Jews are behind every seat of power, it is only natural. Stay cucked goy

Jews are behind every seat of power, it is only natural. Stay cucked goy.
Stay envious. Invent your own youtube if you so mad muh master race. Lol pathetic cucks.

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>Create your own YouTube.
Nope. We'll just shut the internet down and slaughter you Kikes.

>Fiat is important goy

nice try

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Like you could. HAHAHHAH. The whiter a country the more cucked they are. Enjoy your diet with extra Soy you Soy boi.

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Can confirm I am jewish and gay.

This is the real truth. Jews are simply better than white people, and so they disproportionately climb to the top of society.

Did you just turn that mad Jew's rant from one of today's threads into a pasta? Wow OP that was fucking fast. Respect.

Sure Sven.....You sure are...

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>jews using a "might makes right" justification
lel, that's not an avenue you kikes should want to be going down.

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Whites are cucked beyond our wildest dreams. There is nothing you cucks can do anymore. No one fears you cuck.

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>Like you could.
With a shovel and a pair of Kevlar snips.
Then firebombings at the synagogues and RWDS in your homes.

Why don't you try? And watch the Feds drag your ass out of your mom's basement.

Satan loses, you know that correct?

Satan wasn't the Jew in the story. Jesus your lord was the Jew. You still worship him after 2000 years. Never forget that.

It's coming this year. No one gives a fuck about the Feds.

No, but Satan is the power behind the Synagogue. And yes, Jesus was of the tribe of Judah, unlike the Ashkenaz

You don't have the balls. All you can do is play dress up and get caught doing that.

We'll see kike


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What does it matter is Jesus was from Judah and not Ashkenaz. He was a Jew and you have to worship him. That's all you need to remember.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>that tattoo

I sleep just fine. You are the ones being replaces white boi. One womb at a time.

Whore with tattoo good job loser.

You could never replace me. Your words and actions are impotent.

Hahahhahah. Retarded white goy mods tried to ban me for a picture right from woman's Instagram. Try harder goy. You can't ban your God.

That's right, pathetic whites are just jealous of how efficient the goy really is. Stay mad whitey.

Oh but you are being replaced in every white country. Sticking your neck in sand won't change reality. Your grandkids will fuck a brown or black man for sure. And you can't do shit about it.

Good job cherry-picking some random faggot.

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Your women are slowly making sure you wont be existing in the coming decades. Enjoy your last breath!

Isn't cherry picking what you fucks do here all day long soy boi.