hows the search for a white girlfriend going Jow Forums?
Hows the search for a white girlfriend going Jow Forums?
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theres no huwhite wymin where i live
I'm not searching. I'm sitting on the toilet, watching my girlfriend take a bath.
Not using the toilet, I have the seat down. It's the only place to sit in here.
Good, she’s 6ft with brown hair and blue/green eyes.
>1/16th italian
Great, I have one.
>Going out with a white, right wing girl for 7 years
>Met when we were 16
>Took her virginity
>Never any problems or arguements
>Essentially grew up together
>Last month out of the blue tells me she's being somebody else and dumps me
Don't be fooled guys, it can and will happen to you
the nice ones turn out to be whores too, guess I deserve it for being in college
Easy when you're 100% bavarian phenotype
not good desu. they've been ruined by western values for the most part. i don't think i've ever dated a (white) girl that can cook
I'm 25, and it's tough finding one without kids or half-black kids already. I'd rather be single if that's all that's left.
Married for 6 years. Thinking about kids once I get my degree this summer. Thanks for asking!
I gave up and looking for a asian qt or aryan trap
Nice ^^
I found one with a STEM degree from UT. I redpilled her and now we're gonna make babies.
Allready have one hooked....
She introduced me to the horrors of Australian Facebook.
married with children for more than a decade. why are you asking you subhuman mudslime monkey?
wh*Te whores are for pump and dump. African Queens are for love...
I’m actually dating an extremely aryan qt right now.
I unironically went from blacking out and having sex with strangers to monogamy mode largely due to the last part of this Hitler video:
It will be hard as there at least 1,991,776 good ones left in the whole world.
there is*
Pics or it didn't happen.