>be me
>go on junk market
>find a huge book place without shop keeper
>first time on a junk market in a long time
>think the books are for free
>ask someone if the books are for free
>he says yes
>find mein Kampf in english and some other interesting books
>put them in my backpack
>suddenly a guy comes to me
>tells me to open my backpack
>I do
>tells me to remove every book
>I do
>he alleges me of stealing, so I cannot even buy “Mein Kampf“ anymore
>kicks me out
Jow Forums irl stories
If no shopkeeper is around for 15 minutes, you're legally allowed to get everything for free
Are you banned forever?
I have no idea, he just wanted me to leave as quickly as possible. I will probably never get to get the good books I found there
Can you really get Mein Kampf in Germany?
K... Keep me posted
>be me
>step outside
>see nigger
>day ruined
Anyone else know this feel?
I once got caught stealing at a shop, and then the security wanted to see my shit one time but i wasn´t stealing that time, eventually went to do volunter there and now they can´t ask me out because that´s racist
I get you, but ignorance doesn't protect from punishment. You can be happy he didn't call the police
Yes, you brine nigger. A heavily-edited and annotated version. Otherwise download & print on your own.
>be me
>drive to shops
>Islander neighbours park across drive way
>Sudanese woman of colour cuts me off while driving
>Old Muslim lady walks in front of me while walking at shops
>Indian guy makes me the wrong sandwich
>Brown students everywhere at shops looking st me with strange look
Why am I such an alien?
Top fucking kek
Thank you user
only every time I take my dog for a walk
I get accosted for cash at least 3 times per day by some fucking nigger
No worries. You're just shitposting
Mate you’re from Germany. I thought you’d have some emphathy
Negative. We germans are known for our humourless, cold behaviour
probably a kike getting fanny flustered
Wow you must be really pissed of to call him a mate
He was a dick and brought up stupid examples:
>hur dur if you would go to a supermarket, would it be for free too?
I tell him it's my first time
>First time what? On the world?
I apologize and ask where to buy them
>Well I'm the shop owner and since I am, I won't sell them to you and kick you out
Do you remember which version it was?
>be car
>have me
>go to liquor store after work
>panhandler asks for spare change 4 beer
>have $5 bill in wallet forever
>givesies cause guy was white
A little slavic looking but we alcoholics need to look out for one another.
>be me
>say I voted AfD
>differently treated since
I voted AfD too. Gj
Go back tomorrow, apologize, and ask if you can buy the books.
Just go back and tell him you just want to read mein kampf
see at this point i would have just walked swiftly away instead of letting some german bitch tell you what to do
I am lazy, so I'll just repost the greentext part from the archive
>be a mecahnics apprentice
>work in a ~30% soviet leftover city
>try to catch the bus back home one winter evening
>along the way 3 "youths" in tracksuits come up and ask for a cigarette
>say you don't understand them and don't smoke
>they proceed to beat you up and take your wallet and phone
>wait til near midnight near the (then closed) bus park until family comes looking for you
>get to go back to work through the same route every day for months more
>always reminded about it
>hate them even more
Thus my hate towards slavs was born.
>inb4 every group has bad apples
The difference is that for slavs (same as niggers) this is a typical stereotype and not a fringe thing.
Why did you apologize to a passive aggressive retard and just go along with what he told you to do?
And scat fetish. Can't forget the scat fetish.