I was born in the US

>i was born in the US
>parents were born in the US
>grandparents were born in the US
>grandfather fought in korea. Was a Paratrooper for the army.
>one grand uncle died in WW2 fighting for the US another family member died in Vietnam.
>i dont speak spanish
>im brown
>grew up around asians and mexicans
>I have one great gradmother born in the US. Rest are from mexico.
>family has been here about 120 years (average)

Im american.

Does Jow Forums hate me?
Does Jow Forums understand that not everyone just jumped the border yesterday.

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If the time came to go to war with - or even annihilate - the land of your ancestors, who would you fight for?

It all depends on your loyalties

No question. The US. Mexico is corrupt as fuck.

Get out you filthy beaner while you still can.

>im brown
>im american
choose one and only one

I cant change my skin color, sir.

>>one grand uncle died in WW2 fighting for the US another family member died in Vietnam.

is this supposed to be a positive thing?


Don't listen to internet retards.

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Yeah. They died fighting for the US. Died for you fool.

You have to go back Pablo

You need to go back paco

Oh yes, yes. That's right, they died fighting for the (((US))). My mistake.

I don't hate you as long as you stand with Americans and not the foreign hoard.

Op here...a quick note

My ancestry dna is as follow
50% native american (ancestry cant differentiate from north, central, or southern american continent). But i am native to the americas
20% spain/portugal
10% italy/greece
Rest is just trace regions

You can stay. Ive met a few of you native spics from the southwest, you're alright. Just remember, we've never had a problem killing Europeans, so when the time comes you'd better not have a problem killing Mexicans.

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Then act like a fucking American and stop supporting communist traitors (democrats). And start supporting your president.

Jow Forums is satire based brown bro

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I dont ever even want to visit mexico. Not until it actual becomes a safe place to visit...which may be never

This right here. This is why I hate the alt-right. Cucked anti-American faggots who actually have the balls to refer to themselves as nationalist.

America is honky, injun, nigger, spic, with a touch of gook.

Get used to it faggots.
They have been here since the country was built.

The ones that don't belong here are new gen immigrants:

ANYONE THAT HAS less than 3 generations in the US;

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It doesn't matter what they died for. What matters is blood and soil. You have a an extended family group called the Mexican Nation. Go back and claim your true heritage. Stop trying to be one of us. Be who you are and claim your right soil in Mexico. We all woke up to the wrongness of foreigners. You must have too because otherwise you wouldn't be trying to convince us of anything. Go back while you still peacefully can. The times are changing.

You gotta go back

Kidding aside, I don't care. If you're an American in heart and soul, and love this country and want to preserve its founding principals then I really don't care.

>what are american natives
god, these nazis are retarded

I will be voting for trump.

I do admit to voting hillary last time. Im not perfect

Yer alright in my book
But in case you're deported you're welcome to settle in canada

Statistically, you're probably still bad for the country. If you vote for gibs, you have to go back amigo.

You are one ugly beaner

t. le fđť’¶g

Did you plan on fucking him?

Op here. I would never kneel to the nationak anthem. Never burn a US flag. I am proud and lucky to be in this country. Just pisses me off when white people look at me like i dont belong. When i speak only english, never been to mexico, fuck asian bitches, would fight for the US and my family has died for it.

Fuck that. Racist shits. Idiots

If Jow Forums were national socialist like everyone claims that just means we want people to think of their country before others. Country has no race.

>>i was born in the US
>>parents were born in the US
>>grandparents were born in the US
Sounds like an American to me. Nobody could even call you an anchor baby.

Nobody hates Americans of Mexican ancestry, except the most extreme KKK purityfag types. They hate line jumpers and border hoppers who call themselves "Mexican-Americans" or "Chicanos" but really are just "Mexicans in America" as they wave the Mexican flag, help other illegals get in and make little Mexicos in every barrio they claim. These people are inherently prone to criminality- it's no surprise, if you're willing to violate immigration law and the national sovereignty of your host nation why would you respect their other laws?

The media tries to lie and say illegals aren't more criminal by citing statistics that "Immigrants commit less crime" which is true, but skewed because the studies are about LEGAL immigrants who must go through a difficult process to gain entry.

You though? You're not an immigrant. You're just a natural born citizen like me. As long as you stand for America's sovereignty I shall call you my brother.

They live on the North American land mass, but they were not part of These United States of America. Europeans didn’t say ooo looky here you injuns have a pretty nice society I wanna move in and have some gibsmedats” they said “this land belongs to me know, leave or die we don’t care” and built their own country, with its own laws and customs and culture. Brown people will never be true Americans and they know this. It’s why they call themselves African American or Hispanic American or Asian American. Small exceptions for tejanos, I still don’t fucking like them and they will never be my equal I just don’t have a strong opinion on if they need to be driven out. I think in the interest of fairness blacks should probably get their own country carved out of the south because our ancestors lacked the will to do what was necessary then, and so this is the next best solution. I don’t see the political will to deport all Africans happening so just give them a new Africa out of some of the south and be done with it.

At least you're learning. What brought you here? Were you a Jow Forumstard before the election? If so how could you vote for hill shill?

Hes probably into feet.

good, we hate you too

yer thinkin too much op

America is honky, injun, nigger, spic, with a touch of gook.

Get used to it faggots.
They have been here since the country was built.

The ones that don't belong here are new gen immigrants:

ANYONE THAT HAS less than 3 generations in the US;
or really, anyother foreigners.

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Thank you.

I don't care what race or color you are as long as America is where your heart is, you want to preserve The Constitution, and don't vote for Leftist scum. You'd be welcome at my house for dinner any night of the week.

>I'm american

No OP, this is you


why are you even here dog fucker?

I know, so get the fuck out of my country faggot.

sorry Paco we only hate your cousins transporting coke and AIDS

it's not your country, cumstain. it's (((theirs)))

Unfortunately newer arrivals are ruining things for you. the problem is that the assimilated "Hispanics" are lumped in with the hoards that cross the border and then anchor themselves to this country while not actually contributing to it or doing anything besides voting for gibmedats. Its unfortunate but people have had enough of forced demographic replacement and the whole "latin@" narrative means that all Hispanics are lumped together even though they probably have more political diversity than any of the other minority groups.

All of you get out of my fucking country you pieces of corrupt dog shit.


bring niggers,
create spics
bring aids
bring wage slaving
bring foreigners from every country and allowing them to buy property here.


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Femin Virus Info:

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death of goblina?

>Im american


you're ok man

mexican inmigration (and latina) is so HUGE that any redeeming quality is out the window....im being super honest here, european inmigration is why america became the first world power theres NO latino country that comes even close... we are still strugling for development...

Why dont you speak English? Has your family been that resistant against assimilation?

Lay off the fire water there chief. Maybe you'd still own some of "your" land if half of the tribes didn't side with the white man.

What's your stance on illegal immigration into your country?

>Im american.
No you're not.

You aren't an illegal, so why would we have a problem with you?

>Im american.
No you aren't

Do you call yourself latinx

You don’t have a country you colossal faggot. You’re willing to let it be stripped from you and given to the brown hordes all because they labeled themselves “American”
Here’s a red pill for you. This is the exact importance of things in life from greatest to least: genetic distance from yourself
>your children
>your family
>your extended family
>your people (read; your ethnic group not some made up thing like citizenship
>your race
>your species
It’s the most basic morality system. I’d sacrifice my life for my kids, a strangers life for my family, a med or slav’s life for NW euro, a niggers life for a white, and a marsian for a human. There are no contradictions, Europeans slaughtering the 3rd world is a-okay, the 3rd world invading European countries bad. There’s no contradiction because it’s whatever is best for my genetics as the ultimate maxim.

Do you understand plenty of people jumped the border yesterday

I don't hate hispanics I just want people to follow the law and respect our god damn borders.

Stopy being a malinchista OP. No matter what you do, you'll never be accepted as a good American. People will always impose a hyphen on you (_________-American).

Join us hermano. Join the fight to take back Aztlan. We are your true blood and soil, the soil of La Raza Cosmica.

Yes. I am.

How long has your family been here. Mine since at least... 1904...hell one relative was born in arizona in 1886

Fuckkkkkk no. Disgusting.

You're an American national at best; not an American by ethnicity

>Im american.
Only Anglos are American

You have to go back Jose


Considering your post seems sympathetic to illegals, nor do you seem to mind the demographic changes in the US, I think I do have a certain distaste for you already.
This is what it really boils down too OP, who are you actually loyal to at the end of the day.

You're cool man. Nobody hates you.

You're an American, your family is American, you stand with America, you support and protect and die for America. Fuck anyone who says to go anywhere else. You're exactly where you should be.

This is a fish

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>only Anglos

Well shit, that eliminates like 70% of Whites.

>Does Jow Forums hate me?
Report an illegal to ICE and post the screen shot.
Do this and you will be spared on the day of the bean masher.

You're one of us then.

So an american is only white since whites founded america? Or since whites lived on the land since it was founded?

Post Teddy Roosevelt's one creed, one loyalty quote.

>We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
>ourselves and our Posterity
Posterity doesn't include the brown hordes you dumbfucks

Wrong faggot, at least 85% of Whites are WASP-descended

Anyone here before the 1960's can stay.

As long as you are a W.A.S.P you are American

Fuck this Country. Freedom my ass. You have to register your vehicle. You need insurance, you need a license plate. You have to sit 4 hours at the dmv so 200 illegals can get a license to drive. God fucking damn. Is there a fucking island left where i can survive and tell everyone to fuck off.

This is the only creed i'll post

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Yes to both, there's no need to take it personally but when the definition of "American" moves to include people like you it undermines the definition of the nation at large. If an African were to move to Germany his kids wouldn't suddenly be German

america is for americans. if u share american values u are american. only division shills are on the full racism kick. americas people would be the scariest force on earth if unified in values

No, just so you know, the mainstream media as disillusioned you to think that the right wing is some super racist evil nazi cult
We mostly hate welfare sucking leftys: niggers, spics
and the inhibitor: jews

edgy as fuck bro

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All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Sounds good.

>IQ 90
Get back to the kitchen I want a burrito.

>subject to the jurisdiction thereof
I'd say this doesn't include illegals; but this was also added nearly a century later. My quote is from the preamble. We're talking about the definition of American as an ethnic group

> That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof

unfortunately 99% of immigrants are not like you. If someone is a 3rd generation immigrant I regard them as countrymen and would let them them live on DOTR. immigrants and 2nd gen children of immigrants can fuck off tho and those are the vast majority of nonwhites in western countries.

>implying the US isnt 1000% more corrupt and in infinetely more sinister ways.

Tejano here,
loal to the Texas flag.
Anyone that attacks Texas soil is my enemy regardless of color.

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Loyal not loal.

Except they aren't going to fuck off, so get used to it. Nothing short of genocide will stop their numbers from exploding.

Michael Jackson did. Stop making excuses you turd coloured wannabe.

Do you have your papers? is it okay we stop and frisk?