Hey user you are redpilled so i bet you have also stopped using porn and masturbating, right?

Hey user you are redpilled so i bet you have also stopped using porn and masturbating, right?

Attached: porn.jpg (600x300, 24K)

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lol no

No, fuck off. there's nothing wrong with viewing porn. it's natural and satisfies are basic needs. go shill somewhere else.


This is all your fault.

Quitting porn is important for your relationship with Jesus.

>satisfies are basic needs.
Indeed, scum!

I am in the process of kicking porn out of my life. I now make better use of my time working toward my ambitions and pursuing productive hobbies like gardening and woodworking.

Just watch where you spend your time, not wasting it on porn is great, but if that time is wasted elsewhere, then you're only holding yourself back. At least your dopamine receptors wont be as over stimulated from the porn, but this can still happen from other things like eating junk food and playing to much vidya.

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No, I still watch porn.
I'm redpilled, but I don't let it get in the way of my habits. I don't want to move away from mainstream habits because in doing so, I also move away from being able to tell others about the views I've found to be truth.

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Good for you, user. I guess I'm lucky in that I never got hooked in the first place. What sort of things are you making with woodworking?

nice, good luck bro!

>im weak and i want to suck a tranny's cock so i can redpill more people

Once you discover quality VR porn, you no longer need to masturbate

No, more like I don't want to pretend to be trad when i'm not raised that way, just seems too pretentious for me.

Right now I'm carving misc. peices of lumber into small shapes, I'm still really new. I'm saving up for a lathe so I can start wood-turning and make bowls and what not. Just something about it all seems fun. Maybe it's the craftsmanship of it all.I also want to start leather-crafting as well. Definitely check out wood turning, I guarantee you'll be interested after watching some videos.





Obviously I've stopped, I'm not a nigger.

I literally masturbate into a jar of red pills.

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I almost never masturbate, I usually just get girls to do it for me.

yeah totally Jesus :^)

i dont get it what do you mean specifically and contextually

Poor is very bad for your well being. It destroys sexual pleasure centers of the brain, reduces sensitivity, promotes erectile dysfunction, perverts your sexual orientation etc... highly addictive. It's worth reading the book the brain that changes itself to get a better understanding.

I still watch it once in a while but mostly I screw my wife.

I've stopped for medical reasons (recovering from surgery)

Surprisingly, been a week and I don't miss it.

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Morality doesn't need to be appealed to with regard to reasons for giving up porn. It's not healthy for the brain. It over stimulates the reward system and just as a reminder your reward system diminishes with regards to efficacy with age, just as every other bodily system does. So you are prematurely wearing out your reward system for no viable reason other than being like a rat in a human skinner box. So you will be less able to enjoy the simple things in life as you age because you over taxed your reward system. You might not care now, but you will.
>This page lists the studies assessing the brain structure and functioning of Internet porn users. To date every study offers support for the porn addiction model (no studies falsify the porn addiction model). The results of these 39 neurological studies (and upcoming studies) are consistent with 260+ Internet addiction "brain studies", many of which also include internet porn use. All support the premise that internet porn use can cause addiction-related brain changes, as do studies reporting escalation or tolerance, and these 14 recent neuroscience-based reviews of the literature & commentaries

Why stop mssturbating? Stopped porn years ago but masturbation is relieving after a shitty day, and less nocive than alcohol or other psychoactive shits.
This meme is for masochistic betas.

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you kidding me rabbi

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I have stopped using porn and masturbating, though I fail at times.
>we can only do the best we can do
>and repent when we fall

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i've already worn out my reward system, i'm no longer satisfied with living a simple life. I don't see the point in stopping now.

>stopped using porn and masturbating
Of course.

In the process. Changing my habits and starting new hobbies. I'm just waiting for that last frost so I can put out my garden plants.

Nothing wrong with it in moderation

Nice bait. Here, have a (you)

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KYS, goy.

this. It becomes a problem, when you make it a problem.

>put out my garden plants
What do you mean, mutt?

Stopped a while back and it greatly improved my life. I will never go back

>nothing wrong
Porn is destroying your mind, body, and soul
>is more addictive than opiates
>degenerates the inhibition/self control centres of your brain
>strips your body of vital trace elements through masturbation
>bonds your soul with humunculi, tearing it apart over and over again

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Basic degenerate needs that only get amplified over time that is. Even your Torah agrees its equatable to spilling blood.

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Moderation. Just 1 or 2 times per week.

Sure smells of tradcuck in here

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Eliminated porn completely. Tried to cut masturbation down to once every two weeks.

Based mutt.

How porn makes you a complete fucking degenerate faggot

Elevated dopamine and changes in sexual preference
Here's more evidence that sexual tastes can be profoundly re-conditioned: A male rat can be conditioned to prefer a same-sex partner by jacking up his dopamine. And it doesn't take very long. Researchers injected a male rat with a dopamine agonist (a drug that mimics dopamine), and then placed him in a cage with another male. The two rats just hung out together for a day. (The dopamine agonist is out of the system in about one day.) Researchers repeated this 2 more times, 4 days apart.
A few days later, the reconditioned male was put to the test. With no dopamine agonist in his system, he was placed into a cage with his male buddy and sexually receptive female (remember the dopamine was out of his system). Guess which rat turned him on the most? He showed much more response to the male: more erections, more genital investigation, and even female-like solicitations —as opposed to normal male mounting behavior.
Lesson? High levels of dopamine can powerfully rewire the brain and alter sexual tastes. The researchers emphasized that the male rat wasn't gay, as he didn't try to mount the other rat. Yet he had definitely changed. Similarly, continued porn use cannnot change your sexual orientation, but it can change what type of porn excites you.

Link to Enhaced D2-type receptor activity facilitates the development of conditioned same-sex partner preference

Stop watching porn


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Absolutely. Porn is for incel faggots and niggers.

Everytime I view that filth I get angry knowing you are behind it all, if this world plunges into chaos you are the first to go you ugly hooknose faggot

>Adopting an objectively more beneficial lifestyle is pretentious
Porn addicts are worse than heroin junkies by far

Porn disgusts me. I quit porn and feel sooo much better and have more confidence. I dont feel any shame or guilt anymore and can show my face in public. Fapping to 3d or even 2d porn wasted all my energy and time. Also my balls are bigger and full of test and im not going to waste my mojo on any more sick jewish smut. Being pure and letting god give you boners from living life outside feels so much better. Plus you have more time to accomplish goals. Dont waste time fapping to mind pollution or you will stay weak willed. Also nofap gives you big balls.

>I don't see the point in stopping now
The point would be that by using volition you can initiate neuroplastic changes that would lead to the reparation of your brain, which would lead to a higher quality of consciousness. At any rate, I don't want to hassle you, so good luck.

beneficial to who? I know my life is shit, I just happen to know I have no self discipline, I've tried to bring some order into my life and I've failed every time, that doesn't mean that i'm stupid or can't develop stuff, it just means that I have no rhythm.
I don't want to limit my social life. Because I'd be alone.

Fucking unreal. Thanks for the link to the study. Another arrow for the quiver.

Giving up the porno jew
>with men this is impossible
>but with Christ all things are possible
You have to treat it for what it actually is: a grave and damaging sin.
When you fail you must go to Christ in heaven and repent and ask Him for the strength to help you.
>Ask and you shall recieve

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No it means you're stupid and can't develop stuff. Certainly not at the level of those who abstain. Forever middling in all your endeavors. but hey, 5 minutes of virtual bimbo anal is worth it

the tip of my dick is completely numb so i live an ascetic life free of the vaginal jew

Sorry, I'm not emotional enough to believe.
Pretty sure all the people who work alongside me also watch porn, it's not a big deal. I don't see the point. Members of the SS talked about titties too you know, that's why they're men.

The existence of God is a rational necessity based on the observable reality of the universe in which we live.
The only argument was "what form does God take?" and this was finally reconciled philosophically in the gospel of John, chapter 1.

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Because of pain killers. They kill libido.

I know you're on them due to surgery.

Painkillers legit can make you leak fun sometimes due to the receptors it hits

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yeah i doubt it's god's will to have a guy like the pope in charge of the church.

there are much better things in life than being a slave to dumb women. Trashy whores or porn are not worth the effort and energy. Im going to save up my mojo for a real women.

>so i bet you have also stopped using porn
>and masturbating
Nah, sometimes you gotta let one go.

1. Your balls don't grow because your balls aren't full of pre-ready semen.

2. Random boners on public fucking suck. Legit have to fap every morning or ill sit there and look at my co-workers tits or asses and some of the girls are ugly but when I fap I don't wanna bang anything.

Fapping is a cheat code for a reason.

A fap a day keeps the insanity at bay

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Also, porn was weaponized to destroy your imagination, not your libido.

Based mutts.

porn is simply no good
slightly degenerate
not needed and
flawed at best

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Oy vey

I'm going to eat pills and die in a few years so I'll do what I want nigger

The pope isn't in charge of the church. Jesus Christ is in charge of the church.
>the church is all who have residence in the Christ's eternal Kingdom through faith in His death and resurrection
>Not an organisation built on the corruption and greed of this world.

We all know red pillers jerk off to degenerate porn.

can i use hookers? if it is a fun relationship??

btw im going to anyway

Porn and prostitutes are the same thing.

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>not having silicone horsepussy and ponut
you guys are lame as fuck

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Quit porn, didn't quit masturbation. I purchased a sex robot to replace females. Now I am truly redpilled and have no need for mortal women but I can have sex with a girl any time i want. not technically masturbation either. it's like 3d porn. 6d porn. You're inside the porn but the porn is also rendered in 3d. it's like 3d x2. I'm 3d and the porn is also 3d but they're in separate dimensions. i have no need for filthy jew porn anymore.

I too put on the jew flag and larp from time to time.

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>watches porn
>I'm redpilled
top kek

Yes I did stop watching jewish porn and instead started masturbating to hentai.
Masturbating is in no way a bluepilled thing btw, its a natural thing to do. If anything nofap is soyboy-tier

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using kys as an insult in 2018

have a (you), it will also improve your mental health


religion =/= not God. Religion is just a bunch of faggots using God to control other people. God needs neither church nor pope.

God also doesn't need you to quit porn, do what you like man. I personally am trying to quit because it's a useless habit and wastes my energy.

Yes. Only because I have a cold. It heals faster when I'm not masturbating.

i have a gf and still consume a lot of porn
we have sex every day twice but i just can't stop watching porn

I own multiple dragon dildos and use them regularly. This is the final red pill.

oh vey

That last part is wrong. Your soul is an eternal untouchable space. Nothing can harm it ever. Everything comes from it anyway. What you might create and attract are thought forms which can feed off your energy and influence you emotionally.

>Week 2 of nofap/noporn
>Strong urge to breed with my coworker at work

On the plus side, i have energy to get off to work and greet people.

Unironically this. Also, your relationship with your fellow human beings.

Same boat, honestly. Trying to kill procrastination now.
I've found that shining my shoes helps with sexual urges, though.

Exactly. We fuck up, and regularly. That's why the sacrament of reconciliation exists.

...take out the plants that have been growing indoors and move them outside where it's warmer.

>Hey user you are redpilled so i bet you have also stopped using porn and masturbating, right?

im about 3/4 red pill

> Basic needs
You won't become sick if you don't masturbate, Mr. Goldstein.

Sexy child porn kike?

Why do you say that?

Prozac is the ultimate red pill. Complete Shamelessness that allows you to make decisions based not on feelings, but on logic. Best decision I've ever made was starting 6 years ago


>gardening and woodworking

>thread about porn
>post a .gif of a gun

what did user mean by this?