Not all of them are full blown Nigga Thug, many operate within Western society, however, they all process the world around them completely different than any other subset of humans.

If you don't believe me, just objectively examine those that you seriously encounter in a day and not ones that have to be subservient to you, but ones that you have to engage with as a peer. Now disagree with them and see what happens....

Blacks have cultivated, embraced and celebrate pathological dysfunctional thinking errors. In every negro encounter, you will be able to predict how they are processing the world around them by using the attached chart.

***Blacks will NEVER acknowledge they are wrong
*******when confronted on what they did wrong you will get
> "DinDuNuffin" - didn't do the negative thing that you probably have proof of them doing
> escalate volume/hysterics - never raising the debate (evidence), just their voice and threat level
> when DinDu runs its course - claim racism. Racisms is the only thing that can explain the predicament they are in (being caught for doing wrong)
These are the ONLY responses they have. Its a 1-2 playbook that is old as time, itself

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>pathological dysfunctional thinking errors

Criminologists spend decades profiling what leads people towards a life of crime. Takes into account multitudes of offender data. Distills all criminal behavior linked towards a pathology of processing the world around them.
> 10 "Criminal" Thinking Errors

> VICTIMSTANCE - always views self as victim, blames others

> POWER THRUST - compulsively needs to be in control of every situation, uses maniuplation and deceit. Refuses to be dependent unless he can take advantage of the situation

> LACK OF EFFORT - unwilling to do anything they find boring or disagreeable

> LACK OF OWNERSHIP - no concept of ownership/rights of others. Perceives all things as something to possess. Views sex as just power / control (muh dick)

> DISTORTED SELF IMAGE - focuses only on their positive attributes / refuses to acknowledge own destructive behavior. Builds themselves up at the expense of others


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> UNIQUENESS - Views themselves as different and better than others. Expects of others that which he fails to meet. Quits at the first sign of failure.

> IRRATIONAL FEAR - profound fear of put down. When held accountable for experiences feels worthless. Fear based solely on emotions.

> CLOSED MINDEDNESS - not receptive / will not be self-critical / will not participate in any disclosure

> CPT - does not use past as learning tool. Expects others to act immediately on their demands. Decisions based on assumptions, not fact.

> ZERO SHAME - Responsible living is seen as boring and unsatisfying. Has no sense of obligation to others. Will respond only if it nets an immediate payoff

Gee, do these overwhelmingly represent a certain "cultyah" among us?

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>> CPT - does not use past as learning tool.
fyi - to you excuse-making faggots, that means "Colored People Time". A colloquial expression of blacks that means they do what they wanna and are always late because they're fuck ups

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are you new to the internet or something?

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>Blacks are the enemy of humanity

ANY interaction with blacks will become a YOU / ME competition where they are always looking to assert themselves AGAINST their environment, rather than assimilate/work with to common objectives.
It seems everyone is an agreement that (western) blacks are fundamentally "special needs" or retarded.

Because blacks are so emotionally immature and psychologically INSECURE, it's always about GETTING OVER on someone. That's the only way they know how to distinguish if things are good or bad. If you actually did what you were supposed to / social mores, to a black that's like bowing down to "the man". EVERYTHING is a binary competition to blacks (good vs evil, no nuance).
Just look at how "black churches" are. They preach about existing righteously (without fault) vs anything bad happening is "the devil doing this to me".
Whereas, "white churches" (lutheran, protestant, catholic, etc) have to do with adhering to tradition, service to the collective, acts of service, etc

If you want a (non radicalized) red-pill on Black Americans, bet against this formula and lose every time

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>white school shooters
> muh 'mass shooter' stigma

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