Knowing that all women are like this? Would you still marry them?

Knowing that all women are like this? Would you still marry them?

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You know they're all going to lie about their sexual pasts right? Now that Jow Forums showed you this now. What will you do?

i dont get it. what is bad about what she is saying? the part about wanting to settle down?

Maybe first fix that nose and those saggy eyebrows

she's a harpy

Tell that roastie to adopt a shelter cat or 15 and fuck off.

what is the "science" that convinced people it is better to sleep around with a bunch of different people before you get married and have kids?

She spent her best days fucking randos, now no one wants her used up pussy.

no hymen, no diamond

to all you female faggots reading this, dont be a roastie

so if i understand you correctly, you are saying that the women's proper place is in the kitchen or in the bedroom?

It's a mystery

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roastie went manhopping and now expects a man to treat her as she desires, in the complete opposite way she's treated every other man she's been with

There is nothing wrong with her pussy if she has something to offer in place of a tight, little-used set of beef curtains.
But because she clearly refuses to create long-term value for a man, and wants to be valued for her roastie vulva, no one wants her.

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Thanks feminism!

>lying about a hymen
unless they start paying for reconstructive surgery, roasties are fucked

You don't think she could walk into literally any bar and meet some guy that would marry her? All she's saying is she doesn't want to settle.

close to home

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she probably has HIV at this point in her life. She needs to be put down like a mangy bitch dog.

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When I date a girl, I inflate my sexual partners by 4x, to make them feel more comfortable about giving me a number closer to the truth and if the girl is around that ballpark, I dump the roastie. Would never put a ring a girl that has fucked more than 6dicks.

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What about just 1 dick, but it was black?

It's not even science. It's the fact that women are emotionally driven creatures and see each new partner as a new "experience" to discover more about themselves. The same logic is what makes them all obsessed with getting their fortunes told and that zodiac sign shit. They will rationalize any action that leads to an emotionally charged "self revelation" and see staying with one man as denying themselves that.

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If she was pretty enough and you make it a foot note that I never have to see his nigger mug ever for the rest of my life, I'd be okay with it.

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I intend to stand out from the crowd and I expect my female to also.

I am marrying a non-roastie this July

Is this still acceptable on Jow Forums or is this place only for single neckbeards?

Jow Forums is for marrying trad waifu and pumping out white babies. I hope you both have blue eyes.

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better not be a mail-order gook

Nothing wrong with the amish. I think the avg family has like 5.7 kids or more.

Jezz she looks like my wife. Wtf. For reals.

there's no female on Jow Forums

All the man too user. Of curse the avarage woman will have more parters than man., but still...

The Amish are a rare example of Non Anglos who fit in perfectly with American society
But they only fit in because they're isolationists who've been here longer than anyone but the Anglos and French

I lied to my wife about my number. She told me hers and I’m way way over hers. Now I feel kind a like a dick thinking about it. I bet she lied.

>You know they're all going to lie about their sexual pasts right?
thank god for social media

no hymen no diamond

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We can laugh at these cunts, anons.

But keep this in mind.

The "March for our lives" protest was full of the same pussy hat brigade we saw last year and the average age of these antis on the march was 49.

Look at the dating scene online: countless late 30s early 40s chicks never married and less and less even had kids.

This means bitter hateful roasties. I'm not just talking about CNN-programmed bots. I'm talking about the most reckless hatred you will ever see. A bot is simply brainless. But in the roastie apocalypse, we will be dealing with people who will have nothing to do but stay up all night studying us and honing their vile seething hatred for us.

They will burn this civilization down before they even give one inch. They have nothing but their hate and bitterness. There is nothing else conceivable to them. They would gulag us personally, as surely as they hate us all personally - without even knowing us - if they could.
War is coming.

So is this one of those baits where you try to get someone to say
>not all x

>Ideally more, but y'know, whatever

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"I just hopped off the cock carousel-I'm ready for my man now"

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> Im not actually upset about losing this person I just wanted MY wedding its MY turn

Will she blame the one who did it to her: (((feminism)))?

>no no laughs
>provides good reasons to laugh at them
No mate i'll laugh at them as much as I want

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Is that Jenna Fischer?