dindu drove truck into crowd
people died
many injured
pls dont be racist, we dont know who dindu nuffin

Attached: ops.gif (400x350, 2.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I already shitpost in 2 threads about that, krautpol included

Attached: pillwizard.jpg (727x1000, 156K)

>dindu drove truck into crowd
>people died
>many injured

In other words, saturday dear neighbor?

we call it a start into a weekend [LAUGHING EMOJI]

do not be like that Adi
there was shortage of terror attacks in germany in current year


Right-Wing: jungefreiheit.de/kultur/gesellschaft/2018/muenster-fahrzeug-faehrt-in-menchenmenge/

Left-Wing: tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-muenster-101.html

dude, if it is in Polish media, it is in your media as well

A thread died for this

Radicals already abuse the event for their political agenda.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 18.06.48.png (1172x1206, 1.54M)

god why? so many cucks here. im speechless

funny, münster was the only city with

nice fake. Its day in Ger, not dark

the longer they wait to tell you who it is the more likely it is a muslim

I think the guy took a picture from a protest of Münster people from earlier that year. Münster is the most cucked city in Germany. They voted 15% greens and only 4.5% AFD during the last Bundestagswahl. It was the lowest result for the AFD in whole Germany.

idk i am kinda split too, quite unusual for them to suicide by headshot

very true

why not german muslim?
Helmut Hitler -> Muhammad Sandpaki or sth

but they do suicide so it's not like they can't or won't

Please be muslim
Please be muslim

Attached: religion_of_peace.jpg (852x805, 221K)

>not knowing when akbar season starts

It was an Tunisian Muslim.

The weather is getting nice and warm, ideal for a nice joyride into an European city crowd.

Attached: 1522730298939.png (378x357, 81K)

Any liveleak?

>When friday becomes the scariest day of the week.

>there was shortage of terror attacks in germany in current year
There should be attacks every day, if the secret services were doing their job of securing a future for white children, in stead of stopping the enrichment from becoming hated.

Attached: diversity legos.png (1304x1224, 3.13M)

When are they going to implement proper KDR tracking?

>ideal for a nice joyride into an European city crowd.
I certainly hope so. I hope they shoot up Google and facebook as well.

Attached: google.png (1040x666, 141K)

fucking kek'd

sometimes they confuse gas and brake
especially when distracted by infiidels in front of car


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If I got dubz
Hanz will lose his girlfriend and a cup of orange juice will spill o his keyboard this night

> be brown
> try to achieve something with a 10% chance
> not achieve it

I'm just waiting for one in my country if it ever happens

I already decided that I will be walking close to the shops while visiting there.

10% is about the chance of getting maimed by some Muslim's truck when you walk down the street in Germany

I live in a more cucked City.
Fucking greens, I hate them so fucking hard !

that's just part in parcel of living with shitskins. what's so shocking here?

that gif is so perfect

Attached: GERMAN NEONAZI.jpg (398x355, 38K)

Weiß wer wer die Opfer sind? Kann sein dass ich manche kenne... Gibt's schon Namen oder Bilder?


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 17.44.16.png (625x747, 551K)

>abuse the event for their political agenda
Wee lad, you're really retarded aren't you

Attached: merkelithurts.jpg (620x930, 60K)

>still zero update from officials on suspect
you know what that means, right?

The only explanation is that all those protesters get paid for it.

name der Opfer. Nicht der des Täters kek

BREAKING: Samir Al-Hayid confirmed as driver! picture pending



if only you knew how cucked white liberals really are...

Its time user :3

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this just in

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>pls dont be racist, we dont know who dindu nuffin
Please remember that due to the sudden spike in Islamophobia after an event like this, the true victims are Muslims.

i want to believe

Attached: 1522575676149.jpg (458x429, 34K)

Liberal media busy to make sure this is not a islamist terror attack

(eyewitness confirmed car with high-speed into the people)

1 less german, 1 less far-left extremist.


>Sueddeutsche Zeitung: it was 49 old german with psycho ilness



>It was the lowest result for the AFD in whole Germany.

So you are saying this is a false flag from the right to win the next vote and radicalize germany ? I fucking knew there was something fishy about this shit.

FUCK you

They just told it on n-tv

fuck what if this was taken by leftwingers to look like what you said to push more people towards left-whine politics because right-winger fake this shit, holy fuck, you are onto somefin user

>I'm just waiting for one in my country if it ever happens

You could always help increase the odds by making the muslims hate Italians more.

It should have been the job of the secret services to cause this, but they seem to suffer from the delusion that it's their job to stop it.

Attached: pol is a board of peace.jpg (900x720, 117K)

well if nigger-tv confirms it

>it's real
>they say he was a "german"

stay focused guys...russia is the threat here

100% dead sweden, 100% better world

>Offenbar kein Hinweis auf terroristischen Hintergrund
>Nach Informationen der SZ soll es sich bei dem Täter um einen Deutschen handeln, der psychisch auffällig war. Offenbar liegt kein terroristischer Hintergrund vor. Die Wohnung des Täters wird derzeit nach Sprengstoff durchsucht.

please hurry müller


Of course it's a Muslim you retarded mutt

this is how it goes:

>suspect is syrian
>quickly, check if he had a geman passport!
>uh yes he did
>nice. report to the press it was a german


Attached: f0687808.jpg (106x157, 10K)

Happening Theme:


Ich sag nicht, dass sie in diesem fall lügen aber die SZ ist wirklich keine gute Informationsquelle wenn man keinen Subjektiv belasteten sjw scheiß lesen will

I'm afraid my country paid the Saudis or some shit so they won't commit attacks on Italian ground or Muslims just don't want to attack here to keep us as a safe haven or entry point to Europe.

Of course it's not a Muzzie
a Jihadist wouldn't kill himself, he would go out and shoot people

Schön betont " DEUTSCHEN"


maybe it's fucking retarded to bomb the gate to the place you want to bomb?
> not attack italy
> still get in easily
> bomb buttfuckistan aka. germany

>über die SZ fantasieren
>von SJW fantasieren

Attached: orbankerkeling.jpg (740x1070, 126K)


the attack stemmed from a failure to understand and accommodate the unique culture of the New Germans

more financial support is needed in programs of outreach, engagement, housing and mental health services for the new arrivals. Only if their voices are heard can vibrant communities flourish. New Germans must not be afraid to succeed or take on leadership roles

Das ist ja klar. Nur ist es grad voll am durchschlagen in den Medien. Bin auf den Namen des Täters gespannt.

>Media is picking this up, their only hope it wasn't a m*slim

well said

So it was a psycho that were denied treatment, because the wards are filled with asylum seekers claiming that they have PTSD?

Not that I buy anything coming out of the German regime media.

Attached: white countries.png (500x445, 258K)

>not terrorist
>german citizen
>probably white
Jow Forums btfo for the 34th time today

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Schlagzeile friedlicher mitbürger instrumentalisiert Truck zum mord. Motiv unbekannt

Munster should have been depopulated and razed to the ground after the 1535 rebellion. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Münster_rebellion

It maybe really true but this would be too complicated for lefties and politicians.

>the attack stemmed from a failure to understand and accommodate the unique culture of the New Germans
breaking in , new customs officer robot automates border checks

Attached: 71123ed73db1b06475b1eae11366e2d3_L.jpg (715x402, 43K)

>suspect is moroccan
>quickly, check if he had a geman passport!
>can't find one, only morroccan, but his skin is not very dark
>photographer would you be the contrast brightening. danke

Probably just some cuck who finally discovered his wife cheated on him.
Go home show is over.

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takes a special kind of cuck to do an attack inspired by muslim methods

bet you cheered with every muslim kill didnt you leftard jew faggot, lets see you smile now when youre in the crosshairs and not us

>Die Leute wollten da sitzen bleiben, obwohl es 200 Meter entfernt passiert ist.

The absolute state.

>I'm afraid my country paid the Saudis
I'm afraid of that too.

I still think the Security Services are fucking traitors for not helping the Muslims do enough terror to eradicate the multicult.

They did manage to stop communism this way, and that was a far less threat than genocidal levels of immigration.

Attached: New europeans.jpg (859x1024, 157K)

a brit should know better

Die Nazi-Flagge ist nur meme-erei, lass dich davon nicht beirren.
Okay, wo denn?

>Die Nazi-Flagge ist nur meme-erei
Bimst geisteskranker als gedacht :^(

Nah I know many north africans and they told me that the fanatics don't attack us because they fear reprisals, they know that in Italy there are many shitheads that are waiting to attack the muzzies