This is asian to britbong

this is asian to britbong

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If only you knew how bad it really was

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hi african brother

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>implying the middle east isn't part of asia

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This is being blown far out of proportion. Asia originally referred to the area of the Anatolian peninsula, and later came to include Japan, China, etc. It’s may sound strange outside the UK but isn’t ‘wrong.’

now lets paint them white and let them emigrate to france :) #diversity

Where's your tinfoil hat user?

yup and Africa used to refer to modern day Algeria
But when you talk about Africa today, people think about sub saharan africa

meanings of words change over thousands of years

>tfw the SJW Brit media is nailing us in our autistic weak spot


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might as well just include europe too

Why does the line stop in the middle of the land?

Eurasia is a continent with three landraces: white, yellow, and brown. brown is the area below the black sea all the way along the sourthern edge of the himalaya and then cutting off between burma and india.

>meanings of words change over thousands of years
Then so be it. But for others respect the fact that it may not have, and stop treating them like idiots over a differing in language usage, especially when their usage is closer to the original definition. Terminology is not going to, and should not be expected to be, the same the world over.

>mfw croats cannot into geograpgy

Why would European suddenly be added to a classic definition of Asia?

but they use Asian to refer to north africans too

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i dont get it. what's the issue? swedes and greeks look different to one another but theyre both europeans

Google: "limehouse white slavery chinatown"

Opium dens, gambling and the white slave trade were the leitmotifs of Limehouse's Chinatown between 1860 and 1950.

no we dont.

This. Nobody calls an Egyptian an African.

I am Asian

difference is chinks raised the average IQ while pakis lower it

"Asian grooming gangs grabbed me off the street and did THIS to me!

"Tell me I deserved it!"

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>Nobody calls an Egyptian an African.
But the UK often refers to Pakis as Asian. It’s not as though it is literally used nowhere in the world and then one fringe person just decided to use it and the media is running with it like Jow Forums likes to believe. This has been the terminology for centuries.

We were calling them Asians before most of your countries existed.

I don't really understand why English people are so afraid of Muslims; England is already a disgusting shithole.

It's ironic that Scotland is so leftist, since it's the actually beautiful part of the island. But I honestly hope they get independence and can stay blissfully ignorant. No need to sully them with outsiders. Leave them all to rot with the hideous English.

North africa and middle east until iran is Caucasoid racially. Calling half of all caucasians Asian is super misleading

What continent is new guniea on?

What about new zealand

i do

i call all middle easterns african too
like they should be called

This isn’t true, unless they are genuinely mistaking North Africans or Middle Easterners for Pakis. During the Manchester attacks the perpetrators were described as men of ‘Asian and Mediterranean appearances’ - for a group of respectively 1 Paki and 2 North Africans. Now, yes, I can see Mediterranean being vague, but when they are telling the UK public what to look for, (not Americans, not Australians, not Croatians, or anyone else who will be within the general area to spot the perpetrators,)
there is nothing misleading about describing one of them as ‘Asian.’

Australasia/Oceania. There's a ton of names for it.

Do you want to know why they call them Asian? I'll use an analogy.
Back in my parent's days, black people would be called "negro". Then, negroes being the people that they are, the word "negro" took on a negative meaning. So they mustn't be called "negro" anymore, they are now "black".

Same with Pakis or Muslims. Those words have negative connotations. They are basically synonymous with "kiddie diddler" and "terrorist", That's why Brits call them "Asian" instead.
One generation from now, the word "Asian" will have acquired very negative connotations, and then they'll have to look for a new name to call those heathen bastards.

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only to the BBC/police

to the rest of us they're dirty arabs or streetshitter pakis.

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But that's wrong. We were calling them 'Asians' while we were literally conquering the damn place.

>stop calling niggers, niggers
classic germoni

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No respect or trust for chinks

Negerküsse -> Schaumküsse
Zigeunerschnitzel -> Schnitzel mit Paprikasoße

>zigeunerschnitzled with sauce
yeah only a fucking german zigeuner could come up with that

but "asian" are a VERY broad group of people

i wonder (((who))) might be behind it

That's fucking stupid. Oceania is a fake continent

Say bros can we bring back the word Orientals for east asians that was a handy word

They have a council that is only there to sue and to complain. Basically you can't call them gypsy anymore without being sued. They also complained that the holocaust memorial in Berlin was only for the jews. They wanted their own huge memorial as the Nazis killed several hundred gypsies as well.

On the other hand, their criminality is so bad that they are banned from entering certain parts of my city. All right, "Romanians" are banned. But the Romanians that are here are 100% gypsy.

cool stori

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Sure, but it would be ridiculous for 'Asia' to be from the Urals and the Hellespont to Tanzania or whatever.

The real 'problem' isn't that they're calling them Asians, that has never referred to those from the Far East in Britain, the problem if anything is that they're obfuscating the fact they're Muslims by using the term that includes Hindus, Sikhs, and anyone else that originates from around India.

The Ural Mountains are what separates Asia from Europe.

Yes, and it's been done on purpose by the media (when talking about criminals most often) because "asian" involves images of Chinese, Japanese or Korean people. It's intentional dishonesty but most people aren't falling for it.

It's called the Antipodean continent.

W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919

"The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?"

there was actually many sihk and hindus involved in the rotherham rape gang,
the only reason why pakistanis in these cases are more common is that the pakistanis where lower class and most of our indians where from the upper classes of india

>this is asian to britbong


Look at a fucking map. What the hell else cold he be? You do know what a continent is, right?

The real question is, why do Ameritards think he's NOT Asian. What do they think he is, fucking French? Well, nevermind. You get my point. He's fucking Asian and that's that. Get over it, you geographic illiterates.

>North africa and middle east until iran is Caucasoid racially. Calling half of all caucasians Asian is super misleading
Which brings up the point that, despite the misinformation being spread here that ‘Asian means MENA regions in the UK,’ it is actually a distinct racial designation only for those from the Indian subcontinent. An Arab or North African will be called just that unless they are being mistaken for an ‘Asian’; nobody will blatantly mislabel one as such. It’s not as though the term ‘Middle East’ is not a thing; it is just strictly applied to those from that region. Technically, you might say that this is still calling Caucasians Asian; but again, there’s nothing misleading about this to the British general public.

>"asian" involves images of Chinese, Japanese or Korean people.
not here, most of the asians here are brown south asians so people think brown asians when someone says asians

No doubt that guy is Chinese... maybe even Japanese

Chinks are bas-

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You're not Asian, Achmed

When the world says the word Asian, they think of Asians.

This is some quality brainwashing... Canadian schools really pull the cart for the NWO propaganda

>You're not Asian, Achmed
>When the world says the word Asian, they think of Asians.

Thank you for making my point, Ameritard.

And for the record? I AM ASIAN. Dumbass.

Chinese dindu nuffin... ever...

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>lived in London for a couple of years
>reading the newpaper quite often
>"Asians kill people"
>"Man tortured by asians"
>"asian pedophile ring discovered"
>and so on
>Remember thinking to myself how fucking weird it was that chinks was this out of control
>Later learn that bongs call sandniggers "asians"
>It all makes a lot more sense now

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In the rest of the world yes; in the UK, no, at least, not normally. You are simply misconstruing vague words with varying definitions from publications that were not meant for you.

Why did your Asian ancestors rape white British girls?

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That explains your autism/social awkwardness in the thread.

When's the last time you gave a woman an orgasm?

Who cares what some stupid bongs think? They are irrelevant anymore

Learn history. Search "Limehouse white sexual slaves Chinese China town"

*Most of the world. Putting yourself at the center of the universe doesn’t mean you speak for everyone.


its those wild japongs and their anime

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I'm EAST Asian, the OTHER TYPE of Asian - and we rape chinks, not white monkeys

>When's the last time you gave a woman an orgasm?

I don't know. I haven't been to your house in weeks. Tell mom I said "fuck off"

Chinese rape gangs in Britain, Asians btfo

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>"what is the Ural Mountains?"

is the white guy on the picture the fag who is basically lauren southern lapdog?

>>"what is the Ural Mountains?"

Finally, an educated britbong

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Meant to type 'invokes' kek, and I grew up in Bongistan so I know for a fact that the media do it on purpose. Asia is a fucking huge continent, they just don't want to let on to the fact that a large proportion of the rapes in Britain are committed by members of a certain religion and from a few select countries. Using "asian" to describe the perpetrators, while technically true, sidesteps that issue. Imagine if every time a rape happened the headline was "Pakistani man rapes-" or "Afghan man rapes-", the lefties would scream bloody murder. So instead they say "Asian man rapes-".

>Centuries established world maps and their geographic distinctions are brainwashing and propaganda

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Why won't you tell me the last time you gave a woman an orgasm? You're lucky I'm not specifying her to be cute.

thanks for the laugh

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indian men are often involved too, you allways here about them bus rapes in india itself, why do you think they are squeky clean

no one gets annoyed at calling nigerians , jamacians and ghanians under the banner of black or brits ,greeks and russians under the banner of white

So have I, and technically, you’re not wrong. However I’d say it obscures the Islam angle more than the racial angle. It’s why it’s Hindu and Sikh groups that have actively spoken out against the use of the word ‘Asian’ by the media to describe them.

To an outside readership, it of course looks as though the entire continent of Asia is being painted that way, and that East Asians are being blatantly framed.

>Why won't you tell me the last time you gave a woman an orgasm? You're lucky I'm not specifying her to be cute.

I'm not a cuck like you - I don't give a shit about them getting orgasms. I fuck my girl anytime, anywhere and anyhow I want. I don't have to hire niggers because I'm so scared of not giving her an orgasm like you, you soyboy faggot.

Asia traditionally starts at Turkey, nothing wrong with calling paki shitskins asian

>Implying Pakistan are not asia

Bro, they are right next to fucking China shut up

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its arabia
they are arabs

or even africans
not asians

fuck your maps

Very interesting point. If people started noticing that nearly every time a rape happened it was committed by a Muslim there would be uproar. There's a reason they describe the grooming gangs in Telford, Rochdale and other places as "Asian grooming gangs" and not "Muslim grooming gangs", which is what they actually are. I am convinced that while they may act friendly to our faces they would stab us in the back given the first opportunity. Thank the leftists and their false belief that everyone of every culture, faith, and creed is "equal". They'll fucking doom us all.

They invented BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) for those people, if I'm not mistaken. It might even be a catch-all term for anyone who isn't white who lives in Britain.

>and that East Asians are being blatantly framed.

Except that literally nobody believes for a second that it could actually be east Asians doing the raping. They have their problems, but an excess of testosterone isn't one of them. It's amazing that the UK press doesn't get mocked for this daily.

Asian is a term you can give it the meaning you want

Pakistan is not in the Arabian peninsula, much less in Africa. Calling them arab makes no sense. Call them muslim, that is correct. But asian is the right term

Anything East of Constantinople is Asia, you heretic

>its arabia

Arabia is a region characterized and classified according to numerous geographic, historic and cultural traits not a fucking continent

>Latin America
Not a continent
>Western, South, East, Northern Europe
Not a continent
>The Balkans
Not a continent
>Central America
Try again

I think that you got the idea

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Nobody in the UK believes or assumes that. And it is mocked, mostly outside the UK, but many Brits are becoming increasingly less supportive of this terminology with the influence of the rest of the world via the internet.

Haha! Good one. Zigeunerschnitzel is schnitzel with bell pepper bits and spices in the coating. At least that's what it is here.

>Let’s remedy the use of this very transparent, vague term by, instead of maybe getting more specific, completely lying about what they are instead

Wow. BFTO’d. You win here.


Seeing the world from its proper perspective after all these years makes my head hurt.

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fuck white people

I agree. At the same time I can see how calling them ‘Muslim gangs’ would also be considered leery territory, even if technically correct. Then the question would come up of why no other groups religion is brought into their crimes. They would argue that there’s no reason to suspect Islam is a motive here; and to an extent I am inclined to agree that this ‘grooming’ business is very much a Pakistani, maybe subcontinental at a stretch, thing. Islam is of course responsible for many of the faults of Muslim culture, but this specific practice seems to be particularly unique to Pakistani Muslims, but with no particular evidence that religion is to blame, unlike many with many of the other crimes Muslims commit that are universally in line with their Islam law.

For this reason they should really just be called Pakistani, if they are the ones doing it. No matter if they are “citizens” of the UK.

yeah of course you faggot, geography, books and holidays never existed here