Have we reached peak autism ?
Have we reached peak autism ?
Yeah that 3 year old bitch had it coming.
Despite all my rage I will never be as infamous and wretched as a liberal
wtf i want to genocide germany now? It is my rightful nigger right
Apparently if you disagree with child rape you’re a racist as well
>walk down the street
>see woman grabbed, beaten, dragged into a ditch and then brutally raped
>don't call the police
>just keep walking
Seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with these people
Altho i have zero respect for those savages I still manage to have more respect for the people doing the crimes then the people in those comments
swarthy whites have nigger genes in them, they are niggers in white skin
pic semi related. Sweden punishments for rape
>We deserve death, fellow (((white))) people
Seriously, why is this a problem? Africa is for black people.
The Bantu niggers in SA aren’t even indigenous to the region lol. Congo niggers belong in the jungle
>mohammed yassin ben lotfi mbark
Also, let's remember that cultural leftism is not about ending prejudice or oppression, but about reversing prejudice and oppression so the formerly oppressed become the new oppressors.
so if a black person decided to beat these two whites to death its all good cause
>lmao sins of the father amirite
liberal whites are your greatest threat. (((they))) use your own to tie you down.
>peak autism
Peak signalling that's without a doubt
We have a giant issue with misinformation in todays society.
Thinking whites in south africa deserve genocide is very disturbing.
>3 year old deserved crucifixion and rape
This is why people get put in fucking ovens. How fucking deluded are these people? Holy shit
Sorry I should correct myself. This IS peak autism.
> having more respect for murderers and child rapers than for indoctrinated brainless idiots
that standards.
>they deserve it because they did bad things to them
Does that mean the inevitable White response will be justified?
>Jews in south africa getting slaughtered
why does /pol care again?
They are just simply mentally ill. A lifetime of communist indoctrination in public schools and media will do that. You’re on the front lines Sven. So thankful my great grandparents left your country.
Trope is just one of many Jewish farmers in South Africa whose livelihoods and land, owned for generations, may very well be expropriated without compensation. That is according to calls by the ANC and the Economic Freedom Fighters to “review and amend Section 25 of the Constitution to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation”.
fuck the jews let the niggers burn them in ovens
I miss the Jow Forums that wouuld have doxed and ruined this faggots life
Who cares.
>go into a continent that is surrounded and has been historically inhabited by black
>bitch on social media when the owners of the lands don't treat you well
The blacks in Africa aren't going far enough.
I thought stormfags were all about ethnocentrism? Or is it a bad thing when whites are victims of ethnocentrism?
Stay in europe albino monkeys, you're squatting in the land of Africans.
But for Isaac Jocum, a cattle farmer near Vryburg, the expropriation of some of his land more than 10 years ago brings up painful memories that he fears could be worse if there is no compensation. “The land was purchased by my grandfather in 1934 – I’m a third-generation farmer. When some of it was expropriated, it was an extremely unfair process and was not conducted according to prescribed legal process. Although I was compensated, I was forced into it.
even niggers know the jews are bad
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.
I might want kill every kike, nigger and faggot there are, but i would never say a 3 year old kid deserved to be raped and crucified. These people are the lowest of the fucking low, the up rising is soon brothers.
They truly are woven into the matrix.
this is someone from pol larping. it might even be you op. this is true of most social media posts of this nature
Irrelevant. Whites don't belong on the continent
You and me both, user, you and me both.
>bitch on social media for years about white privilege
>there's no place in le narrative for white victimhood
>when white victimhood presents itself, no matter how gruesome, the "colonization karma" rhetoric always emerges
>in this way, (((they))) prevent true white victimhood from existing
this is what a lifetime of being controlled by kikes will do to you
Yes, do it czech user
We do. According to liberal science we all wuz Africans.
Did you happen to get his geographical location, particularly his city? His page is private now.
>So thankful my great grandparents left your country.
Are you really, really though?
>t. tfw you're American
What's in the blur?! what's in the blur!?
>that font
You're a fucking nigger too.
Luckily its not my font just a screenshot
music is powerful.
mr bond
paddy tarleton
chris ray gun(softcore)
Because a lot of people still don’t see that Jews aren’t white. Look at the comments. They’re not saying oh Jews deserve it they’re saying oh white people deserve it
>Okay, we're going to punish this person for something their parents may or may not have done.
No! You can't do that! It's an affront to rule of law!
>They were racist.
[citation needed]
Kill yourself you sick disgusting nigger faggot.
Leftism is filled with retarded hypocrites with no backbone. Now they support raping/killing of 3 year olds and blame it on imperialism? Those south africans have been there longer than these blacks who are currently in power.
Liberals hate invaders? Cool, when will they support us raping and hanging illegals from mexico? Oh wait, they only want to call them dreamers and undocumented. Why don't liberals continue their calls for "DIVERSITY"? Oh wait, diversity is only for white countries. Liberals are the worst scumbags of the world.
ok but Blacks and Browns don't belong to Europe then.
Give the blacks back to Africa and let the Whites back to Europe. Problem solved.
Trying to compensate for being unable to read cursive Tyrone?
>TFW at work and can't save images
Because your children deserve to be raped and hacked to death as a result of the Mexican-American war of 1848, duh.
This is what happens when you mistake blacks as humans.
'I thought stormfags were all about ethnocentrism? Or is it a bad thing when whites are victims of ethnocentrism?'
Yeah they care about white ethno nationalism you retard.
It's basically what 99.9% of all humans that have ever existed have wanted.
Muh 'I have the unique answers to the universe that no dumbass before Marx had'
I mean there’s not a single bit of cursive here so no?
Ik this fucking retard hes from henderson nevada
It would be a shame for Brendan Stark to lose his job over a Youtube comment. It would really be a shame.
>Nigger having a job
2 wrongs don't make a right
KILL ANTI WHITES .fuck all of these sick bastards. they are already justifying our murder here in the us too.
- muh slavery
- muh colonialism
- muh stolen land
Will glady give africa back to blacks but they have to leave US and Europe. Same for middle easterns.
>implying his leftist boss won't give him a medal
no morrakiu?
Internets too big now. Theres 100 million faggots that tweet that same shit out. They're literally all copys of the same stupid.
>2 wrongs don't make a right
His mommy never taught him that. She's still working on his potty training.
>Inb4 that one Amerimutt telling everyone to not give a shit about white South Africans because we are not actually white.
>Inb4 that one Mexican intellectual who declares "Africa for the Africans" and calls pollacks "Stormweenies".
Find these two people in real life.
>Henderson, Nevada
It’s a start
I don't know who's worse, retards that think murdering whites is okay or the stupendous fags who use that font for Kikebook.
Just got a Victory Royale
>Feminist anti-racist white women are now advocating for the rape of three year olds
This is a really funny development
>pol 24/7 fantasizes about lynching non whites
>pol constantly whitewashed colonialism and it's innate inhumanity
>pol throws a hissyfit when it happens the other way around
Fucking Kek
Don't worry that guy is asleep right now. His bedtime was at noon so he won't be here to call you a mutt until he wakes up at 1 in the morning.
>Children making threads about their troll posts are newsworthy
Hahah epic canadian post bro XDDDDDDD
This is exactly why humanity would be better off without niggers
Case in point
>talk shit get hit
>if you do bad you get bad
making these statements means CONSENT and declaring yourself as a COMBATANT, all rights to life and freedom from consequence are WAIVED. Leftists are fucked beyond all possible fuck
Is he your alter-ego?
>at worst niggers weren't allowed to use same bathrooms or water fountains as whites
>whites maybe didn't want to hire niggers, because they are shit at working regardless of racism
>niggers get revenge by raping, killing, crucifying children
>lmao we even now senpai, cracka deserved it
it's not going to look good for niggers when the white man finally wakes up
Strawmanning and bait posting is all I see everytime your flag appears on this site. but I'm not going to humor it. Just remember nobody thinks your posts are funny while you sit there giggling like a little retard posting garbage. Your country is a complete pile of shit and every single post that comes from it some form of contrarian bullshit. Seriously, though, every post from Canada is pure concentrated garbage and noise.
ingroup preference
very simple, primal concept to understand. are canadians even human?
Use the default font you actual piece of shit
No, they're just legitimately immature retards that can't ever have a serious discussion about anything. Everything has to be bait or spamming image macros with them which is why we should seriously consider a rangeban on Canada.
What's this all about?
Gnosticism stuff?
On a side note, I can't find any other information verifying the murder in question other than that website. I think this might be fake news.
Mostly because Jow Forums doesn't fantasize about lynching non-white people.
They fantasize about lynching traitors and those that'd harm them, regardless of race.
A child however, cannot be a traitor, because they don't have the moral computation to actually hold a position on things.
Isn't it interesting how you never see Jow Forums doing what the SJWs do and talking about their #woke 5 year old or dressing up their kids in tiny nazi uniforms so they can get a TV show.
Or even threatening to hang 'transgender' kids or those at protests.
Hell I've never even really seen anyone going for the 'seeds become weeds' argument.
Like it or not there are some fucking standards on here and they're actually higher than those of the other side.
Isn't that a fucking remarkable thing, they always say you see the worst of people when they're behind a mask, with no consequences to be had.
It isn't true, you see the worst of people when they think they're morally righteous.
is the .167, .25, .5 , etc. partial years?
I'm black and I find this despicable. Especially if they're white themselves and calling for the destruction of their own kind. I don't think you can be any lower form of existence on this earth except maybe bacteria.
>The Bantu niggers
they don't like to mention how they genocided a whole ofther tribe of niggers who actually would have had a right to some land
I occasionally experience pangs of guilt when I imagine what the 2nd Civil War will actually entail, but then I see things like this and I’m reminded that killing non-whites and communists is basically just animal control.
>ass blasted
They aren't meant to be funny. It's reality and you know it Kek
Yeah pol is a bastion of great ideas. Totally not racist, bigoted or inhumane/edgy.
Pol is just the opposite side of the SJW coin.
If genocide is discussed or advocated here, it’s because it’s viewed as a last resort of self-defense. I’ve literally never seen it genuinely celebrated. Furthermore, no one talks about going to Africa and hunting down the niggers there - it stops at the border of white countries which have been invaded and occupied by the non-whites in question.
Don’t pretend that these things are equivalent.
>mfw all of the whites move and the country collapses into war and famine
>Yeah pol is a bastion of great ideas. Totally not racist, bigoted or inhumane/edgy.
Name one time Jow Forums has tried to justify crucifying and raping a 3 year old.
Or anything comparable to the other very specific examples coming from the left which I named.
Go on. I can wait while you dig through the archives, you smug, wall eyed cunt. The thing about Jow Forums is that things are fairly self-aware on here, no one here thinks they're 'a good person', even if they think saving the white race is the best shit to do and that they're doing it.
And blacks don’t belong in the west either.
>you guys discuss lynching others but never act on it
>hehe you guys shouldn’t be upset when blacks rape and kill a 3 year old
How does your brain work?
One day soon, one day, the inhabitants will only be able to take so much.
Always that one faggy leaf. You probably voted for Trudeau