How to stop them? What browser, search engine, email do you recommend? What are some good ways to hide from the Big Brother?
The (((Google))) Problem
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Hi Belgium
Isn't the reCAPTCHA on Jow Forums Google?
It is, that's exactly my point. Google can be found in every aspect of online and even offline life
>search engine
DuckDuckGo or Startpage
Protonmail, Fastmail, or even Outlook
Start by switching over your primary email account.
Why bother. Privacy is a myth. I could murder one, two, four people, the cops wouldn't bat an eyelid unless they were better funded.
Don't play along with an underfunded system run by idiots.
Get them on antitrust. Competition would allow a sane competitor to rise up
I don't plan on murdering people anytime soon or even care about privacy or being anonymous. My goal is not to support a jewish controlled monopoly on the internet
This. ProtonMail, DDG, Brave (browser), even MapQuest is back in the game.
Stop using their shit.
>implying startpage isn't just Google results, which is a bunch of blatant misinformation
>Outlook, why go to Microshit which started working with the US government first
Jesus fuck bong, visit Jow Forums again for better recommendations.
Contribute to the thread by suggesting better alternatives instead of sperging out.
Well use Brave for browser. Email is harder. DuckDuckGo for search obviously.
Microsoft is infinitely superior to Google. Microsoft are very well-regulated and have been for decades now. Their products are familiar territory which we know how to work around. Finally, anything that creates competition is favorable to the growing information monopolies.
Can people stop recommending cuckcuckgo? Do you faggots even do research on who spearheads these companies? Not only is the duckduckgo creator one of (((them))) but he worked mining data and personal info previously.
IMHO, I think it's unproductive to use fringe products. Outlook is actually superior to GMail in many respects and if we can promote its comeback, it will be one step towards recreating a balanced internet environment. In the future, when we win the crypto-war and everything will be open-source, we can abandon it. But for now to fight Google ascendancy, we need to use their competitors. Or an hero yourself
If that's the case, please give us some alternatives that aren't pozzed. Askjeeves, dogpile, Lycos, something. Until we get some idea of what's better than DDG, the idea of using the little Jew seems better than the big Jew.
What's that?
Chromium (chrome without google)
Startpage as search engine.
Protonmail as email.
Signal messenger as replacement for skype.
Don't have any social media.
And this is what fucking pisses me off. On my windows/chrome machine the captcha gets solved in 1 or 2 tries always. With linux/palemoon I'm lucky if I get it before 8 tries.
Personal Firefox fork
>search engine
Hosting my own or just use cock
Not even that hard to stop using the popular services.