Is there anything funnier then seeing lolbergtarians desperately clinging to capitalism even though it is in it's death...

Is there anything funnier then seeing lolbergtarians desperately clinging to capitalism even though it is in it's death grips?

>giant corporations now dominate the market, essentially creating mini-monopolies
>more and more socialistic policies are being implemented through healthcare and social safety nets
>Millions of immigrants are flooding western nations to increase (((GDP))) but at the same time are driving wages down and increasing the expenses of household products (including houses)
>The automation revolution is on the horizon where a huge amount of the population will be put out of work and an abundance of wealth will be created forcing the government to implement basic income

Face it lolbergs, capitalism is in it's death throes, the future economy is Fascist-socialism.

Attached: 1523084448889.jpg (1280x960, 239K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna sniff her butthole.

no such as a mini monopoly

Attached: 1490383170347.png (190x268, 98K)

Hey but weed is about to become legal. Libertarians are winning.


It's a trap!

wut ?

Attached: Vm7rqSj.jpg (3648x5472, 1010K)

This is a contradiction of terms. There is either a monopoly, or their isn't.


lolbergs will just move the goalposts by blaming the state and say "it wasn't real capitalism" without any hint of irony or self-awareness.

with regard to your first point, alt hype recently did a video that perfectly articulates the natural monopoly problem

Attached: 1509057606008.jpg (640x427, 31K)

what he meant is clear. monopoly means exclusive control of some supply or market and he's talking about near-exclusive control

Shut up and give sause fag

VirtualGeisha my man

Libertarianism isn't being practiced. If it was the consititutional rights of privacy, free speech, and ghebright to bear arms would be protected.

Libertarianism will never be achieved in a large republic such as the US. Freedom can only be carried out in smaller states closer to the people.

>giant corporations now dominate the market, essentially creating mini-monopolies
Through corruption. Corporate and government power is a revolving door. The Founders warned about this shit, but I guess everyone just let it happen. Distributed costs, concentrated benefits.

>more and more socialistic policies are being implemented through healthcare and social safety nets
Interventions are a positive feedback loop. Giving gibs destroys productivity, creating an outcry for more gibs. Markets are a selective pressure which (was, before WWII) creating productive populations that didn't need gibs.

>Millions of immigrants are flooding western nations to increase (((GDP))) but at the same time are driving wages down and increasing the expenses of household products (including houses)
Literally top-down social engineering. If you want to blame capitalism, go ahead, but you're wrong.

>The automation revolution is on the horizon where a huge amount of the population will be put out of work and an abundance of wealth will be created forcing the government to implement basic income
Once automation is in place, basic income won't be necessary. There's also probably be a massive die-off once humans have nothing to do and normies who can't occupy themselves either eat each other or an hero.

>Communism wasn't being practiced. If it was then the people wouldn't have been murdered and starved.


Here's one: lolburgertarianarchists

How about Cuckservapitalistard?

>when the commies keep telling you that capitalism will fall soon but it never does

Attached: IMG_4585.jpg (552x692, 67K)

Or Communobolshevfasc?


Sauce us you undernigger, reverse search gave me nothing

>hur everyone that disagrees with modern day corporatism is a kommie!!1

Look at the white tape holding his dick back. That's a trap, my good faggot.


Looks like a Greek surname.

The sad thing is that capitalism can be fixed up with a few changes and regulation, but lolbergtarians would rather stick their head in the sand than to question their (((masters)))

I would fornicate with her



>near-exclusive control
Then monopoly wouldn't be the word to use.


It's like we have to repeat the same truths over and over and retards just choose not to listen.

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>omg lolbergs are degenerates!, dont care about people, bad economics etc etc
>shows a picture of a fucking hormone changed useless tranny

Attached: biggleRig.png (605x800, 138K)

Post moar of virtualgeisha.

which is why he qualified the word monopoly

sauce pls

>socialistc policies

wtf you talkin' bout?

Lolbert is the meme political religion for people who otherwise would be "radical centrist."
It's seen a spike in usage here because of the kiddie/boomer spike from the Trump campaign.

Attached: 1508607572248.jpg (499x279, 146K)

Pretty sure if that thing had a pussy you could see it with how much is being shown. It's hiding a dick.


Kys faggot

That bellybutton is fuckable as fuck though.

Attached: eL7_BFQW3XfTroeyzv9KqX8CaaWStPn-xjKF44qqHxY.jpg (640x750, 106K)


People have been predicting the end of capitalism for about a century. Sure those cunts managed to kill a few hundred million people, but nothing they predicted ever came true.

user for the rescue. Virtualgueisha has a very nice r*ddit page too

This is pure retardation.
I'm always amazed how often leftist use economic terms or bring up topics they do not understand.

>It's seen a spike in usage here
It's less popular here now than ever, newfag retard.

Does that bundle of sticks make you a fascist or just a fag? Or is there even a difference?

[x] told

Sauce neaw!

What did google mean by this?

Attached: WhatDidTheyMeanByThis.png (1655x913, 342K)

lolbergtarians is a belief for naive people or stupid people. He only works if mega-corporations stop caring about making money and care about people. Which will never happen. Also, not all regulations are bad. Regulation stops restaurants from serving spoil food or construction companies putting people in harm's way.

This is why I love Rene Descartes

>thinks libertarianism means anarchy


>The automation revolution is on the horizon where a huge amount of the population will be put out of work and an abundance of wealth will be created forcing the government to implement basic income
Basic income is a bad idea if you don't want nigger overpopulation.

Attached: worldpopulation.gif (780x388, 2.95M)

It use to be the Jow Forums catch phrase when people got upset. Now it's just a dead meme.


>Herpes sores in the pubic area.

Pretty sure you don't know what either of those words mean.

you might as well have drawn a strawman underneath it. does it make you feel smart, drawing an ms paint comic and knocking over a strawman? go watch the video I linked and then give me your epic ms paint retort.

mini-monopoly is to monopoly as near-exclusive is to exclusive. do you know what an adjective or a qualifier is?

fucking lolspergs jesus

Attached: DpQ9YJl.png (700x700, 226K)

I mean, they're not exactly the same, but they live in the same neighborhood.

Man playing dress up like toddler's do.

>Virgin doesn't apply to men. First pussy makes very little difference.

>go to post on Jow Forums
>error: you are banned
>lol what did I do now has a mod decided to spite me for something
>tfw post here all the time
>i was 9 in 2007, mods what fucking game are you are you trying to play
what is going on here pls currently ban evading

Attached: what the fuck.png (768x119, 43K)


No faggot, mini monopoly is a board game kids can play in the car while on road trips.
You really need to read more than you shit out of your mouth.

I get what op's trying to say. It is stupid but i get it.


Attached: 723.jpg (987x951, 209K)

Really? What exactly are you getting from this?
As a economics major I'd love to hear what you're gaining from this because it's total horse shit.

Perhaps you have a dynamic IP address and the IP address you're on now was used by a pedo? Try rebooting your router.


not an argument

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You know what a monopoly is, but small. A mini-monopoly exist on a smaller scale instead of a global or national scare.

Legal where?
> Does not apply in Finland

Can you cite a single example of such a thing?

Complaining about admin decisions will get you permabanned.

I actually have to respond because this is triggering my autism. there's fucking context.
>>giant corporations now dominate the market, essentially creating mini-monopolies
when OP says mini-monopolies he means giant corporations that dominate the market. he fucking says they're essentially synonymous

Starbucks buy out local small coffee shops and gets them to keep their name and image while serving Starbucks stuff. That way Starbucks isn't actually competing with that hipster coffee place because it owns it.

Dominate the market in what?

Pro-capitalist is pro-sjw, pro-feminist, pro-lgbt pro-diversity and pro-nigger. Corporations promote open borders, lgbt and feminist propaganda, diversity and white privilege seminars and censorship of right wing speech.

The HR department at your average transnational corporation is to the left of your average SocJus university professor or blue haired sjw feminist.

Pro-capitalist is anti-white.

Attached: culturalcapitalism2.png (1384x4368, 1.64M)

> trap
Yeah, think so as well. Hormones?

Attached: F37BFBCA-32E9-45E3-A580-8E3F6695593D.jpg (2048x1536, 1.24M)

>everyone uses the best possible product and that is bad
>creators of this product just got lucky
>the creators don't deserve what people are freely willing to give them in exchange for the product
>using only examples of gay games and social media

Rough as fuck man, the world isn't perfect and if this spergy explanation of how """unfair""" everything is appeals to you move back in with your parents ASAP.

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well for example facebook, twitter, youtube, and google all dominate their respective markets because of network effects and accumulated capital

None of these things are monopolies.
Try harder.

Starbucks isn't a monopoly.

It's Virtual Geisha. She's an XX woman.

There is no reason to support capitalism over mixed economics. Historically there is not a single example of laissez faire capitalism beating mixed markets.

It's not a trap, virtualgeisha on reddit. Look it up, she fucking posts non stop, kind of annoying.

>inb4 reddit blah blah blah

The correct word is olypoly.

So, it’s a dude isn’t it?

Has it not already fallen? *posts image of paris*

Wouldn't even care at that point

they're not the best possible products. tons of people hate faceberg, jewtube and twitter for selective censorship practices. they have an inordinate amount of political power when people are too stupid to organize a boycott on such a scale that corporations like these could be replaced. the result is you have first amendment rights here and there in real life and now just the corners of the internet, like this shithole.

I never said they were. I'm sure there are tiny facebook ripoffs but even if they're technically superior and we knew they would satisfy everyone better than the old platform, people don't migrate to the competition because there's so much value in being where all the other people already are. my thesis was they dominate their markets, and they do, regardless of their competence as businesses. does that not sound like a pseudo-monopoly to you?

Attached: faceberg.png (478x776, 364K)

If that’s a dude then I am gay. There is no way it’s a guy