Attached: asian beauty 6.gif (480x270, 2.49M)
Women can't rape m---
Caleb Fisher
Other urls found in this thread:
Brandon Turner
Brayden Phillips
Chase Davis
Easton Barnes
Levi Barnes
Eli Fisher
she looks like some sort of alien being birthed
Zachary Collins
Ryder Taylor
And the finale
Cooper Torres
Chinks are ugly, we know.
Carson Cooper
If it wasn't for her teeth, she wouldn't even be bad looking provided she washed.
Ian Roberts
Make-up ban when?
Kevin Green
Ethan Morgan
Jackson Flores
how is this better than a white girl? are people with yellow fever retarded? perhaps should open their eyes a little bit
Jackson Wood
asians look like potatoes without makeup
Lincoln Allen
Would a man get accused of rape if he tricked a woman into thinking he was extremely rich?
Parker Kelly
holy shit i'm never trusting the beauty of asian chick again
Camden Lopez
Yes, but it would not be illegal to do so.
Connor Ward
in her mind
> i only fucked him because he was rich
> now he's not rich
> now i regret it
happens quite a lot when roasties try to upgrade from betabux to a chad and it fails, they get caught by betabux and she realizes chad just wanted a pump and dump.. then she screams 'no no betabux i blacked out and he raped me!' and starts crying so she doesn't lose her betabux too.
Camden Sanchez
She painted her teeth black lol
Elijah Watson
This has black pilled me
Gavin Roberts
How do they make the eyes look bigger? Everything else I understand but the eyes thing is fucking voodoo magic.
Jackson Turner
colored contacts. basically used by people who don't have blue eyes to cover up their inferior eye color.
Henry Gray
it's the only explanation
Bentley Johnson
i want to learn to do this i think it would be a sick party trick after everyone is drunk
Josiah Ross
this shit applies to ALL WOMEN
Blake Evans
still cute actually
Nolan Thompson
I wish a women would rape me...
Adam Johnson
Owen Young
With a really feminine penis?
Alexander Harris
Always take her to the pool on the first date.
Cooper Martinez
special things stick into the inner part of the eye lid and hold the eye open more
Henry Richardson
I bet this is your movie
Gavin Lewis
where do you want to meet
Brody Allen
Do you want to rape cute Finnish boy?
Ian Baker
The concept of rape by deception is seriously being discussed in legal academic circles. I think it's appeared in a few model penal codes in several western countries.
John Roberts
These actually aren't that bad
This however...
Ryan Sullivan
Most women without make up are on the same level of goblin
Andrew Green
Is it rape by deception if you thought you tagged a 9/10 qt but the next day when she takes her face off she's a 3/10?
James Nelson
must be slender & a low amount of muscle
Leo Perez
when will u fags realize that green is the master race? it's literally the color we've evolved to see the most variance of
Nathaniel James
They're just painting themselves white lol
Nathan Gomez
oh shit that is literally be.. please be gentle
Hunter Taylor
Cooper Jones
Noah Bailey
only if she denies her butt virginity as recompense after you find out
Jack Nguyen
probably because nature is usually green not because green eyes are the master race
Logan Hill
No, you know it'll only be enforced as "i had sex with him because i thought he was a rich cuck". See also "i can't stop hooking up with Trump supporters"
Isaac Jones
James Smith
israel is a very non meticulously dressed country. we all dress very casual almost derelict and young women on a day to day barely or rarely wear makeup, so over here it's what you see is what you get.
Connor Fisher
Carson Peterson
If a woman found out a guy she fucked didn't look as good as she thought, she would call it rape. This is true.
Jose Diaz
Femin Virus Info:
Brayden Murphy
wtf bitch is missing her eyelashes