We will live longer than them

All 3 of these men will pass away in our lifetime.

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t. american intellectual

Trump will kill/depose Putin, Khamenei and Kim Jong Un before his terms ends.

Remember this post.

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Trump will become the the divine and eternal emperor of the world though.

that seems unlikely.


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ermagherd so deep how can theyre eyes be real if muh mirror aint reel

The first two but
Chinese have been doing a lot research on CRISP and they are less strict so far as medical and research ethics go.
Chinese may be the first to get to significant life extension.

but they wont be human theyll be humanoids

Xi Jingpin is a big brother style dictator tho

kek wills

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don't know about America nad China but we are fucked up forever

He's going to get rid of Iran's religious leader, but not Rouhani? That seems fucking stupid, and a good way to upset the entire Shi'a world, which is a bad idea since our biggest enemies are Sunnis.

P.S. You're literally fucking retarded.

you could have just said hes a retard

Truth tip

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Not if Trumpy sends you to war or gook nukem nukes your face, Putin can't die

nah, you're gonna be drafted off to Iran or NK

What about hilldawg

>will pass away in our lifetime
Speak for yourself.

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not id you kill yourself you fucking faggot

Not necessarily true. For instance your diabeetus might cause you to get an infected foot rot and you could die in a couple weeks.
Plus, there are two deaths user. While you'll be totally erased from history, the world will be talking about Trump for hundreds of years, perhaps thousands.

>kill Putin

Not if nukes start flying.

Does Xi know about the JQ?

>Valdimir Putin wil die
>Bashar al-Assad will die
>Xi Jinping will die
>Shinzo Abe will die
>Rodrigo Duterte will die

>Narendra Modi will die
>Joko Widodo will die

It’s good that we can know the ending of a good show in our lifespan