Just Imagine. You’re sitting in the sun, on the patio, enjoying your lunch and maybe a glass of wine. Then this van of peace careens into you and your fellow diners. This is Germany, today.
Btw according to german media suspect have been identified as sam ali hyde khan.
>Just Imagine. You’re shitting in the sun, on the patio, enjoying your lunch and maybe a glass of wine. Then this rickshaw of peace careens into you and your fellow shitters. This is India, today.
Yes, this is bad because people were hurt. However, you have to realize that not all muslims are like this.
>just Imagine. Im shitting in the sun amd wiping my butt with leaf
wrong alert, seems the driver was an mentaly fucked german
at least u started wiping pajeet
The fact they haven't released a name suggests its a mentally ill german with a suspiciously foreign name.
his name is Jens R.
german first name at least.
>i mean at least not gun violence amirite fellow germ-oh you're dead.
yeah fucking right. they wont release the name and for whatever reason germany and other countries that let in muslim hordes saw a really wacky and sharp increase in gas leaks and car accidents involving lots of pedestrian casualties.
Jens Rawani Ali
the driver shot himself
I'll give the media half a day to somehow spin that into a call for even stricter firearm laws
wouldn't that be a sign of successful integration if some arabs give their child a german name?
Lots of immigrants take the first names of the country that they immigrated to. The surname is what's important here and it's pretty tellng if they already said the first name but refuse to disclose the family name.
terrorism happen because of political reasons, noting so far indicates this right now
head line says: attacker identifide: no hint that it is an islamic attack
i doubt, prety all head lines go " ATTACKER IS NOT MOSLEM; EVERYBODY;" if he where one they would finde excuses like "poor refugee that was treated unfairly had enough .." and garbage as such
>be Jow Forumsddit
>haha! someone posted that joke that I like that never gets old even after half a decade of being reposted everyday! this is such a funny board xD
i have never seen a turkish/arab person in germany with an old fashioned german name like Jens. But there's stranger stuff i suppose
And you barely ever get family names when something like this happens in germany until much later.
>qunitessentially sauerländisch
Really? It's pretty common everywhere in the world for immigrant children to take the names of the country that they now live in. Actually, I even knew an Iranian-German named Johann.
>And you barely ever get family names when something like this happens in germany until much later.
We'll see. I find it weird that they'll announce his first name, sorta like "calm down, relax, it's not a Muslim" without releasing the entire name to quell all fears of it being an Islamic attack. Either way they'll be forced to release the full name later on, but by that time people would be less passionate about it and would have moved on.
never heard of an running-gag ? i am sure they where invented in your country
I'm still waiting for some juicy news.
But overall the happening was a letdown, no question.
His suicide will be enumerated as an act of gun violence, which will be cited as a reason for more gun control.
yeah they will take anything they can get to not make this about trucks of peace.
Insha'allah you will all be Muslims and your women will be our slaves
he also appears to have a history of mental illness
I wonder how he acquired the gun?
If it was legally gun owners will be in for a nice colonoscopy of additional background checks and psychiatric assessments
sounds a lot like the average muslim
he cant keep getting away with it..
Assalaamu alaykum, brother
The unclean swine will bow to Allah, before the day is done
Terrorism is a neologism, just like racism.
I don't give a shit what percentage exactly are meanies. They don't belong here.
The more dead Germans the better.
>Redditfag detected
Get the fuck out cuck
>suspects fleeing truck
this is what they don't want you looking into