Was jesus a white man? Was he really the son of god? Why don’t the muslims think so?

Was jesus a white man? Was he really the son of god? Why don’t the muslims think so?

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>Was jesus a white man

He was Semitic. If you think Jews are white, then Jesus was white.

>Was he really the son of god?

Dunno lol

>Why don’t the muslims think so?

Because they don't think God has sons. They still venerate him as the second most important man to have ever lived after Muhammed himself as the penultimate prophet.

couldn't there have been Europeans Jerusalem ?

>Was jesus a white man

He was a Levantine, he probably had light skin, but he's not White proper.

>Was he really the son of god?


Why don’t the muslims think so?

Probably because the trinity is difficult to understand and Islam is a cargo-cult barbarian religion.

Jesus of nazareth is a fictional character. Even the crucifiction/resurrection is stolen from Dionysus/Odin myths.

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All your evidence for this claim is literally just spurious connections between these characters.

He was most likely light-skinned but probably not a pale snownigger

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No, he wasn't "white" as in European/Germanic, but he was fairly light skinned and of Middle Eastern complexion. He was the Son of God. Muslims are pagans.

what makes you so he wasn't? it might not have been probable but surely it was not impossible

probably because if he was a chalky whiteman it would be mentioned in the bible
but because it wasnt we can generally assume he looked similar to other people in that area of the planet

We literally have his genealogy, He's a Hebrew through and through, he's even a descendent of king David.

Hebrew's are not a European people, they're Semitic and originate in West Asia.

Because he came from the Middle East and wasn't European. Although I will point out that the children of Israel were of a lighter complexion than Arabs, because king David, Adam and others were described as pale and ruddy.

You seem a little confused, so let me assist. Jesus was a fictitious character. Didn't exist. The christian god is just like every one of the thousands of other gods in that it doesn't exist. Muslims are just as deluded as christians. Religions are scams designed to separate fools from their money.


Choose one and only one

Jesus was probably not white, but he probably was not pitch black either.

He was the son of God

Muslims don't care about truth, they care about conquering the world and collecting as many wives as possible.

>The christian god is just like every one of the thousands of other gods in that it doesn't exist.
Except the Christian God is the only one that logically can be the true one. So either you're an atheist or a Christian. Make your choice.

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Let's look at this rationally. Mary was basically a incubation chamber, she wasn't necessarily his biological mother. God inserted Jesus to grow inside Mary.

So Jesus could be whatever race God chose him to be. Which obviously is white

Jesus was greek, prove me wrong


Yeah, but he didn't stick out from the masses according to the gospels, so it's not like he was a completely different race from his disciples and followers.

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Then how is there existence? God is the only answer

>but of course i think isreal has a right to be freee

Yeah but a white guy with a tan would probably fit in with some desert jews.

Well I seem him more as Aryan than white, like Persians and Indians before they got race mixed.

this, desu



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thats a good point

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When you locate a shred of evidence for your favourite god, you will no longer be forced into the embarrassing position of talking about hats.

>Then how is there existence?
The honest answer is that we don't yet know. Your priest however will lie to your face and then pass around the collection plate.
>God is the only answer
Which god? Define that god. Provide evidence for the claim that it exists. Who made your favourite god? When you can answer these questions, your god will rise above its current tooth fairy-tier status.

>He was Semitic.
Nope. He merely spoke a semitic language, but you're probably too fucking stupid to know the difference.

Attached: JesusWasWhite.jpg (1421x531, 176K)

Fuck off, fedorafag.

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Daily reminder that no theist explanation for the existence of the universe, no matter how silly, can never match the atheist explanation in terms of sheer retarded impossibility.

Attached: AtheistUniverseOriginBtfo.jpg (1121x346, 110K)

>triggered by facts
>talks about hats

You poor kid. If he existed, his biographers would not have needed to plagiarise the stories of centuries-older Egyptian myths.

>argument from personal incredulity

Your position includes exactly the same claim as the one in your pic, but instead of honestly acknowledging that the cause of it is unknown, it attributes it to a magic, invisible, floating faggot in the sky who likes to zap up universes with his magic wand. And the awkward question of who made your favourite floating faggot is always dodged.

Somebody has been watching Zeitgeist, but didn't see the total debunking of their bullshit.

>To me, claiming that a God created everything is totally less believable than the idea that nothingness explodes to form universes!
That's why we call you a fedorafag.

Attached: Atheist definition.jpg (971x802, 142K)

>Was jesus a white man?

not in the sense of 'European White'. no...

>Was he really the son of god?
impossible to know in this world. the whole idea of faith is believing in that and not seeking material evidence.
if there was evidence, all muslims and jews would instantly convert. but that would be too easy

>not in the sense of 'European White'. no...
How do you claim to know this? Two thousand years ago, the Middle East has many whites. Two thousand years ago, America didn't have any. Populations move around.

>pic factually incorrect and irrelevant to the topic
>completely misses the point
>resorts to name-calling in lieu of an actual point

You poor kid.

>the Middle East has many whites
the only 'euro whites' there were Roman soldiers

Canaanites were Semitic. there were some Greeks here and there, yes, but neither Jesus nor his disciples were Greek.
Even the ancestors of the Ashkenazi had none of the euro genes they have now, because they haven't migrated to europe yet

all mediteraneans had light skin, which is a trait of the caucasoid. what are ya'll even talking about?

Read the new testament stating he came from the tribe of Judah, descended from King David and Abraham. He was circumcized, referred to himself as a jew and had discussions with rabbis over Mosaic Law.

Jew from the tribe of Judah, tracing his lineage back to King David and Abraham. He was circumcized, referred to himself as a jew and had discussions with rabbis over Mosaic Law.

I missed this somewhat cryptic offering. For the record, I would like to see Israel nuked.

He was white with blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a team Letterman jacket.

>must be new