>2018 >not forming Whites-only enclaves in every White country so that you have a safe community to have children away from multiculturalism and degeneracy and create leaders that take the idea of the Volkstaat back to the rest of the country, as well as providing secure jobs, housing and a future for Whites who have been doxxed.
Why aren't you helping form a Volkstaat in every White country, Jow Forums?
I tried making threads in order to meme something like this yesterday but they just got bombarded by shills
Asher Johnson
question: They have segregated schools in this small town ? (everyone in the pic is a girl)
Ryan Cox
Fuck them. Orania has people editing their wiki as well.
Easton Stewart
thats because its a waste of time m8, the IOTBW meme died months ago and you're just dancing on its grave, shills are probably just trolling you at this point
Adrian Perry
i had a second look.... there are some lads in the back. anyone got the demographics of the town ? a whole generation of girls is not exactly something to be proud of, they need more lads
Kevin Moore
It doesn't make sense to leave places within White homelands. Afrikaaners are right to create Orania so that they stop using black labor, which is what killed their control of South Africa.
Oliver Scott
The town is actually 60% male and this is just one of the 2 schools they have.
Isaac Baker
They were trying to create a cryptocurrency recently. I wonder how that is going.
Camden Jackson
>>not forming Whites-only enclaves in every White country that's illegal here
Christian Brown
Thats good to know. im watching the video and it looks like they could do with a cash injection (they need more solar panels, a few more homes etc)
Nathan Watson
There's ways around that. We just need the will.
They are self-sufficient but anybody can donate to them from around the world. They are even creating a digital currency out of their own private currency.
David Morris
If a large enough plot of land could be purchased, an unincorporated commune could easily be set up. They’d have to be completely self-reliant however. Much like the Amish.
Come to think of it,...the Amish being dutch farmers, I wonder if they would be willing to take some Boer in.
Ryan Turner
>If a large enough plot of land could be purchased, an unincorporated commune could easily be set up.
Exactly. We can build a Whites-only enclave in every STATE, by simply working together to buy land. Imagine 50 enclaves within the USA. Imagine if they all communicated, traded, and shared information with one another.
Juan Diaz
Jacqui Gradwell leads a similar "white" enclave in South Africa. Look at a picture of him.
Adrian Parker
I already know where this is going. He settled on a rock. It's fucking stupid. Orania is on the Orange river and has livestock and exports produce to China.
Gavin Sanchez
Mfw the entire US was Orania until 1965
Robert Hernandez
Not really, we relied on non-white labor wayyyy before 1965. It was inevitable that we'd end up this way.
Any country that lets niggers take care of their children is going to have the future we currently have.
Zachary Reyes
maybe but you can do a lot to keep the minorities low and in check
don't take bribes for resettlement programs, be unfriendly to migrants. police migrants. word will go around that there are better places to leech
Cameron Butler
Whatever. I don't care.
As long as they stay in Orania and don't immigrate to the West I'm fine.
With that being said I don't think Orania is anything worth being that obsessed about. 500 mutts larping as white form some tiny city away from niggers. Whatever.
Gabriel Evans
You wish Oranians would go to the West. The poorest ones will be the ones that go to the West. Orania is mostly middle-class and Christian.
Justin Murphy
I hope they're building a wall and machine gun bunkers. They're going to need them soon.
Brody Rogers
i sat next to the daughter of orania's founder in some classes at school.
Isaac Ortiz
They have guns.
Logan Stewart
Hey guys, I'm an expert on Orania, the Suidlanders, Projekt Eden, Kleinfontein, Afrikaans, etc.
I am happy to answer any questions that I feel I can. AMA.
Cool little fact, the currency accepted in Orania is called the Ora. All notes are valid one year from the minting date, so there is no point in stealing them, and tourists buy the shit out of them, which is great for the Orania central bank, called the Orania ToonenSparbank, IIRC. They peg the Ora at whatever the rand is, and all of the rand they have ever collected (that got converted into Ora) goes into a massive mutual fund for the entire town. It's actually pretty fucking smart.
I wish Oranians would stay in Orania. Or at least stay in South Africa. WTF are you talking about.
I don't want Oranians (or other saffers) fucking up our gene pool.
Blake Howard
Was she /ourgirl/ or did she become a whore?
Carter Thomas
never spoke a word. had two long thin braids. very conservative
Ryan Gonzalez
Think that's how Orania started.
Bentley Lee
Commonly asked questions:
>Can I live there?
Unless you speak Afrikaans very well, are white (unofficial, but yes, you do have to be white. There are exactly 2 non-white citizens) have your own money / pre-arraigned work, then no. You cannot. The citizenship forms are only printed in Afrikaans (I have them, it's literally 50+ pages long), as well as the interview process. Long story short, you can't just buy property there.
>all of the rand they have ever collected (that got converted into Ora) goes into a massive mutual fund for the entire town. It's actually pretty fucking smart.
Sounds great.
What Afrikaaner movement do you see as having the brightest future considering the current hellscape that is forming?
David Diaz
According to Wiki the population of Orania is 892.
Why does a city in a foreign country with 892 people get so much attention? (Leaving aside questions about the whiteness of these people.)
And how are they going to form their own currency? Do they seriously think any foreign country will actually recognize their currency as valid? Heck how can they build factories to even make their currency?
Jaxon Price
I would love to participate in an all white enclave but not in an all French white enclave. The cancer is too widespread in us.
Jeremiah Foster
She sounds like a Boshoff alright. What school was it? I'm curious to know where the Boshoffs let their children go to Uni.
Henry Jackson
What kind of arms do they have there? Hope its not just bolt rifles
Jordan Ortiz
The Israelis helped start Orania, as well as teaching them the circular farming technique. The main export are Pecans, actually.
In one letter, a high ranking official said, "One thing I know is that we are both small nations surrounded by brown people. And for that reason, I understand your plight."
That's a really old official census. It was like....1500 last year. The Jewish media keeps making articles about how it's dying...it isn't.
When that census was taken, one person called the lady a kaffir (nigger) to her face, and was reprimanded, lmao. A government official.
Orania, and the Suidlanders. The people who run Orania are very, VERY, intelligent. It's a council of people who know how to play the game. I could write a shitload on that, but that's my opinion.
Suidlanders are a registered UN humanitarian group, with a shitload of lawyers. They are smart too, very careful, very deliberate people. None of this wild west AWB bullshit.
Projekt Eden is probably fucked, it was a rich old guy who thought he could just buy a bunch of land, it didn't really work to my knowledge.
Kleinfontein is pretty much just a white squatter camp.
What's the rule in Orania if you shit out a Sandra Laing?
Do you get to stay in the town with your visibly nigger, throwback offspring? Or do you have to leave? Because the other people in the town don't want a reminder of what's in their own genes.
Jack Taylor
Jonathan Kelly
>According to Wiki the population of Orania is 892.
You need to inform yourself better because the most recent count is over 1500 which is more people than I will ever need to talk to, live with, and work with.
Luke Butler
His proud mestizo gene pool
Tyler Rivera
Brits Hoerskool she was in the hostel aswell i think
Eli Cruz
>The Jewish media keeps making articles about how it's dying it is dying. every year when kids reach 18 they leave that place. there's hardly anything to do there. they have little to no opportunities and they see other whites doing things in cities, travelling etc and they want the same. this is why mandela never had a problem with the place and actually supported it.
Jackson Reed
That's what the Assyrians, Kurds, etc did.
How did it work out for them?
Evan Turner
Kek, eat shit mutts
David Lopez
>And how are they going to form their own currency? Do they seriously think any foreign country will actually recognize their currency as valid? Heck how can they build factories to even make their currency?
They've had their own currency for many years now. And they are doing a crypto currency as well. It's called the ora and e-ora.
David Jones
Yes, there actually was, I have spoken to him over the phone once or twice. I'm not going to name names, it's not difficult to find information. The language switch was very, very easy for him, German, Dutch, English, Afrikaans....all super similar, as you know. Ek hou van die taal, dis baie maklik.
Yeah man, they got in trouble for giving FAL's and shit to the Rhodies too. Pretty based in the 60's-80's at least.
Far bigger white homelands have been established in northern Idaho. And unlike Orania, these homelands were full of actual white people. Not mutts larping as white.
And those homelands have never received half the attention Orania has.
Owen Moore
Jayden Ramirez
Imagine a mutt going to Orania and saying: >My grand grandfather was Dutch! kek
Jason Allen
What did the kikes mean by that?
Jordan Sanders
Glad to see your interest! Very smart folks built Orania, it could be a template for the future.
Tyler Long
Is Oriana's land under threat by all this recent land grabbing stories ? I assume the local man are armed ?
Andrew White
>The Israelis helped start Orania
Other than teaching them the circular farming, which I don't believe, how did they help Orania?
Evan Collins
Americans are non-white mutts. Yeah. Because Americans have 0.37% non-white genes. While these Boer jokes have 5-7%.
Jesus. The logic of /pol.
As I've pointed out before, America literally had laws that would make Boers black. Meanwhile, South Africa never had laws that would have made white Americans black.
Joseph Williams
I think Zionists would support Orania, or something, not familiar with Israel and Juden, I know there was buddy buddy shit under the table during apartheid though, shares weapons research etc.
Daniel Anderson
Shut your mouth you filthy moolie.
Only liberals allow their children to be raped.
Dominic Morris
Shut up, idiot. I'm talking about my pure white American gene pool.
Which does not need nigger, Malaysian and Asiatic Indian genes seeping in from these safri jokes.
Jaxson Carter
Isn't there a shitload of gold over there in south africa ?
Jeremiah Campbell
Super good question, I don't think they'd be destroyed the optics would be fucking horrible, the ANC and even black Hitler Malema himself visited Orania.
Parker Ramirez
There's no hope for whites in South Africa. It's just a matter of time before they all get killed
Samuel Sullivan
Sometime in the future the black horde is going the have the greatest rape party in history, months and months of murder rape and torture, lucky black bastards.
Christian Ward
In Australia its called Tasmania, i legit had a taxi drive to the airport with a bloke who moved there because it is ''the last bastion of European civilization in oceania.
And in all honesty, he aint wrong, Melbourne is basically China, most of Australia is China now, Meanwhile Tasmania was like 99.9999999% White, no abbos either because they killed them all lol.
Gavin Bell
>hardly any whites want to live there - even in the worst of times here, when murders were at an all time high
That's only because the truth is that it hasn't gotten bad enough in SA for people to actually want to live in a White-only area.
Robert Thompson
t. El Ogro de las Americas
William Garcia
Every single inhabit of Orania is a mutt.
Orania is not a white city.
It is a city of mutts who larp as white.
Charles Sanders
I would imagine they are cape-colored, which is not black, it's like being mixed. Smart enough to actually think. They are most likely diplomats. Orania bribes the tribes that live around it to support them (They *do* support them back, because they teach them how to do math / accounting, not joking). The commies Jerrymandered literal bumfucknowhere so that it would be harder for them to elect their own officials. That is my best guess.
You would be shunned for sure. Even if you didn't get "kicked out,"....you would get kicked out.
2. And lol at Puerto Ricans calling anybody else mutts.
Alexander Myers
what are you talking about? the farms murders are one of the lowest its been since the end of apartheid. also black on white crime is one of the lowest it's been since the end of apartheid.
it's going to take a whole fucking lot to get us all to want to live there. there's a reason orania lets coloured farmers move there if they want to - and there are some coloureds living there, it's not just whites.
David Wilson
How can there be white privilege in South Africa when there aren't actually any whites in South Africa? Except possibly for former Zimbabweans in the country anyway.
Kevin King
Jose Mitchell
Why does this (((mutt))) come onto every South African thread just to make people go against them. The people he posts are literally coloureds. Most white South Africans are whiter then the average southerner. I’d gladly take in whites as refugees in the Midwest and Northwest. If we can accept pastaniggers, we can take in these guys as well.
They could be very conservative middle class Cape coloreds, you're right, they also speak Afrikaans.
Thomas Perry
>*jew enters* >hey mandela >those guys you wanna necklace and butcher for the glory of africa >if you touch them, you're dead >see ya yokel >*jew leaves*
Parker Martinez
Israel also sold arms to Rhodesia when no one else would.
Kevin Hill
The idea itself is genius. Where opportunities exist for good jobs we should be thinking about making community collectives. Create opportunities where we can take over the roar club and the pta and influence state elections from there. Boomers are easily manipulated and we could make serious inroads from there
Mason Cruz
Facts about the DNA of Oranians. And other "white" South Africans
>it is dying. every year when kids reach 18 they leave that place.
Not true, but its ok for at least some of them to leave and influence the rest of the country. That would be one of the goals of every White-only enclave: to create children that will protect their Whiteness no matter where they go, and eventually take back their country bit by bit.
Asher Gray
They'll all be blacked
Ethan Reyes
I would get on boards with this. Any idea if these exists in the states?
Tyler Brown
>Not mutts larping as white.
Oh great, a cointel fag.
Ignore this loser.
Noah Walker
Read thread It's strategic, there is no doubt in my mind.
He probably thinks Mestizos and modern Texans can be “white” while mostly Dutch and English Africans can’t.
Lucas Garcia
And you like retards will drive attention to it on this shill infested board so it can get (((enriched))).
Eli Mitchell
Idiot. I post pictures of self-identified white people in South Africa. Not self-identified coloureds. My God some WN leaders in South Africa are visibly part black.
And I post the facts about South Africa DNA. Not coloured DNA.
It is extremely well documented that the whites in South Africa have 5-7% non-European genes.
Meanwhile, basically no whites in the United States have any non-European genes whatsoever. Even in the former Confederate states.