Going to a Shitpiro event soon and here is my question for him

Going to a Shitpiro event soon and here is my question for him.

Ben you often say that transgenderism is a mental illness. I would say that I and almost everyone else in this room would agree that someone who mutilates their body to be a different gender is mentally ill. How though would you describe people who believe in mutulating and sodomizing babies cause god said so? You’re against abortion because you care about protecting the rights of the unborn. What about the rights of the recently born Ben? Shouldn’t they be protected from mutilation and sexual assault?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do it faggot.

Wow dude i bet no one has ever asked him about that before there's no way he could possibly have an answer he gonna get btfo!!!

Are you being sarcastic? Has someone already done it?

Fags already asked that, he's just going to say "muh CDC medical studies support it being healthy".

ask him why is he so short

shapiro hates trump because he thinks donald hates jews

Ask this for me pls:

Ben, you said Israel has a right to exist because the bible says so. Why should anybody listen to people, like you, who base their politics on religious scripture? Where is the difference between you and orthodox muslims here?

Do it and film it or you're a faggot

This OP

Ask him if he had to choose between the existence of america or israel which would he choose

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Ask him for his sister's number instead.

or this:

(Expanding on the previous) you do realize that Israelis are european WW2 refugees who by force established their ethnostate, Israel, in an already inhabitated place? This is very much like if the current refugees in Germany took Bavaria for themselves and established their own state there by force (and the help of Britain and the UN). Do you support that too?

CDC also says abortion is safe.

Expose the rat I like it

Ask him why he supports israel over the united states. Closed ended questions like this will work well. Hilarious mental JEWmnastics will ensue.

Also, khazar milkers

Ask for nudes of his sister

>implying a jew would tell the truth to mere goyim

this can go down two ways:
Ben is confused and OP has won or...
Ben responds to it as if he knew about all his life and destroys OP

I honestly want to know what this kike has to say about circumcision.

Ben you support separating immigrant famlies but don’t worry, on the day of the rope we will nice enough to burry your family in the same pit.

Ask him this (if you have the guts):

You claim you don't care about the browning of America due to immigration, and that you only care about values, yet you claim Israel has a right to be an ethnically Jewish state and should use force to ensure that immigrants who aren't of the Jewish race cannot become a citizen. How do you reconcile your stance on Israel while opposing the Americans who want to keep America of mostly European heritage (by force, if necessary)?

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Ask him for his sister's phone number and whether he has tasted her Khazir Milkers.

Fucking kill him. He is a fucking kike


no balls

ask him to apologize for 9/11

Make sure you can rebut all the bullshit "medical" reasons for it and how he's a hypocrite if he thinks FGM is horrific


Were taught that circumcision is a hygienic thing to prevent smegma. Not the same as chopping the whole dick off

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safe does not mean ethical

that is a good question


You need a better argument. There are many studies that directly contradict the one you posted and your rationale for the purpose of circumcision comes from a single philosopher at least 2000 years after the first Jewish circumcision and the millions that came after it. Also, loss of sensitivity for men who masturbated and/or had sex before being circumcised is a pointless argument because you can't have "less" sensitivity if you didn't have more to begin with. Ergo, when these studies claim that men "suspected" or "were confident" that they lost sensitivity from neonatal circumcision, that's basically as meaningless as a pain index. It's literally muh feels which is why nobody takes these studies seriously and none of the sources you cited are reputable and their results have not been duplicated.

see here

Don’t do it in a condescending way because then people will feel as though you’re not asking inood faith and he won’t attempt to answer. Stop saying “Ben” over and over, just ask the question in a good faith way, if he answers we can see he’s full of shit, if he doesn’t answer he looks like an ass.

Saying “What about the rights of the recently born Ben?” sounds really condescending and assholish, drop the Ben and act in good faith.

This is posted in literally every thread and it is also scientifically bunk. ONE person experienced trauma because they didn't get anesthetic. You do know that proper circumcision today uses anesthetic, right? It's literally impossible to have trauma from pain you do not feel. The article literally even says "No anesthetic was used." It's right at the bottom of the fourth paragraph.

Also, you can literally see in this article that they were chasing a previously reached conclusion. The mother wanted evidence to support a circumcision ban. The nurses were already protesting circumcision. This isn't proper science.

I completely support research about circumcision and I only advocate it be done for religious reasons or the rare medical case, but these threads aren't helping so long as they post bunk science and easily disproved evidence.

>the glans contains 4,000 nerve endings
>the clit contains 8,000 nerve endings
>the foreskin contains 20,000 nerve endings

A number of people have committed suicide or even turned to murder because of their circumcision. Just google around and you should find a list OP. I look forward to your confrontation, good luck!

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go rip that guy

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Second that.

>hygienic thing to prevent smegma
Never had smegma in 30 years of life.
Just shower already!

Doing damage control faggot? cuz one link got out that was unedited unfaked uncut and unclipped and its only a segment of how bad you really got burned. We are wining so much you have to hide it. youtube.com/watch?v=PlHRbXXerak The rest on yoube are fake look if you want I see no reason to thread them but I thought I would mention it if you wanted to look at how badly it was chop and screwed what he said. eat a dick op.

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What if I want to feed women and little boys my smegma?

Vaginas are far more “unhygienic” than dicks and we don’t cut them.

No not really clean Vagina has a high acid ph that kills microbes just using a dirty dildo is enough to turn it into a bacteria farm tho. Yea guys can it with some soap and call it clean.

I just screencapped you. Don't let us down, user

>Going to a Shitpiro event
I'm guessing you're 23 years old?? And look like this??

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Dicks are self cleaning too, regardless of what you choose to believe I’m just glad you don’t think cutting off a body part so you don’t have to wash it is smart.

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>"uh because they're not mutilating their body to be a different gender"
>*gives look like this should be obvious*
>fedora-tipping idiot waddles away defeated

Real men have foreskins

hes a hypocrite kike

They’re still mutilating their body to appease a mental illness. Even worse the mutilation is being done to a until recently unborn fetus that never consented to being mutilated.

>autist screetches something as he jumbles away
>"Wait! Kid, what was that?"
>almost in tears the autist shouts in tantrum "Belief in God is a mental illness!"
>"And your source for that is?"
>faggot autist bursts into full-blown crying rage, covering his face as he runs out the door

Belief in things that aren’t real is mental illness.

>"So you made your way all the way here to tell me God doesn't real?"
>"And they say atheist butthurt isn't a thing"
>audience bursts into laughter
>"How long did you drive just to tell me that?"
>OP shoots himself in the head
I almost didn't give you this because the thought of you burning forever because of your stupidity is appealing:

Jow Forums is 18+ btw

Regardless of religious belief you should not be circumcising your kids. Moses himself refused to cut himself or his son and he was a Jew who witnessed the wrath of God.

>ask the jew abiut jis jewish tricks at his own forum
Your gonna get decimated user.

Again zero proof of god.

FUCK YOU user! Going to his event and the least you can do is larp as a lefty and get up there and drop a bomb about his sisters tits live. The look on his face would be worth it. Bet he would get pissed.

Circumcision was once commanded by God (not anymore), so it can't possibly be bad or a crime against humanity.

You should ask him about nigger IQ and poor performance, since he openly talks about kikes having high IQ and being successful.

(((Someone))) doesn’t want circumcision to be questioned.

just ask him if jews are a race or a religion?
or better yet ask him why kikes are so sure jesus wasn't the mesiah?

Do this OP

Ask him why he doesn't just move to Israel if he loves it so much

DO IT. Call circumcision only male genital mutilation and call female genital mutilation female circumcision

oh god this would be so good. Something about "squeezing her means of production"

Addressing your obsession with cock is a waste of time and isnt gonna produce anything of value. At least asking him about his sisters giant tits will be entertaining. Not a kike u fucking cock obsessed faggot.

Maybe ask this "how and why is it necessary that men need circumcision when it flies in the face of God (he made a mistake) and if you believe in evolution then why didn't we evolve out of needing foreskins like we did for tails? Also isn't it wrong that these babies cannot consent to this act and in a lot of Jewish circumcisions the doctor has to put his mouth on the babies genitals?"

Chill (((goy)))
In all seriousness, how are you not pissed about what was done to you?