>Tasks Create memes & Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit & stay well hydrated Spread flyers and stickers in your city
Another truth bomb by the Basler Zeitung, which the SJW and Gutmenschen can't handle.
> Afrikas Untergang und Verderben > Wir nehmen Menschen als Flüchtlinge auf, obwohl wir ahnen, > dass sie es nicht sind. Warum? Aus schlechtem Gewissen.
> Richard and Tatu argues that differences in national income are correlated with > differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). They further argue > that differences in average national IQs constitute one important factor, but not > the only one, contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic > growth.
These results are controversial and have caused much debate, they must be > interpreted with extreme caution.
From yesterday The Jow Forums thread. That guy would be in horrible pain and not posting updates. That on his arm is looks too concentrated to a certain area to come from gas, I'd say sunburn over the course of a few days and/or makeup. Also people where checking the news the days after and found nothing.
>Zwischenfall I mean the Author is kinda right. It was a 'Incident'. But every good (and fair) journalist would use a more click-bait and better fitting term.
Read the OP ;) >Get fit & stay well hydrated Drink more H2O
Oliver Rivera
Abscheu gegenüber dem üblichen Michel? Les ich das richtig?
Josiah Gonzalez
Though, desu, the only thing I changed was the title. Left out "AfD", so the focus lies on Germany, and not some party that has a focus on our country for now.
I mean of course no Waffen Besitzkarte. You will of course be registered in the database by my arms dealer. Everything legal
Bentley Ortiz
David Kelly
The News about a Van Crash are Real?
Accident or Terrorist attack?
Anthony Gonzalez
I want to get me something way funnier: Davide Pedersoli "Sharps Carbine Civilian Model". Free if over 18 years old. You only need "Zündplättchen" and some powder. Cal .45
Was denkst woher mein Name kommt ... ja ich sauf gern, meistens nicht exzessiv und nix anderes als Bier. Aber doch halt regelmäßig. Abends, vor allem wegen der Schlafstörungen. Freundin hat mir schon Hopfentee besorgt und der funktioniert fast genauso gut ... aber schmeckt halt scheiße und Bier ausm Kühlschrank ist einfacher ... Gewohnheiten halt.
Evan Cox
>879€ Four years ago you could get a used one of those for 150€ and less. Buy everything you can get your hands on, it will just appreciate
Brody Wood
> First They Ignore You, > Then They Laugh at You, > Then They Attack You.
Yes, they are very similar at first glance, need to get used to that. At least you do it very clean cut, can imagine it to be undecipherable if written with a 'Sauklaue'
No need for anonymity when buying weapons, unless you planned on assassinating or robbing someone, and even then. The gun grabber narrative is nice for business, but laughable. The executive hasn't enough man power to organise such an endeavour, and if they tried, the amount of boating accidents will increase
Jace Powell
was too lazy to find a post by you to (You) you
Nicholas Carter
Keine Fotos? Liveleak, mach mal hinne.
"Bitte keine Spekulationen" lmao
Robert Brown
>terror attack >das erste >womans soccer kek
Adrian Harris
probably, the religion of piece. in other words: islam
Mind you i am doing this slowly with my non-dominant Hand on PC with a mouse.
And even with my dominant hand i sometimes have to make double-takes to make sure i don't throw off the entire text, because making an error in the text just makes the entirety appear shit, it nags on me.
Sütterlin is drawn, not written. i see it as holy as the japanese see their Kanji.
Easton Martinez
Well Germany isn't Autria. Most effective weapons are forbidden here so there is so legal way to acquire them
Regardless of political view, I can probably assume you believe in a certain degree of unity of the race, or at least identity...? How does that compute? I mean, they are still humans, even if it were an antifaggot. Though, yes, little empathy, but respect, respect for a life that was ended.
How does this tie in with my post? Sorry, I'm in autism mode right now. Do you think I am some sort of femshit? Man, even on a fucking irc my spaghettis spills. Though, at least I spill it confidently.
That is a good thing. With me it is usually half-assed or brute force approach. Head-through-the-wall style, it works out but you'll get bloodied often.
It's legal because it's a "Muskete" and was built before 1895 (hat was mit nem Patent zu tun). Its fun but if you want to defend yourself rather take what the other user wrote, a crossbow.
BTW Spiegel says it's a right winger in Münster...