Here is a hypothetical scenario Jow Forums Let's say we have an AI that could predict an individual's opinion on any law proposal. would utilizing this AI as decision maker be democratic / more democratic than current government forms? and will it be a good thing?
some assumptions: >everyone does a test good enough to feed the AI with information needed to predict >AI bias / corruption is magically kept to a minimum
In particular, what if the AI sensed an "undesirable" opinion?
Charles Wood
No. Whoever runs the program will corrupt the AI from the get go to their own ideas.
Benjamin Cox
>would utilizing this AI as decision maker be democratic / more democratic than current government forms?
It would be exactly as democratic as our current system if it had a 100% participation rate. There is no functional difference between perfectly simulating a person and asking that what it thinks and just asking the real person.
>will it be a good thing? Is the current system? Would 100% participation in it improve it? I highly doubt it.
Camden Robinson
We want open sourced government GNU/Anarchism where an open source software delegates each task to a population wide referendum
Angel Morgan
I don't understand the question
look at assumption #2
our current systems chooses those who will decide for us, and they often decide to those who fund their campaign instead.
Asher Wilson
How much of the population can understand the average law proposal? Is it even a double digit percentage?
This is why experts are required.
Jason Rodriguez
Good men and women are fighting your AI godhead and we will defeat your predictions, your calculations and your hubris !!!
>assumption The only safe assumption is that humans are dickheads. Dickhead.
Owen Johnson
The Beast is going to be an AI and everyone is going to worship it because it will be le super smart XDDD ^ this will happen
Robert Richardson
AIs keep turning out "racist" so they keep altering them. Any lawmaking AI that wasn't far left would be deemed to be malfunctioning.
Charles Allen
You're acting as if man himself isn't "The Beast". Learn what the bible means before you spout bullshit, leaf.
Angel Nguyen
Understanding a law proposal is a distinct part of predicting opinion on it. But the experts part is a good and curial point that isn't even implemented good enough in todays system..
open-source and protective systems are one way to fight dickheaditry, I didn't want to go in the philosophy of how to implement it in a safe way that is why I use assumptions instead.
The ai you are talking about took it's examples from twitter, which is a completely different thing from a predictive model
monotheistic god is a dictator.
Logan Diaz
AI's are heresy.
Logan Brown
The beast already happend satan stop confusing people with your ai ... man cannot create life it will always be just a program
Nathaniel White
This would be best. We need socialism under an open source AI.
Jace Howard
So only those who understand it are asked to vote on it? Would definitely work better, but that's winding back democracy to a point that we would no longer call it democracy in the modern sense. i.e landed gentry. No women or plebs.
Brody James
Wait a minute... >AI simulation of the landed gentry for the purposes of government The La Le Lu Le Lo?
Angel Flores
idk, could it play video games.
Ryan Bailey
no, please note that the individual doesn't vote themselves, they merely fill out some form that the AI uses to predict their opinions, and just like some psychology test could predict your political orientation without you even knowing anything about politics, so will it predict your opinion on the law proposal
Aaron Foster
>one way to fight dickheaditry And another way to do it is not give any one entity all the power in the world. IF you're such a cuck that you want to give all your agency to someone or something else by all means do so but the rest of us want to live free.
Austin Jenkins
>Hello AI citizen simulation >Hi >Do you have any clue at all what this thing is about? >Not one.
Does he still get a vote? If so, why?
Lucas Brown
Same thing as letting a citizen vote now without any knowledge about any of the political parties and their goals.
This is a political philosophy and it affects any system that claims to be democratic
Matthew Jones
You didn't answer my question.
I know the plebs can vote now, I'm asking you to justify that when it is their simulation that we are trying to build a functioning government out of.
Why should people in this system be able to vote on things that they have little to no knowledge of? Especially in this magical system where we KNOW they're clueless about.
"because democracy: Yaaaaaaaaaay!" is not an answer.
Luke Perez
>The ai you are talking about took it's examples from twitter, which is a completely different thing from a predictive model
People today can't say what they think. This is especially true on facebook or twitter.
I'm skeptical about the average population's ability to be honest even with themselves, so the "technical" problem is not how you extract data but how you get valid data in the first place.
There probably won't be an AI which is not configured in some way by humans, because we should define what can be considered as an ideal society or system for HUMANS, and we already have problems like this. We created artificial virtual entities (like companies or ideologies) that don't care about its slaves, they have a very much inhuman goal: increase profit. These are good at their goals, but that doesn't mean these are good systems for human beings.
And like in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you should be precise when asking an AI, because there is a possibility you don't get an answer to the question you THINK you asked.
I think it would be more desirable to use some kind of AI or whatever to make politics itself open source. People still should be the one with responsibilities, but we should introduce technology or methods to give the population the tool to hold those people responsible/accountable.
But, there are probably simpler ways to do that. We could use the internet for that and open source software, but we don't need AI. Maybe for research, simulations, but the citizens should choose whether they are comfortable implementing an AI's suggestions.
Noah Flores
I didn't answer because I don't have an answer, like I said, this is philosophical problem and it isn't a problem of only AI its a problem with democracy
Christopher Wright
Oh shit.
Jace Jenkins
this faggits an expert on dystopia, look at his flag
Asher Jenkins
I have not described anything but democracy. It's how the Greeks did it.