remember how russia said last month that the us prepares a false flag in order to have casus beli to attack damascus?
and remember how russia pledged they will strike back at those that struck?
remember how russia said last month that the us prepares a false flag in order to have casus beli to attack damascus?
and remember how russia pledged they will strike back at those that struck?
>Kikes pushing for global war when everybody is too docile and addicted to jerking off all day and watching animes.
Yeah nah. They wanted a slave race they got a slave race. A slave too docile to revolt is also a slave too docile to fight.
I don't want any war with Russia. I just want to see the jews burn.
My body is ready
On the other hand they just want to finish the war and use gas because Assad ran out of Alawites to send to die a long time ago and all his allies are exhausted too.
This thread is geopolitically ignorant.
Great. My countries bullshit is gonna get me nuked or gassed.
We'll have to see if this gets picked up by the media. Terrorists reported a chem attack 2 weeks ago but Western media never ran with the story, maybe this time they will. Or maybe Trump will wise up and stop listening to the retards around him.
Even Iran(!!!!!) was rocked by protests recently because the Syria war is too costly in lives and money.
Of course Assad used the gas. It was him, no matter what the shills say.
well those were small attacks but this is an attack with over 1000 victims.
muh WW3
edgy OP predicted this
Whatever you say Shlomo.
Yeah, we'll see how well their acting is for the cameras.
Sorry Muslim, the jig is up.
You will get full payback for sending us refugees all these years
>Not being in favor of sending more Americans to die for Israel makes you a sandnigger
Go be a kike somewhere else. You can kill all the sandniggers you want but you're not using our people as meat shields. Send the IDF into Syria if you're that angry
Not even Reddit Fags believe this nonsense anymore but if they want to keep on red piling normies while accomplishing little, then please continue.
>toxic gas injury
Well, must be a shitty gas then.
Imagine now Russia saying something like look UK, this is what real novachok looks like.
Duma mich
post your WW3 face
then go die for israel faggot.
>58th time they went with the chemical weapons angle
When will they try something new
Jews just gassed Syria to keep US troops in Syria. They're going to blame Assad/Putin.
for gods sake Ropcke at it again. And Bolton will print out and bring this photo of dead kids to Trump saying he has to appear strong and have to attack Assad.
they instantly know that it was the government and not some other group??
but they can't figure out if russian spies poisoned some britbong
Digits confirms
This. The only war worth fighting in is a war against (((them)))
>remember how russia said last month that the us prepares a false flag in order to have casus beli to attack damascus?
switch countries
Is Trump going full neocon?
the galaxy will soon live without us.
i dont get this. this is a big thing yet nobody cares.
how many times has assad gassed people and gotten away with it? is he the next sam hyde meme?
this is what russia gets for siding with shitskins against those with slightly lighter skin. scum.
>psy op in germany to get people talking about how muslims dindu nuffin
>false flag in syria to show muslims as the victims
>time for war boys
bring it on by the megaton
ww3 has already started