Does anybody actually believe Trump was clueless about Stormy Daniels payments?

>porn star sleeps with Trump
>Lawyer pays her $130,000 to stay quiet
>Trump says he knew nothing about it
>Doesn't even know how the lawyer got $130,000
Yeah I'm sure the lawyer just donated $130,000 to the cause out of the goodness of his heart. The multibillionaire needed the charity.

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How is ploughing a pornstar a negative thing?
Id double rap of course but why not?

Does anybody give a flying fuck?

its so trivial. i really don't give a damn.

The Stormy Daniels narrative is fake as fuck. Literally no one believes it, and even fewer people care.
Pizzaniggers are losing their pepperonis over this and no one gives a shit, lol.

He probably knew about it but not for that reason, he wanted MSM to throw a fit about what most Americans consider bro-fist worthy. Make the MSM attack him for retarded shit and show their colors. either that or his lawyer really didn't tell him about any of it and thought he was doing trump a solid by keeping Daniels threats out of his view. (like a retard)

For the hundredth time, nobody cares. I don’t care what he did a decade before he became president. It has zero affect on his current job performance.

it's delicious to see no one giving two fucks about this narrative
some dude at the office tried to sneak it into a conversation, and the softest response was
> you gossipy queer
but, hey, keep spending time and money on it


No, no matter how hard the media pushes it. It's just like pussy grabbing thing, and the Russian bullshit. No one cares, you just hear about it alot because the media wants you to care.

The scary thing is that there's this group of people who it is effecting and it's whipping them into fucking hysterics about trump. The people who they want to hate trump already do, and right now all they are doing is creating fanatics. Too much CNN and i think we'll start seeing some more antifa terrorist attacks.

Keep pushing this, the 20 point poll bump Clinton got would be nice. If you could get some impeachment hearings going in 2020 that'd be fantastic too.

>I don’t care what he did a decade before he became president.
>banging porn stars and playboy bunnies in his 60's
>literally the ultimate Chad

Bruh, if I knew this shit in 2016 I'd have combed the obituaries and found ten dead guys' names to vote for him with.

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Nobody GAF, user.
Go away.

Actually im disapointed Trump is playing politics and making denials now. When he was campaigning I thought he'd be more of the honost and don't give a fuck about it type. "Ya I fucked that slut, doesn't change my policy on Chinese imports. Fuck off while I make America great again"

>hey nyt, didja know _______
every time

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why does it matter? he's not your president.

I'm a big trump supporter but after all this came out I've realized it's time to move on. He's probably going to be impeached for this next week

Who gives a fuck is the real question here?
>Rich guy in his 60's marries supermodel and fucks pornstar
Thats chad material right there

Because the United States is one of, if not the most powerful nations on the planet, us leafs closest neighbour and ally as well as trading partner. What happens down there has global consequence, especially up here. So ya, Canadians follow your politics pretty closely. Also our PM is an embarrassment and we need a reason to forget it.

Does anybody give a shit?

This just in:
Alpha Male plows pussy. More details at 9

I know I just wanted to jack off as you wrote that. thanks for the material bud.

>"We're very concerned" about the allegations, said a leader of a faith-based ministry. The leader is involved in hosting the gathering, which organizers are aiming to take place June 19 at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. The source said the combination of the Stormy Daniels sex-scandal allegations and Trump's continued reputation for divisive rhetoric could suppress evangelical turnout in the November midterm elections.

As usual, Jow Forums's complete lack of the happenings outside their echochamber will eventually be their downfall.

Have fun in the 2018 midterm faggot XDDD

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Are you crazy?
Dum, de, dum, dum, ah, hp, sure, yea...I knew all about it, knew all about it, chipped in, knew all about it

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