Single mothers in contemporary American society

What is it about contemporary American culture that gives rise to so many singe moms in the ~21 to ~30 age bracket?

I'm a 25 year old male and I've been using Tinder like many others my age. I've used it for more than two years now in two different states: Connecticut and Florida, and the common trend is usually a white female in that age range with one kid and no husband/boyfriend/father for her kid in the picture whatsoever -- usually because they were knocked up by some drug addict/"playa" who vanished at the first glimpse of potential responsibility

Is this common in other countries? Additionally, is it a "new" trend or was it like this in the 90s, 00s, etc.?

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She graduated collage? She must me samrt

>I love mud riding

Show us the child

Can we honestly blame these women for laying these traps? Somebody will fall for it

>mud riding
my sides
both of 'em

Tinder's algorithims have decided you're single mother bait. Have fun unless you want to alter your facebook photos so Tinder thinks you're a Alpha Chad.

fucking mud riding
christ almighty
mud riding

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>graduated collage got the most certificates of class
Not even sure if that's a typo and she meant college

>single mother at 20
>i'm looking for a man that has his shit together

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>God's #1
Get yourself a nice christian church gril Jow Forums said.

She won't be a coal burning whore Jow Forums said.

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>want sum mud 4 yo ride mang

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>i need someone to watch shitskin jr while i ride the cock carousel

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>Looking for a man with his shit together
>Looking for Mr. Right
>Likes mudding and 4wheelers
It's like someone put all the single mother profiles in a predictive text algorithm.

It also exists in europe. but i would say its less common than in america
There are two types of girls that go that road
First, the girls who are some wannabe models, and think they deserve something better, so they go to the best looking dude, and basically crawl after them, and then of course the dude will fuck them, and leave after they get pregnant

Second, average or below average girls, who think that they will never get a boyfriend, so they signal that her hole is a free for all
The guys who will fuck her, wont be the hottest either. but on a scale from 1-10, above her
Then of course the guy will leave her after a few times of having sex, because who wants to stay together with some ugly hoe

Just stay away from girls like this
You could lie, and tell her that you are going to support them, and then fuck her and leave
I mean they dont deserve anything better
Those girls are gold digging parasites, and trust me, they will drain you out completle, in terms of money, and time
They will let you drive their son to school while she fucks some better looking dude, when she has the chance
Its always the same
They search for a stable guy, with a good job and money, the looks dont matter that much
When she has that, she will change completly and start fucking other guys, while you are working or some shit
Never ever engage with a single mom

>Is this common in other countries?
Yes except in burgerland it's promoted by gib me dats.

Good one Leaf.

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>god's #1
>child out of wedlock


This has been the case since the 80's, as marriage has become less popular and divorce more socially acceptable.

For all the women who are now single parents, you have to take into account that the man who impregnated her has also chosen to walk away from his commitments. It is the responsibility of both parties to use contraception if they don't want a child, so I never understand why Jow Forums has this "blame" mentality of it always being the woman's fault.

It's not great and I know that a lot of women are just slightly careless or get attracted to the "bad boi" and decide to try and fix him by getting pregnant, but I'm sure this isn't true for everybody.

It's incredibly popular in the UK.

Well, it's still better she hasn't become a nihilist but at least even declares a possibility of a self improvement

Our society would be better off if she did. At least then she might end herself and her parasite children.

Single mothers are civilization extinction engines.

The only reason we date single mothers in Mexico, is so we could have sex with their undergae daughters... win win situation

some of you leafs are alright.

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why cant they just form healthy relationships instead of dooming kids to a life of misery?

I don't know about he U.K. but often times, in fact he majority, the women leaves the man. Huge issue over here, men are less than nothin when it comes to divorce courts.

At first I thought it was a meme, but then I got on and saw for myself.

About 1/3 or 1/4 white girls 18-25 on it I see have a kid, sometimes but not often mixed.

Literally fucking half of them will say almost a word for word version of 'my baby is my world' while trying to get a random guy on Tinder to fuck her.

I changed my settings to 30+ and then you just have the tattoo'd, dead-eyed coalburners to pick from.

I'm in Virginia, assuming its like this just about everywhere.

>It is the responsibility of both parties to use contraception if they don't want a child, so I never understand why Jow Forums has this "blame" mentality of it always being the woman's fault.
One party is ultimately the sole decider on if a baby is actually going to be born.

because that's right past the high school/college years
aka "finding myself"
aka cock carousel.

>of it always being the woman's fault
the man cannot get the woman pregnant unless the woman allows him the opportunity.
all the blame lies with the dumb bitch.

>Graduated collage
>Mud riding?
And this point What a joke of a "woman". Still a girl honestly.

Plus I got some cool stories:
>be me
>hanging out with my friend David
>David married a single mom with a 9 yo daughter
>drinking coronas
>Too drunk both
>confesses me he crawl to her stepdaugher bedroom to play with her when drunk
>gonna do it tonigh he says

>be me
>have a friend that also married a single mom
>she has an 12 yo girl and a 3 yo boy
>shows me vid how his step daughter grabs his ass
>asks me if he should fuck her

.... and many more stories

Libtarded parents who told their daughters it is good to fuck around because muh sex positivity
Libtarded parents who failed to instill that actions have consequences

or stay single... but the power of the cock is strong

a woman can get an abortion. a man cannot force her to.

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Men who have their shit together don't go after single moms. Should have kept your knees together, dumb bitch

>For all the women who are now single parents, you have to take into account that the man who impregnated her has also chosen to walk away from his commitments. It is the responsibility of both parties to use contraception if they don't want a child, so I never understand why Jow Forums has this "blame" mentality of it always being the woman's fault.

The poor-single-mother-who-got-left-high-and-dry-by-deadbeat-dad meme is mostly blue-pill myth. Every single mother I've met has had a sob story about how evil and abusive their baby daddy was. Then the more you get to know them, the more you realize they're often compulsive liars with a bushel basket of mental issues. You start to question everything they've ever told you. The common denominator is the father is never there to tell you his side of the story. You only get the single mom's account of what happened.

But, even if we're to take everything they say at face value, the fact that they let such awful men blast inside them without protection demonstrates, at best, very poor decision-making and foresight.

graduated collage

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They are encouraged to by the system.

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When a woman becomes a single mother it's like she puts on a 50% off sticker.

That is why you will see them on tinder, the full price girls don't need to go there

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You filthy Mexican pice of shit.

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It happens up in Canada, but the amount of womyn I saw on Tinder in the southern US with coal/spic babies was unreal. Just one after the other. Houston was especially bad for this.

If you want career women, try Bumble. Most of the femi-nazis self-identify, but I've met some good professional women on there: doctors, lawyers, etc. You just need to be fit and have your shit together.

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>Tyrone is so fun to be around!
>Unlike those boring white boys!
>I will make love to Tyrone he's so sweet and caring
>9 months later a niglet is born
>Tyrone gone
>Bawwww what I'm going to do now I need a good white boy to provide for my babby

It's not that hard really.

Professional women are bad mothers as well. They also take up spots that can be given to men who don't take off work for maternity leave or quit all together.

Women can't have it both ways. They either have sexual liberation or they do not. History and the law of nature says the only outcome is lawlessness where men kill, rape, and plunder. Have fun being property, ladies. Have fun watching men kill your sons before they rape you and your daughters. Don't worry, though. Once you're too old to give savage men children, men won't bother raping you and will just kill you instead. You can have it just like ancient Roman women had it when the Franks invaded! Enjoy your new Dark Ages, girls. You fought hard for it, and you certainly deserve what's coming.