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Aryan unity edition

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Evolution of the Europan (Aryan) races

Attached: rassenzweige 1.png (501x658, 46K)

Yeah, fine, but drop the "aryan" bullshit

OC by me

Attached: who was considered aryan.jpg (4000x2700, 1.36M)

You need to be educated in History, my Latvian brother. 'Aryan' simply meant 'white' back in the day

also see

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>"Aryan citizens (Ukrainians and Russians) are to report the jews who do not follow the order [to leave]"

Attached: 13.2 - Aryan citizens (Ukrainians and Russians) are to report the jews who do not follow the order [ (605x416, 175K)

Nice OC, also do you have more images to sure?

also bump

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Here we have Himmler calling Russians 'Aryan'

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Do you have any more examples of Slavs being referred to as Aryans? I've always been told that Hitler wanted to exterminate them.

The source is "Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation". Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf., Munchen 1936. S. 7 - 8.

>«…Noch sind aber in Russland zu viele Krafte des Widerstandes dass Kaltblutig wird nun dieses Volk noch einmal in die Offensive gehetzt, noch einmal muss das arische Russentum auf die Schlachtbank.»
>"das arische Russentum"

Attached: 5.1.jpg (1192x1666, 87K)

"Aryan" is a Nazi German term, and "white" is a new world one. Neither really applies to us, even more so they are dirty terms nowadays.
And we are not brothers. Not seeking conflict is one thing, but fraternization is a whole other deal. Just no.

stop calling every pale skinned albino aryan
t.real aryan

I ment more images to *share

And can you translate this? I usually dont see documents and articles like this but when I do, and I can read it, I find them fascinating.

'Aryan' is not a 'Nazi' Germany term, it was used for many decades before the creation of the NSDAP, e.g. the map ()
is from 1885

I don't think you'll need a translator for this one

Attached: 12- Russians are Aryan - Free America.jpg (689x1080, 241K)

RIght, and the swastika was openly used in most of Europe and America before WWII too. But now it is associated with Nazi Germany - therefore forever tarnished. A rebrand is needed.

the source is German-American Bund speeches

I believe Hitler only wanted the Globalist Jewish populations of Russia and eastern european countries to be destroyed or overthrown not the non-jewish, normal majority of those countries to be harmed.

not a rebranding but a reclamation of our symbols

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Poor guys had to ally with crazy Hitler to fight against communists because America was a communist ally.


That applied to only Germany itself, the rest of occupied Europe was to be made into vassal states.


>We fight Bolshevism not because the Victory is near or even possible, but because The Struggle is the only morally acceptable response to Bolshevism

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Take the Siegepill instead, don't waste anymore time.

Read SIEGE by James Mason!

Attached: Jungle Siege.jpg (1050x1575, 447K)

Okay thanks also checked. But can you translate this one right here in cyrillic to english it not like I can use google translate for images that would be cool tho also what you mentioned about it interests me, about German-Russian relations.

I have read it, but have you?

It is self contradictory and repretitive with different wording throughout. Claims to be National Socialist but advocates anarchism and parasitism - the antithesis of both nationalism and socialism, respectively.

So you basically didn't understand it. Maybe you should take your English class again, mongol rape-baby.

the last paragraph on the right ():

>Apийcкиe житeли гopoдa (yкpaинцы и pyccкиe) пpизывaютcя дoнocить o eвpeях, нe иcпoлнивших этoгo пpикaзa [coбpaтьcя 16 oктябpя 1941 для дeпopтaции]
>"Aryan citizens (Ukrainians and Russians) are to report the jews who do not follow the order [to gather for deportation of the 16th of october 1941"

Attached: 13.1 - Еврейский музей толерантности (Русские и Украинцы (700x467, 40K)

The one on the left is in Ukrainian, it says that all Jews must report to relocation centres in time, and those that do no comply can be executed. It seems that the Russian one says the same word for word.

Russian Culture was considered to be an important part of the European heritage by the National socialists

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Smelly dumb slavshit scum. You people are a nightmare of eugenics, with a national character that would make your mongol forefathers so proud. If it wasn't for the Jew you people would have been pushed out of Europe entirely. All that land and what do you have to show for it? You'll savagery fight anyone to defended it yet turn around and desecrate it yourselves. There's your red pill your retarded sodomite.

Aryan or not?
If so,what subrace?
If not,how much mongrelised is he?

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you need to lose some pounds m8, but probably mediterranean, thoung I'm no expert

Lose 80% of his body fat

Okay thanks for the translation also nice Hitler digits.

Stop posting yourself here all the, otherwise someone might become incentivized to dox your 'hind quarters.

so is it not the first time he'd done it?

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Sorry,but I'm not fat,in fact I am pretty skinny and I have light brown skin

No, he has been doing this for a near month now, popping into random threads and asking what is his ethnicity.

you're a meme flag shill, this is a redpill thread
get out of here

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Yes,because that nose totally screams kike,right?

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(((they))) hate us so much that they don't even use a plus sign because it reminds them of Christianity

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Does an user have a picture on communist atrocities?

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Read Mein Kampf. Aryans, according to Hitler, where the common ancestor of all white Europeans, Iranians. He goes on to describe how slavs, especially russians, aren't "asiatic" peoples, much rather Aryans who were under asiatic rule. It was a common meme in Europe, invented by the poles in the 13th century I think, to call Russians asiatic people in order to make them look foreign and justify conquering their lands. Hitler disagreed with that and said that the Slavs who would eventually be conquered are to be germanized, e.g. forced to learn the german language and culture, but since they are of aryan descent, no further steps are necessary to integrate them.

In practice, I remember, countless polish kids where forced to learn german

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wow you showed him. defenitely debunked his claims by providing a logicial explanation. Are you a murican, by any chance?

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>Slavs are Aryan
This is literally the most Jewish thread to ever appear here

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Are Georgians white?

I feel pretty white, but all my neighbors seem much LESS white than we are for some reason

they opened a ski lift in chechenia a few months back and they started yelling "allahu akbar", the slavs are crawling all over us, and the turks/aziris/iranians are sniffing our ass

pls send troops

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anyone know where to get the rest

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I have provided historical evidence in documents, books and maps proving my claim
and what do you have provided?
oh yeah, right, NOTHING

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Well, I have a georgian friend, he's pretty ok, looks white to me
I guess your people are not racially homogeneous, you probably have some Aryans (like you and my friend) but also Near Asians and Orientalids

I prefer the red army, they seem more focused in the victory than in looks, even if they get it by trowing millions of people against machineguns and tanks

A lot of anti Slavic lies in this thread.

Speech of the Reichsführer-SS at the SS Group Leader Meeting in Posen (Poznan) 4- October-1943
Brig. Fegelein and the Russian general

Heart in the wrong place…..

For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them. When somebody comes to me and says, "I can't build tank ditches with children or women. That's inhumane, they'll die doing it." Then I must say: "You are a murderer of your own blood, since, if the tank ditches are not built, then German soldiers will die, and they are the sons of German mothers. That is our blood." That is how I would like to indoctrinate this SS, and, I believe, have indoctrinated, as one of the holiest laws of the future: our concern, our duty, is to our people, and to our blood. That is what we must care for and think about, work for and fight for, and nothing else.

Attached: Genocide near Moscow.png (1159x611, 78K)

Everything else can be indifferent to us. I wish the SS to face the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, particularly the Russians, with this attitude. Everything else is moonshine, a fraud against our own people, and an obstacle to earlier victory in the war.

The SS after the war
This Order will then march into the future, young and strong, revolutionary and effective, to fulfil its task of providing the Germanic people with a superior stock capable of binding this Germanic people and this Europe together and holding them together, producing the intellects that required by the people, in economics, farming, politics, and as soldiers, statesmen, and technicians. In addition, this superior stock must be so strong, so filled with life, that each generation will be capable, without question, of sacrificing two or three sons from each family on the battlefield, yet nevertheless ensure the passing on of the bloodline.

Himmler supposedly wrote this on 22.4. 1942, sourced as BA (Bundesarchiv): R22/851, 1ff., Himmler an Schlegelberger

As Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police, however, I am responsible to see that such deeds find their just penalty. The community of the people demands the destruction of such parasites, regardless of whether, according to juristic considerations, a subjective guilt exists or not. I cannot accept that a Polish sub-human escapes their punishment through some legal.

From Speech of the Reichsführer-SS at the SS Group Leader Meeting in Posen (Poznan) 4- October-1943

Attached: The Russians must die, so that we could live.jpg (1024x593, 418K)

Aw come on
>soviets won by throwing billions of men at the enemy by catapults, each german soildier killed 1000000000 soviets but there were so many soviets that they still won
Meanwhile the total casualty rate throughout the war on the eastern front was 1.3-1.5 : 1

We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy. I will now say again something which I have already today said to the men elsewhere: we will never let that excellent weapon, the dread and terrible reputation which preceded us in the battles for Kharkow fade, but will constantly add new meaning to it. They can call us what they like in the world, the main thing is that we are the eternally loyal, obedient, steadfast and unconquerable fighting men of the Germanic people and of theFuehrer, the SS of the Germanic Reich. (Heinrich Himmler from Kharkow speech in April of 1943)

These clashes are the only evolutionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich. Heinrich Himmler

General Erich Hoepner of the Panzer Group 4 stated:

The war against Russia is an important chapter in the German nation's struggle for existence. It is the old battle of the Germanic against the Slavic people, of the defense of European culture against Muscovite-Asiatic inundation and of the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism. The objective of this battle must be the demolition of present-day Russia and must therefore be conducted with unprecedented severity. Every military action must be guided in planning and execution by an iron resolution to exterminate the enemy remorselessly and totally. In particular, no adherents of the contemporary Russian Bolshevik system are to be spared.

Attached: SS-Der_Untermensch_3.jpg (504x342, 123K)

Heinrich Himmler in a speech to the Eastern Front Battle Group "Nord" declared:
It is a war of ideologies and struggle races. On one side stands National Socialism: ideology, founded on the values of our Germanic, Nordic blood. It is worth the world as we want to see: beautiful, orderly, fair, socially, a world that may be, still suffers some flaws, but overall a happy, beautiful world filled with culture, which is precisely Germany. On the other side stands the 180 millionth people, a mixture of races and peoples, whose names are unpronounceable, and whose physical nature is such that the only thing that they can do - is to shoot without pity or mercy. These animals, which are subjected to torture and ill-treatment of each prisoner from our side, which do not have medical care they captured our wounded, as do the decent men, you will see them for yourself. These people have joined a Jewish religion, one ideology, called Bolshevism, with the task of: having now Russian, half [located] in Asia, parts of Europe, crush Germany and the world. When you, my friends, are fighting in the East, you keep that same fight against the same subhumans, against the same inferior races that once appeared under the name of Huns, and later - 1,000 years ago during the time of King Henry and Otto I, - the name of the Hungarians, and later under the name of Tatars, and then they came again under the name of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Today they are called Russian under the political banner of Bolshevism.

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D. 17 October 1941, Hitler Monologue, Führer Headquarters, in Madajczyk, Generalny, pp. 69-70.
“The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized! It is for this purpose that we are building great highways to the southern tip of the Crime and to the Caucasus. German cities established along these roadways will stretch like a string of pearls, and around these will be German settlements. The two or three million people we need [for this program] can be found quicker than we think. We will take them from Germany, the Scandinavian lands, Western Europe, and America. Chances are that I will not live to see this, but in twenty years twenty million people will inhabit this territory. In three hundred years we will have a blossoming parkland of extraordinary beauty!
As for the people indigenous to the area, we will be sure to select those [of importance]. We will remove the destructive Jews entirely. … We will not enter Russian cities, they must die out completely.
There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination. I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History. What people think of me at present is all of no consequence. Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword. We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”

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C. 9 June 1942, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen. Edited by B.F. Smith and A.F. Peterson (Frankfurt/Main: Propyläen Verlag, 1974), pp. 145-161.

“This war makes no sense if afterwards … Bohemia and Moravia, the German eastern districts of southeast Prussia, Danzig-West Prussia, the Warthegau, Upper Silesia, the General Government, the Ostland (inc. the Baltic States and Belorussia), the Crimea, and Ingermanland aren’t completely settled with Germans within twenty years.

This is the task that we have set out to accomplish, for as long as we still live, once peace is established … the land is Germanized when the populace is German.”

D. March 1928, Hitler Speech in Hamburg, Prange, Hitler’s Words, pp. 26-27.

“Twice in history our people has drawn the sword to advantage. The first time, when our people colonized the south and east marches with German peasants, and second, when they, here in the north, east of the Elbe, gained the territory which has been the most precious treasure of our people. If we had not promoted these great colonies and shed the blood which gained them, what would be the situation today? This colonization returned a high rate of interest. The sword of those days has become the plow of today, and even today this plow assures a great part of our people its daily bread. If ever in the future of Germany the sword must be drawn … then it must be drawn in the service of the plow – so that some day the time will come when the sword will again become the plow.”

Attached: Urheimat.png (1419x1214, 435K)

E. 16 July 1941, Hitler Comments, Conference in Führer Headquarters, in Czesław Madajczyk, ed., Generalny Plan Wschodni: Zbiór dokumentów (Warszawa: Glówna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, 1990), pp. 61-64.

On Hitler’s aims in the conquered east: “The Crimea must be cleared of all [racially] foreign peoples, as must the parts of Galicia which formerly belonged to the Austrian Empire. …We must make a Garden of Eden out of the newly won eastern territories; this is important for our future existence; [overseas] colonies play a subordinate role. … All of the Baltic lands must be annexed to the Reich. Similarly, the Crimea, with a significant adjoining region (the region north of the Crimea) must become Reich territory. The annexed territory must be as large as possible. … The Reich must also annex the Volga Colony and the area around Baku.”

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Küchler was an active supporter of the planned war of annihilation (Vernichtungskrieg(de)) against the Soviet Union. After meeting Hitler in March 1941 to plan forOperation Barbarossa, Küchler told his divisional commanders on 25 April 1941:
"We are separated from Russia, ideologically and racially, by a deep abyss. Russia is, if only by the mass of her territory, an Asian state...TheFührerdoes not wish to palm off responsibility for Germany's existence on to a later generation; he has decided to force the dispute with Russia before the year is out. If Germany wishes to live in peace for generations, safe from a threatening danger in the East, this cannot be a case of pushing Russia back a little-or even hundreds of kilometers-but the aim must be to annihilate European Russia, to dissolve the Russian state in Europe".
Förster, Jürgen (2004). "The German Military’s Image of Russia". In Erickson, Ljubica; Erickson, Mark.Russia War, Peace and Diplomacy. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

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"If we had won the war against the Soviet Union none of this, not even the crimes would have mattered..."


2:20 Nazi Germans forcefully sent Ukrainians as eastern workers to Germany where a portion of them would eventually die.

5:58 Nazi Germans executed Ukrainian patriots at the beginning of their occupation, did they pose a threat for the German occupants, weren’t the Germans supposed to be wonderful liberators?

7:50 At the beginning of the occupation Ukrainian nationalists were considered dangerous in the place where a surviving UPA fighter was.


8:07 Germans massacred civilians who recently joined the partisans to escape execution during reprisal operations? Germans gave the civilians a corridor out of the encirclement of the partisans only to machine gun them down.

9:00 Germans killed children and threw them down drinking wells.

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"Every time, when we stormed cellars, and women were inside. Dirlewanger soldiers raped them. Many times a group raped same women, quickly, still having arms in their hands. Then after one of fights, I was literally shaken. I stood by the wall and couldn't calm my nerves. Dirlewanger soldiers came in. One of them took woman. She was pretty. She wasn't screaming. Then he raped her, pushing strongly her head against table, bearing bayonet in other hand. First he cut her blouse off. Then one cut from stomach to throat. Blood flushed. Do you know, how fast blood is congealing in August..?"

“My second penitentiary watch I got for a priest. We breached with explosives back door to monastery-very heavy, they lead to cellar. Monastery huge building near the Old Town, was already very damaged by bombs and grenades. We jumped in pair inside. There was priest standing in front of us. He had cup and waffel in his hands. Maybe this was reflex, I don't know, we knelt and took communion, then third of us entered and did the same. Then SS-men entered, and usual shots and screams, groans started. Nuns were in habits, Few hours later I seen that priest in Dirlewangerers' hands. They drank wine from cup, wafer was lying broken. They were pissing on cross resting on wall. They were torturing priest: he had blooded face, torn gown. We took that priest from them, it was reflex. they were surprised, but so drunk, that they didn't knew what is happening. Next day they also didn't remember what happened. We passed priest to our battalion. I didn't heard about him anymore.”


Attached: How Germans fed starving Ukrainian kids.jpg (750x2776, 987K)

The following is a particularly telling excerpt: " on the Seversky airport Private Peter Shuber. - We had a mission: to bring the girls the officers. We have successfully carried out the operation, all cordoned off the house. We collected a truckload of girls. All night the girls kept the officers, but in the morning they gave us - the soldiers. In large cities, organized stationary brothels. It was standard practice Wehrmacht. "There were soldiers' brothels," puffs "were called - remember shturmbannfyurera SS Avenir Bennigsen. - Almost all fronts. Girls from all over Europe, of all nationalities, from all camps collected. By the way, an indispensable accessory of a German soldier and an officer were two condoms, which are regularly issued in the army. " But while in Europe the Wehrmacht brothels staffed with more or less voluntarily, on Soviet soil invaders such delicacy is not going to show. Girls and women for the German soldiers for the most part collected by force - a scene that will forever remember the people trapped under the occupation. In Smolensk, for example, women dragged by the arms and hair, dragged on the pavement - in the officer's brothel, organized in one of the hotels. In case of refusal to stay in a brothel followed the shooting. After the Red Army drove the Germans out of Kerch, views of Red terrible sight presented itself: "In the prison yard was found mutilated shapeless pile of naked girls' bodies, wild and tortured by the Nazis cynically."

Either from the book "For What the Soviet People Were Fighting" or "Unknown Faces of War."

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You are the one who behave like a nigger.


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On the evening of 29 December 1942 we started our operation in a village. There were no partisans in this village. The people from the village provided us with heated rooms and gave us food, so we were very surprised when the company commander later ordered us to burn down the village and arrest the village people. So 50 inhabitants were taken prisoner. . . . We then moved onto another village. . . . On our arrival we came under fire from rifles. . . . We shot about 70 people. Among them also women, old people and children. And then we burned down the village. . . . We then proceeded to the third village. We didn't come across any partisans there. But we still burnt down the village and shot around 50 people. Even women and children. And then we moved on to the fourth village and did exactly the same thing as we had done in the other villages. There we shot about 100 people, burnt down the village, and made 80 arrests. . . . After we had destroyed these villages we moved onwards towards Osipovichi. On our way there we combed the woods in search of partisans.

Source: Lance-corporal Albert Rodenbusch, 635th Training Regiment, on events in December 1942 in Belorussia. Belorussian SSR, 15-19 January 1946 (Minsk Trial)

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>posting ancient race bullshit from a time when they didn't even properly understand what dna was

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You're probably not even a Russian, but maybe a organized and possibly paid troll I would guess.

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By instinct, the Russian does not incline towards a higher form of society. Certain peoples can live in such a way that with them a collection of family units does not make a whole; and although Russia has set up a social system which, judged by Westem standards, qualifies for the designation " State ", it is not, in fact, a system which is either congenial or natural to her.

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka. His ideal consists in never doing anything but the indispensable. Our conception of work (work, and then more of it!) is one that he submits to as if it were a real curse.

It is doubtful whether anything at al can be done in Russia without the help of the Orthodox priest. It's the priest who has been able to reconcile the Russian to the fatal necessity of work by promising him more happiness in another world.

The Russian will never make up his mind to work except under compulsion from outside, for he is incapable of organizing himself. And if, despite everything, he is apt to have organisation thrust upon him, that is thanks to the drop of Aryan blood in his veins. It's only because of this drop that the Russian people has created something and possesses an organised State,

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It takes energy to rule Russia. The corollary is that, the tougher a country's regime, the more appropriate it is that equity and justice should be practiced there. The horse that is not kept constantly under control forgets in the wink of an eye the rudiments of training that have been inculcated into it. In the same way, with the Russian, there is an instinctive force that invariably leads him back to the State of nature. People some- times quote the case of the horses that escaped from a ranch in America, and by some ten years later had formed huge herds of wild horses. It is so easy for an animal to go back to its origins ! For the Russian, the return to the State of nature is a return to primitive forms of life. The family exists, the female looks after her children, like the female of the hare, with ali the feelings of a mother. But the Russian doesn't want anything more. His reaction against the constraint of the organized State (which is always a constraint, since it limits the liberty of the individual) is brutal and savage, like all feminine reactions. When he collapses and should yield, the Russian bursts into lamentations. This will to return to the State of nature is exhibited in his revolutions. For the Russian, the typical form of revolution is nihilism.
Page 3-4

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We must take care to prevent a military power from ever again establishing itself on this side of the Urals, for our neighbours to the West would always be allied with our neighbours to
the East. That's how the French once made common cause with the Turks, and now the English are behaving in the same fashion with the Soviets. When I say, on this side of the Urals,
I mean a line running two or three hundred kilometres east of the Urals. It should be possible for us to control this region to the East with two hundred and fifty thousand men plus a cadre Of good administrators. Let's learn from the English, who, with two hundred and fifty thousand men in all, including fifty thousand soldiers, govern four hundred million Indians. This space in Russia must always be dominated by Germans.

Nothing would be a worse mistake on our part than to seek to educate the masses there. It is to our interest that the people should know just enough to recognise the signs on the roads. At present they can't read, and they ought to stay like that.
Page 15

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“If anyone asks us where we obtain the right to extend the Germanic space to the East, we reply that, for a nation, her awareness of what she represents carries this right with it. It's success that justifies everything. The reply to such a question can only be of an empirical nature.

It's inconceivable that a higher people should painfully exist on a soil too narrow for it, whilst amorphous masses, which contribute nothing to civilisation, occupy infinite tracts of a soil that is one of the richest in the world. We painfully wrest a few metres from the sea, we torment ourselves cultivating marshes — and in the Ukraine an inexhaustibly fertile soil, with a thickness, in places, often metres of humus, lies waiting for us.

We must create conditions for our people that favour its multiplication, and we must at the same time build a dike against the Russian flood.

If this war had not taken place, the Reich would scarcely have increased its population during the next ten years, but the Russian population would have grown vigorously.

The earth continues to go round, whether it's the man who kills the tiger or the tiger who eats the man. The stronger asserts his will, it's the law of nature. The world doesn't change; its laws are eternal.

Attached: Hess and Himmler visit a VoMi display of proposed rural German settlements in the East, March 1941.j (526x799, 49K)

There are some who say the world is evil, and that they wish to depart from this life. For my part, I like the world ! Unless the desire to die is due to a lover's quarrel, I advise the desperate man to have patience for a year. The consolations will come. But if a human being has any other reason to wish to die than this, then let him die, I'm not stopping him. I merely call attention to the fact that one cannot escape this world entirely. The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature; and as for our soul, it's possible that it might return to limbo, until it gets an opportunity to reincarnate itself. But it would vex me if everybody wanted to have done with life.

To make death easier for people, the Church holds out to them the bait of a better world. We, for our part, confine our- selves to asking man to fashion his life worthily. For this, it is sufficient for him to conform to the laws of nature. Let's seek inspiration in these principles, and in the long run we'll triumph over religion.
Page 38

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For them the word "liberty" means the right to wash on feast days. If we arrive bringing soft soap, we'll obtain no sympathy. These are views that will have to be completely readjusted. There's only one duty: to Germanise this country by the immigration of Germans, and to look upon the natives as Redskins. If these people had defeated us, Fleaven have mercy! But we don't hate them. That sentiment is unknown to us. We are guided only by reason. They, on the other hand, have an inferiority complex. They have a real hatred towards a conqueror whose crushing superiority they can feel.
Page 69

If the Croats were part of the Reich, we'd have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Fuehrer, to police our marshes. Whatever happens, one shouldn't treat them as Italy is doing at present. The Croats are a proud people. They should be bound directly to the Fuehrer by an oath of loyalty. Like that, one could rely upon them absolutely. When I have Kvaternik standing in front of me, I behold the very type of the Croat as I've always known him, unshakeable in his friendships, a man whose oath is eternally binding. The Croats are very keen .on not being regarded as Slavs. According to them, they're descended from the Goths. The fact that they speak a Slav language is only an accident, they say.
Page 95

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Every Czech is a born nationalist who naturally relates everything to his own point of view. One must make no mistake about him: the more he curbs himself, the more dangerous he is. The German of the Old Reich lets himself be duped by the apparent obligingness of the Czech, and by his obsequiousness. Neurath let himself be completely diddled by the Czech nobility. Another six months of that regime and
production would have fallen by 25 per cent. Of all the Slavs, the Czech is the most dangerous, because he's a worker. He has a sense of discipline, he's orderly, he's more a Mongol than a Slav. Beneath the top layer of a certain loyalty, he knows how to hide his plans. Now they'll work, for they know we're pitiless and brutal. I don't despise them, I have no resentment against them. It's destiny that wishes us to be adversaries. To put it briefly, the Czechs are a foreign body in the midst of the German community. There's no room both for them and for us. One of us must give way.

As regards the Pole, it's lucky for us that he's idle, stupid and vain. The Czech State — and that's due to the training the Czechs have had — was a model of honesty. Corruption practically didn't exist amongst them. Czech officials are generally inspired by a sense of honour. That's why a man like Hacha is
more dangerous than a rogue of a journalist. He's an honest man, who won't enrich himself by a crown in the exercise of his functions. Men liable to corruption are less dangerous. Those are things that the Second Reich never understood. Its way of behaving towards the Poles was a deplorable set-back. It only succeeded in strengthening their sense of patriotism. Our com- patriots of the frontier regions, who would know how to set about things with the neighbouring peoples, were repressed by the kindly Germans of the interior — who suppose, for their part, that kindliness is the way to win these foreign hearts for Germany. At the time of Maria Theresa everything was going...
Page 234

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You are fucking dumb. He is posting stuff about germans' opinion on slavs/russians. And if we talk about genetics, modern studies tell us that we Eastern Euros are one of the most white peoples in Europe, I am myself a tall blueyed blonde, and almost everyone in my family is.


Also, if someone is interested you can translate it into english.

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In Forster's opinion, if any Pole desired to acquire German nationality, the decision should depend upon
the general impression mode by the candidate. Even in cases where it was not possible to trace exactly the antecedents of the individual, there were nevertheless certain ethnical characteristics, which, taken in conjunction with character and standard of intelligence, gave sure guidance. Accord- ing to Forster, it would appear that Professor Giinther, a specialist in these matters, was quite right when he asserts, after a tour often-odd days through the province of Danzig, that four-fifths ofthe Poles living in the north of that province could be Germanised. When called upon to make decisions in such cases one should not forget, added Forster, that real life is always stronger than theory, and that therefore one should Germanise wherever possible, bearing in mind past experience and relying on one's common sense. In the Southern and south-eastern parts ofthe province, it would be better to start by establishing garrisons, with the object of "resuscitating" the population, and only later to examine the possibilities of Germanisation, The thing to be avoided in ali these regions and throughout the intermediary period was the introduction of German priests. It would be far better to support the Polish clergy. Polish priests, with the pressure that could be put on them, would prove more malleable. One could count on their going each Saturdav to the Governor and asking what should be the subject of their sermon for
the next day. Even better would be to persuade the Polish Bishop to remain in close touch with the German Gauleiter, and thus to ensure the transmission, through him, of all the instructions thought desirable to the priests under him. In this way, Forster concluded, it would be possible to maintain order in the country, even during the transition period.
Page 472-473

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It is not possible to generalise on the extent to which the Slav races are susceptible to the Germanic imprint. In point of fact, Tsarist Russia, within the framework of her pan-Slav policy, propagated the qualification Slav and imposed it on a large diversity of people, who had no connection with the Slavonic race. For example, to label the Bulgarians as Slavs is pure nonsense; originally they were Turkomans. The same applies to the Czechs. It is enough for a Czech to grow a moustache for anyone to see, from the way the thing droops, that his origin is Mongolian. Among the so-called Slavs of the South the Dinars are predominant. Turning to the Croats, I must say I think it is highly desirable, from the ethnical point of view, that they should be Germanised. There are, however, political reasons
which completely preclude any such measures.
Page 473

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In setting up the educational system, the same principles apply to both Eastern territories and any other colonies. We do not want any of this enlightenment nonsense propagated by an advance guard of parsons ! What is the use of talking about progress to people like that? Jodl is quite right when he
says that notices in the Ukrainian language "Beware of the Trains" are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or two more locals get run over by the trains?

I am in favour of teaching a little German in the schools simply because this will facilitate our administration. Other- wise every time some German instruction is disobeyed, the local inhabitant will come along with the excuse that he "didn't understand". For the same reason, the Russian script must be replaced by the Latin. The greatest possible mistake we could make would be to take the local population too much under the wing of the State ; and to avoid all danger of our own people becoming too soft-hearted and too humane towards them, we must keep the German colonies strictly separated from the local inhabitants.

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>troll paid to fight against bolshevist propaganda

sounds like a great job to me, where do i sign up?

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Germans will in no circumstances live in a Ukrainian town. If essential, it will be better to put Germans in barracks outside a town than to allow them to live inside it. Otherwise, sooner or later, the process of cleaning up and improving the town will inevitably start; and Russian and Ukrainian towns are not in any circumstances to be improved or made more habitable. It is not our mission to lead the local inhabitants to a higher standard of life; and our ultimate object must be to build towns and villages exclusively for Germans and absolutely separate from Russian or Ukrainian towns. The houses to be constructed for the Germans must in no respect resemble those of the Russians, and lime-plaster and thatched roofs will not be used.
Page 589

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wtf I love communism and kikes now

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