President Trump General /ptg/ - ALL ACCESS - Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump on Bernie&Sid Show (radio) 4/6/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis on border security 4/6/18
>IntDep Video: Washington DC Cherry Blossoms 4/6/18
>Are Nige vs Vicente Zorro on Nationalism vs Globalism 4/6/18
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxBiz on Cheatin Chinks 4/6/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Tariffs and Jobs 4/6/18
>FEDChair Powell @Econ Club of Chiraq 4/6/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 4/6/18
>This Week @State 4/6/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump Roundtable On Tax Reform 4/6/18
>Yoko Stands with Laura Ingraham 4/6/18
>UN Amb Haley @Duke University 4/5/18
>New AmbOAS Trujillo Presents Creds to OAS Sec Almagro 4/5/18
>Pres Trump Discussion on Tax Reform in WVa 4/5/18
>Pres Trump comments on Stormy Daneils/Pruitt 4/5/18
>Pres Trump arrives in DC 4/5/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Lewisburg WVa 4/5/18
>Pres Trump greets fans/departs WH 4/5/18
>DHSSec Nielsen speaks to Press on Natl Guard 4/5/18

OP pastebin:

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Why can jews open fire and no protests about it from the west?
Trump should do it too on spics illegally cross and the journalists that's with them.

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You know the answer

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if you give china everything they want you win!

Forgot link! HAHAHAHAH

>4 come to wall
>only 1 gets past
seems better then nothing senpai

>please, fuck US manufacturing even harder by sending more jobs to SEA
t-thanks John

Know your state gun laws.

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I hate them both so that's good

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Friendly, threadly reminder that we are still in Official Breakfast Hours...fix yourselves the most delicious, comfy breakfast you can...because Saturday A.M.s on /ptg/ are good times to relax

You want privacy goy?
Well now you have to pay up

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>we don't need a wall!
>hah look at these pictures of spics climbing the old fence

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Never stops

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>we climb the fence to prove that wall won't work.
I never understand this thinking.

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I dont want my free downloads / entertainment to end.

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Rosenkike BTFO

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>look at these mexicans we paid for this picture goyim

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There are probably protests by leftists, but the (((media))) specifically doesn't report on things which are useless to whatever narrative they're interested in shilling.

>three people
>only one actually makes it
Now all we need is an armed guard

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George Washington University
Do we have any necromancers around? I think we need to dig George and Co. for a little bit.

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I kept asking but isn't this the OLD wall? It looks rusted and ill managed to be the new fence and levees.

the thinking is
trump wants wall lets call it a fence
trump calls that fence a wall, oh ok lets send some illegals over it haha walls dont work!

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I use violent monkey and I dont see ads

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If it weren't for keeping up with family far away, I'd delet my FB today.

TPP keeps being sold by apparent free traders as a "bullwark to China", yet in the same breath they leave the option open for China to eventually enter the TPP at some unspecified future date.

What does that make the agreement then? Certainly not the gateway to regional Pacific economic union. Or maybe an eventual Pacific government. A PU, so to say. Maybe the North American countries should just team up also! As a NAU, for example! Countries are old news anyway when you want to compete with China!


>if we sign one last trade deal then surely this time we'll get it right

And we also need amnesty because this time we won't fuck up and the Dems will surely pony up money for the wall

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I just need some free messenger
Yeah, everyone back to viber.

>bellowing retard words like an autistic shitskin

What is even this old pudding-brain's argument? We need to give China MORE money to help them? More troops in south China sea? More cheap labor for the GOP (((donor base)))? I just don't get the neocon angle here.
New Weekly Address.

Yeah it's the old design. Getting replaced.

>design country and system to allow people to be free
>dismantle laws which try to circumvent freedom
>kikes and niggers proceed to use this freedom to try and take away freedom from whites

Why is it that humans make it impossible to have nice things by acting like dumb apes?

every day mccain finds a way to have a new low

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>If it weren't for keeping up with family far away, I'd delet my FB today.

You don't want to just delete it. They keep the data. You want to do something like this to spoil it first.

Attached: Updates.png (2594x790, 168K)

>watching the live crash of fb with the boys on /ptg/
>intense fighting scene between Zucc the cucks and congress
>slouch down my $399 gaming chair and type, "YO, THIS SLEEZY KIKE FINNA BOUTTA DABBED ON"
>everyone showers me with (you)s
>black guy sucks his teeth and posts, "argentina is white"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls(male)

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you're confusing legitimate people with kike funded clickbait media

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Normalfags are unaware those exist, most likely the next step will be attempting to ban adblockers. I can forsee a future where adblock updates end up installing viruses onto your computer in a digital false flag in order to spur congressional action to making adblockers illegal.


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Volcanic lightning is seen above Shinmoedake peak as the peak erupts between Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures, southwestern Japan.

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>They're bringing drugs

>illegals jump the old barrier, that means the new one is going to fail!

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Believe in the climatecaust goyim PAY UP!!!!

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we have secret tech that can literally give us a better climate
its called a "thermostat"



>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that he would cancel the agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which was supposed to stop the deportation operation to Rwanda and bring in 16,000 asylum seekers in Western countries.

>And the agreement was formulated after Rwanda withdrew from the asylum agreement so that there is now no plan for the removal of asylum seekers from Israel.

>In a statement posted on Facebook, Netanyahu wrote, "I listened with great interest to the agreement, and after I prepared a new balance of advantages and disadvantages, I decided to cancel the agreement."

>"In the past 24 hours, I have held many consultations with Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, with professionals and representatives of residents of southern Tel Aviv," Netanyahu wrote. "Despite the growing legal and international difficulties, we will continue to act with determination to exhaust all the possibilities available to us to remove the infiltrators, while we will continue to look for additional solutions. Tel Aviv".

I think the jews got jewed, unless Google translate is lying to me.

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>it won't work so stop trying
My brain hurts just to follow this. And then i remember one of Mexico Senator also did the same shit.

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I live in Ohio there is snow on my car this morning I don't care about people in California it's cold here now

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>25 × 0 = 0
So, nobody will die?

>the next step will be attempting to ban adblockers

That's already a thing. Lots of sites I hit now won't display if you have one. Easy to work around, but still it's the trend.

what causes volcanic lightning to occur

>climate scientists in the 20s perdict the world will end by the 60s
>the ones in the 60s claim it will ll be over by the 80s
>the ones in the 90s claim new york will be completely underwater by 2006

>nonthing ever happens

Yes goy! But you can avert disaster with a "green tax"!

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GOPe double-talk to try and trick voters into electing the neocons back into power so they can keep ruining everything for the sake of a few rich jews.

same thing that causes regular lightning to occur
particles in the air gain static charge, over time it gets strong enough that it can discharge

>he doesn't work Saturday mornings
i'm not gonna make it, lad. even if i grab mcdonalds breakfast

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Most of those sites are shitty ones that I never use, like Haaretz.

>300 million people will die because water will rise a foot in the next century
lmao why didn't they just walk away from the beaches

It'll be a megacaust!

Why would you do this? It'll be quicker to lock users from installing 3rd party content since the average person don't know about workarounds. The can kick all ad blockers from their app stores and slip in legislation that makes then illegal/unconstitutional.

So 26 x 6 gorillions k1kes? I say that's a good start.

>Had to skip breakfast to work and help MAGA
So sad

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>So *25 x 6 gorillions k1kes? I say that's a good start.

friction of the ash builds up voltage in static electricity until the entire cloud's resistance breaks down and unleashes stored energy to ground
its about to get colder, volcanoes are getting active for the first time in many years, they give us cold weather

is that a powered wojak in the burst?

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Still not enough.

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It's a parody title, Delingpole has spent years writing hit pieces about the climate change bullshit

wrong, correct answer was "volcanoes" brainlet

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>climate scientists predict THING and then demand mo money fo dem programs to combat it

But Jow Forums told me that STEM was both profitable and useful to society

>ancient priests would claim that this occurred because the volcano god and the thunder god were fucking

>Volcanic lightning

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I seriously fucking hate all of you. Fuck your good morning, heres to praying someone in your family dies and you have a shitty day.

Malthusians have been wrong for 300 years but they keep on keeping on

>You don't want to just delete it. They keep the data. You want to do something like this to spoil it first.
Good to know, but besides my name and my known 51 family FB connections ... they got really nothing anyway. I don't even use FB phone apps and never filled out all the extra shit they ask you to submit.

Wow, uncalled for. Cheer up fren.

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I haven't been keeping up with this, is the wall happening? Won't it be very demoralizing for Trump if it doesn't happen since that was one of his major selling points?

T. shariablue

Meaning that Winter-Chan is going to freeze non-whites to death? Looks like that one user and CroCro could be on to something about the rapefugees leaving Europe then.
Not seeing it.
Does the baby get power of volcanoes and thunder?

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kek they don't even believe some of shit they throw against the wall

Have a blessed morning.

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>hold people accountable not only by not punishing them but also by allowing them more freedom to fuck you even more

I'm not a leftist, but I'll pray that you personally keel over and rot for assuming I am.

>Most of those sites are shitty ones that I never use, like Haaretz.

Daily Caller has started doing it, but if you hit escape right after the page renders, it skips. You can also just throw any blocked site into and you're good to go.

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I'm gonna have an extra great morning now just to spite (You)

Some fencing being replaced with DHS approved 20 foot steel "fence". National Guard being deployed to the border to help with security and still a potential for the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall since Congress sure a shit isn't going to fund it the proper way.

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Magnificent display of natural power.

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You aren't going to have shit you fucking loser. Shut the fuck up. Basement dwelling cock sniffer.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing for action on climate change

>The Climate Solutions Caucus, formed in 2016, has an equal number of Republicans and Democrats

>AMONG the many things that divide Democrats from Republicans is climate change. Fully 73% of Democratic voters say they are worried about global warming, compared with 32% of Republicans. Yet last month Elise Stefanik, a Republican congresswoman from New York (pictured above), co-authored a letter with a Democratic colleague urging President Donald Trump to reconsider his decision to purge climate change from the list of threats in the National Security Strategy. Another ten Republicans signed it (as did 94 Democrats). Many are members of the Climate Solutions Caucus in the House of Representatives.

>The caucus is as atypical as a climate-friendly Republican. It was dreamed up in 2016 by two south Florida congressmen. Ted Deutch, a Democrat, and Carlos Curbelo, a Republican, both worried about the damage global-warming-induced sea-level rise was visiting on their coastal districts. Having served on the House ethics committee, Mr Deutch noticed that divvying up seats evenly between the two sides fostered civility. So he and Mr Curbelo decided that to join their new caucus, an applicant must bring along a companion from across the aisle.

>Many of the group’s members are unabashedly green (Mr Deutch’s office walls on Capitol Hill are painted to reflect this). Plenty hail from purple areas, like Mr Curbelo. But 12 of its 33 Republicans represent districts where Mr Trump beat Hillary Clinton by more than ten percentage points in 2016.

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>Sheryl (((Sandberg)))

Went over to Wikijewdia to browse her profile...just another member of the tribe
>overachieved as a student all through her schooling
>4.6 GPA
>graduated summa cum laude from Harvard
>was a protege to that disgusting kike Larry Summers during the Clinton administration and the Asian financial crisis in the late 90s
>married a wealthy jew who dropped dead of heart arrythmia three years
>now a billionaire widow
>lectures the goyim that they'll need to pony up the shekels to protect their privacy

/ovennow/ for this gal

Any updates on this?

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