> Jens R. (46) killed himself inside the van with a direct shot to the head
> Suspects flee truck that crashed into crowd
> Jens R. (46) killed himself inside the van with a direct shot to the head
> Suspects flee truck that crashed into crowd
Other urls found in this thread:
Sam Hyde is finally dead?
So it wasn't a Truck of Peace?
they want you to think just exactly that
this fucking shiet is suspicious as fuck
several hours pass, very little info
police tells people to not post pictures from the scene
Then this talk about a Jens R
something is fucky
>real culprit got away
>shift the blame to a white guy to take heat off their muslim hordes
Would not surprise me in the slightest.
Yeah, who is this Jens R person?
haha so another shitskin murdered the driver and the media blame the dead driver for it?
it was the same with polish truck attack
Polish guy was shot before they stole his truck and drove it into people. It's the same here
>Breaking News
>Meunster attack happened because of ISLAMOPHOBIA
hijacked truck`? thats what they did in stockholm
Nice deflection from reality altcuck, he's white. Looks like your muslim rape apocalypse narrative doesn't fit in.
How do you retards explain this chain of events? This mysterious elusive suspect drove the van into people, then what? He shot and dragged some random white guy on the driver's seat, planted a gun in his hand and then had time to flee the scene?
Religion of peace... where you can molest children, murder your wife and murder anyone who doesn't believe what you do.
Its exactly one year from Stockholm's truck of peace.
Its a mudslime.
Thank you for this thread OP. Attacks like these may seem not special in 2018 Europe but something is very fishy about this case that needs further investigation.
There might be a possible coverup of more people involved in the attack.
hook tube.com/watch?v=YuuH477d5ec
Early police interview in German
>police speaker says eyewitnesses saw multiple persons bail out of the van
Said passage is lacking in later videos of the interview.
>Police arresting an additional suspect
There currently is a shill operation going on on Jow Forums with shill threads declaring a single mentally ill german the perpetrator in a mocking way.
keep telling that to yourself my man lmao
Holy shit I have to be the only actual white burgerstanian on Jow Forums.
Thats a fucking german rapper who gets made fun of by other german rappers, because he is so poor
Its an inside joke
Dutch state news says they blew up the van with a controlled explosion. Anyone know more?
With a tan skin he fucking looks like a sandnigger
They prob shot a dude in the head and then remote controlled his car into a crowd. They have to stage these events because non-whites do 90% of all murders, so if they don't stage these white male mass killing events they can't keep up the narrative that white males are the ultimate evil.
>steal a truck
>kill the driver
>run into a crowd
>disappear in the chaos
>leave the body
Who knows.
Same shit happened in Berlin back then.
No religion of peace and for whatever reason the driver killed himself with a gun.
Jens who was mentally ill somehow did a religion of peace attack and had a gun so he could kill himself right after he crashed into the crowd.
>destroying evidence
this is wild
wh*Toids drive their truck into their own people
Sure we will Jens R just sendt some anti-racists to hell. Good for him, Good for us.
Sounds like mudslimes took him hostage and forced him to do it, then fled.
Most obvious conclusion.
>This is just a Moloch false flag to distract from the Iaquinta prophecy.
But aren't guns illegal for citizens to own in Germany?
Suspect named as police are looking for Samuel Heidich
What, you don't think dead guys can't drive? Racist.
and the recent soldier attack in France
>it was the same with polish truck attack
>Polish guy was shot before they stole his truck and drove it into people. It's the same here
Plausible, the police will likely look for any other option then that
>Be muzzie immigrant
>Hijack truck
>Shoot driver in head
>flee as soon as you crash it
>Suspect is a German native who shot himself
Wtf I hate white males now.
This. He got framed and killed
>wh*Toids drive their truck into their own people
Sometimes it's needed
Holland and Germany don't even share a border
Truth. Spread this point bros. This happened 99%
The reality of the situation is that more high-level terrorist attacks than we are even aware of have been happening in the UK, Germany and Sweden over the past two years. Only in France is there not hidden legislation to either deny that it is terrorism and create a media blackout or to differ the identity of the suspect. Thank Macron for that, he is still honest about it.
In the UK around a month ago a residential home exploded and collapsed to the ground. Media were constantly calling it an accident right up until the last press release said
>2 men wanted on manslaughter charges for house explosion. Not terror related.
These two men had names akin to Hassan and Ali. Not going to dig through the articles as I genuinely can't be fucked, but look it up yourself should you wish to.
Two days ago there was another incident in the UK, in Birmingham. According to witnesses on the scene and people taking photographs from their windows, a man drove his car into a small group of people, injuring one and killing a dog in the process and then proceeded to pull two machetes out of his car attempting to hack at people before running from the scene.
Media reported:
>Car crash victim may have had knife, one man in hospital. Not terror related.
Are you getting it yet?
Why did high-profile Muslim attacks suddenly stop for the most part in this country? They didn't. The Cucked governments and media do complete blackouts on a lot of them now so as to not enrage the, currently docile and easily manipulated, white man.
bruh what
this desu
If this wasn't a terrorist attack, why was there another truck in Cottbus?
Also why did he shout Allahu Akbar? Was he a convert?
What was the body count?
But why close the border?
>direct shot to the head
was in the back of his head, with two shots?
He means Holland is only the North-Western part of the Netherlands.
It's like saying French-Scottish border.
Nope not yet
He did it before that and then fled the scene. Or he fled before and remote controlled the truck
Just his "career."
Holy fuck.
oh damn i didnt even know, sorry for the misunderstanding
It was obvious they were going to start outright covering them up when attacks became numerous enough to redpill larger sections of the population. We can only hope this is redpilling police who are forced to do it.
Most likely at this point.
He had a gun and still chose to drive into people
Mossad probably hijacked the van then shot him once the damage was done.
this deserves a (You)
the owner of the car who was shot by the culprit
We are currently living in a world where government agencies have become so inept at subversion that tragedies become Monty Python skits.
one of 4 things happened here.
1. muslims jumped in his van and shot him after which they reached over and floored the gas pedal, steering the van into the crowd
2. muslims jumped in his van, put a gun to his head and told him to drive into the crowd after which they shot him and skedaddled leaving the gun to make it look like he shot himself
3. this is just a straight up psyop and the driver was actually some alphabet soup agent whos objective is to start more racial tension
4. some white guy actually did it, copying a tactic used by muslims countless times. (highly unlikely)
Romanian news have identified the suspect as samuel heidich
arab or isreali nice try faggot.
I know about the first but I can't find source to the second one
It's bad enough they call Muslim perpetrators Asians but now they're calling machetes knives too? Why do they keep dancing around the topic and trying to diminish the severity of what's happening? I think of my friends parents and how they used to visit museums and historical towns in yurop and how they don't go as much now due to these attacks... acid attacks, machete attacks, bombs, trucks, etc. I even remember when I visited small parts of Italy as a kid and how I find videos now of thousands of migrant hordes roaming those same streets and breaking things. But the people living in the middle of it act like nothing is unusual and the news treats it like it's always been that way. It's like some bizzare, no, disturbung level of denial over what's going on.
Are you trying to trick my superior American education?
yeah all of this doesn't add up. The german police fucked this up so bad the political backfire will be extreme once the truth comes out. Give it some time. No way this guy did this.
jens id
Nobody needs 9 seat vehicles.
Ban assault vans!
this. Everyone first thought the polish guy did it. German police are retarded to fall for the same shenanigans twice. Germanistan is a lost cause.
well quite interesting, but those aren't "high profile" unless a few people die and they can't suppress it fast enough before it floods faceberg and twatter.
Can't wait till we have beheadings on the street and noone gives a fuck, oh wait that already happened in bongland...
nice try. This is the picture of the actual suspect.
Ban pedestrians like they did in the USA
>being able to get your hands on a gun in germany
>being able to get your hands on a gun while having a history of mental illness in germany
not a fucking chance muslims are the only ones who can get guns since they have lots of black market connections.
i was thinking they would rent one because it's a small kombi van but it seems you need a lot more ID and they check it is genuine nowadays, stealing woudl alert the police probably as you need the keys either through house invasion or street robbery so killing the owner makes a lot of sense if they are planning on killing loads of people anyway it makes no difference.
they won't even report about it when the fake story is more favourable to them at this point
Don't forget the Hayes attack too, was another one in Scotland recently
>germcucks will fall for this
The only consolation is germ/pol/s see through the guise
sounds more logical than a white guy named Jens. lol
Police obviously know what's up. They have to stall till the Reichspropaganda has the official story ready.
yes always something fucky no matter what.
maybe they have to investigate first before they give out wrong information?
i am very skeptical of our governments but i fucking hate you tinfoil retards, you are a real pest.
should have at least sprinkled some crack on him.
it's true.. it's separated by a little country called "the shire"
So which intelligence agency was behind this ops?
you mean bacon
remember the ramadan murderfest last year where it was just attack after attack? and then all of a sudden it just stopped and nothing has happened since (or so they say)
let that sink in.
2 suspects are turkish agents
this was an attack form erdogan
People dont fall for this, they just cant speak up yet
even the libcucks who will defend this shit know that they themselves are lying to People
you should watch our political TV discussions centered around Islam, at this Point it is Orwellian
didnt this same thing happen somewhere else?
a dead guy crashing a truck into people
So much this. If there was a single person who killed himself at the scene why did they need to lock down the complete inner city?
think about that for a second
> maybe they have to investigate first before they give out wrong information?
Yes Merkel squad must be able to "retouch" the photos before they are published, after all they might catch something off narrative.