Why is western society so sexualized?
Why is western society so sexualized?
Because of Jews
because Western Europeans are unchristian trash
Sex sells
-Sex sells.
-(((They))) love money.
Any other great secrets of the universe you need revealed to you?
People of Jewish descent
When the cultural zeitgeist is predicated on the idea that nothing matters, and by extension everything has equal validity due to their mutual lack of importance, taboos go out the window and you can recreate pic related with oiled up supermodels to try and sell the public some overpriced and overrated smellies
Sexual desire is an easy desire to appeal to and tempt and hence exploit for financial benefit.
We started worshiping materialism and pleasure again after ancient Greek values stuck it's ugly head in our society again.
Wait, are you saying Jews are greedy and that the love of money is the root of all evil? You anti-semite.
because we're decadent
sex sells, goy
Because it sells. Basically (((capitalism))).
because good times create weak men
>ancient greek values
>materialism and pleasure
The Jews are exploiting a weakness for the survival of their people. While they are at fault for much of the promotion, we are responsible for the consumption. They would have no power over us if we were still a people of self control and virtue. Blaming kikes won't solve anything.
>oy vey don't name the jew
A problem must be diagnosed before it can be addressed.
Which societies aren't? In the West, you can openly profit on sex. Doesn't mean elsewhere that sexual impulse isn't rampant, it just means fetishes or rapes are higher. Erotica grew to unimaginable levels during the Victorian era and similar periods in the West when sexual repression was highest.
Sex sells. Really, that's it; it's instinct to use sex for advertising. It's a base desire. You can attract people's attention and make everything look appealing by slapping a near-naked chick on the cover.
D&G Is a Italian company retard
Cato the Elder would like a word with you nigger. Rome fell apart because of the introduction of Greek values, Christendom fell apart for the same reason. Hell, the Arabs were doing some questionable shit around the time the Mongols fucked them up that we would consider hedonistic and degenerate. Greek values and culture is disgusting and should be destroyed. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all reactionaries to their culture.
Yes, because Italy is known all across the world as a country belonging to the Eastern sphere of influence.
The problem is our weakness for pleasure you dunderhead, Jews are the parasite that feed off this weakness. Correct the weakness and the parasite will die.
Declining levels of C
Jews frequently hide by claiming to be Italian.
Do you know one of the main reason the Renaissance began? Greeks from Anatolia were expelled by the Ottomans and they brought their values and Ideals to Western Europe.
Have to do both m8. There's nothing inherently wrong with sex but rather that the Jews see something good and necessary to life as a venue for perversion and evil.
this. (((always))) overlooked
WTF? Study some history. Ancient Greek values (and Roman) have ALWAYS been incorporated into Christianity. Thank God
>also this
>god of healing and sudden death
The fucking niggers like it this way since they couldnt have sex before
Is that the kind of guy women are in to? They're effete-looking as fuck.
Jewish Feminism, unregulated (((capitalism))), and the breakdown of tradition and family.
Jews basically
Because sexual freedom is expressed by media as one of the highest forms of freedom. When really all they do is just shake their ass tits and get fucked. Now that these new generations have that they believe all the wrong things are true freedom. The freedom they think they have is actually a form of control .
>Muh sides
/pol is ALWAYS right
Stoicism was incorporated into Christianity. Plato and Aristotle were incorporated into Christianity. All of these were reactionaries against the absolute degenerate nature of the individualistic, materialistic, and hedonistic culture that belonged to the ancient Greeks. Virtues were different between Greeks and Romans. The Romans were a simple Patriarchal and strict people that specialized in engineering and warfare. They were a collective people. Ancient Greeks were individualists that sought after personal glory and pleasure. Romans were fascists and Greeks were capitalists, if you want a modern equivalent. Listen to Cato the Elder, he warned the Romans and his words are still warning us. Leave the Greeks alone, they will destroy your spirit.
Pretty much this. Jews used the trauma and confusion caused by 9-11(people need to research the 9th of av and the significance of the number 9/11 to jews btw) to take a great leap forward in the demoralization and subversion(especially with regard to sexual subversion) of the people of the land. A sexually subverted and confused population will be devitalized and more easily manipulated.
Blaming Jews is only going to make you blind the other "Jews" right in front of you waiting for a peace that rump.
Nope. The tree will be judged by the fruit that it bears. The Synagogue of Satan must be named at every turn.
Because Islam is the anti degenerate way of life and the Quran is the last book without fault without edits like the Torah and (((Bible)))
>People of Jewish descent
those are based israeli jews my dude :^)
Because it's a soulless machinery aimed at making money and nothing else. The process makes people dead on the inside so advertising and journalism appeals to raw desires to be able to catch your attention.
Not a conspiracy people just do wtf works.
Anti Semitism is a trick by the Jew for their validation as the chose people. Christ was smart enough to see this and said the anyone outside of the Church is the same. Jews are nobodies and should be treated like nobodies. They will burn in Hell the same way that a Hindu will.
Semite means "descendant of Shem," one of the sons of Noah. Please don't use Jewish wordplay to disguise the situation. We're not talking about the sons of Shem.
You're nitpicking. You understood what I was trying say and you instead chose to focus on a tiny error and completely ignore everything else that I said.
thats not sexy for me.
It's not nitpicking. It's what rabbis do when they focus on the tree to miss the forest. It's a false choice. The forest is nothing but trees anyway. Name them all.
I don't know anyone that would find 3 homosexual oily men holding down an anemic fully clothed woman sexy.
Niggers are in to this sort of thing, by the looks of it.
I don't have this weird autistic knowledge on Jews to even understand what you're trying to say. All I'm saying is that being anti Jewish and believing that they have this special evil in them is only giving them the validation for their existence. To destroy the Jew you must put them into a larger category, similar how they put us in goyim. They are our goyim. There are Christians and not Christians. That's it.
That's why I called them the Synagogue of Satan. Be a good Christian and go read your bible to find out what that term means. It's in Revelation.
I dunno but those jean shorts are a sin
Because of
>Muh liberty, fuck religion
It started in the 17th century when Western Europe embraced the degenerate Greek set of values and philosophies. Fast forward to the 21st century and you got kids on both sides of the spectrum defending degeneracy by saying things like:
>Muh naked human body is nothing to be ashamed of
I'm a brainlet and can't read. I only have my faith to guide me.
You obviously can read if you're participating in this textual exchange. Otherwise you'd have to go ask a priest, as, traditionally, the existed in large part because they were literate and could read and interpret the bible for the unwashed masses.
For all the sexualization, through, the west fails to produce babies
Demand and supply. Most of all western normies love sexual degeneracy. They want men to be promiscuous and women to be sluts. In free market where degeneracy isn't restricted by enforced laws it will always flourish.
Promote despair with intermittent injections of dopamine to keep them from committing suicide, this is how you control and manipulate a population with minimal direct supervision.
yup dionisious was a semitic god, brought into Greece by the degenerate scum from the levant
not even nigs are this degenerate, its always the levantine race imposing its sexualization, trance and ecstasy on EVERYONE
Actions speak louder than words: cunts love being raped. They love strong assholes (chads) because strong assholes can deliver a good fucking and will make good money (i.e. upper management).
Cunts are only happy when they're being treated like shit.
Give her an inch and she'll walk all over you (cuck you).
Want to save civilization? Treat cunts how they want to be treated not how they say they want to be treated. You won't even have to do without pussy because nothing gets a cunt wetter than being used and abused-- why the fuck do you think 50 Shades of Grey is such a best seller?