Fuck this really made me think

In all your wisdom Jow Forums, tell me how does one even try to defend this?

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When was the last time anyone got quality education in the public school system?

If you spend money like an idiot you may find yourself out of money. I lived off much less than a teacher makes, had a nice apartment and a car purchased with savings.

Not spending money like a nigger isn’t hard.

I can't. But this is an American issue, first and foremost. Most civilized countries and even some uncivilized ones value education and teachers.

Probably since the 50's during 'Murica's peak.

Teachers are the lowest of the low.
You can learn much more simply by reading on your own than from being indoctrinated and humiliated by them.

people like this are retarded.
children still learn to read and basic math in school. Only white trash retards and niggers do not appreciate the public school system. There are plenty of white schools that still do a good job. School only benefits those that take advantage it. Kind of like the library.

This past tense? Like 20 years ago when you were young or...?

why don't you shoot for the the stars instead of being a teacher

I didn't learn to read in school user, my father and mother taught me to read using newspapers and advertisments.

Teachers in Canada are also underpaid and have to deap with classes of up to 40 students, some with issues. This also makes the job unattractive and attracts failures who couldnt do something elsr.

How is that possible? I don't even live paycheck to paycheck and I make less than half the average salary of public school teachers

Looking at how teachers churn out nothing but brainwashed bugmen and pussyhatters, I say, fuck the teachers.
Next constitution needs a separation between school and state clause.

good for you buddy.

The school system is LITERALLY fucking everything up

>Guy talks about general public education system
>Responds about how specific races don't respect education.

Get outta here Cletus! We'll meet up later at the next KKK rally.

>children still learn basic math in school.
A shekel for a good goy.


If he was smart, he would make money.

This, I used to respect teachers when I was younger, but as I got older I realized a lot of them were shit at their jobs, and some of them definitely propagandists. I remember in grade 10, and this was like back in 2005, I had this social studies teacher who was a communist and the utter disgust in his voice whenever he mentioned "white, christian" something or other I remember from even back then.

It's gotten much much worse at this point, when I have a kid I would never send him to school in this sort of fucked up environment, but then again, you need to expose your kid to the world or they turn into full-on spergs. It's a tough situation.

I could read before I got into kindergarten very good for me.

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teaching jobs are for industry drop outs/failures. why do you think the school system is so fucking terrible? teachers aren't heroes, they're glorified babysitters that indoctrinate your kids instead of you or your wife (because you're both busy working as wage slaves to pay for your childs brainwashing)

Sometime between 1950 and Teach for America.

>children still learn to read and basic math in school.
if it's so basic then you can teach it yourself, faggot

So privatized schools? This Elemetary school was brought to you by General Mill's Cheerios™!

In Indiana the poorest/whitest county has the best scores. So yea the Cletuses of the world do well in school. They also have to have both parents work, so schools are still vital.

Teaching isn't that hard. Doing however?....

>separation between school and state clause.
Interesting idea.

>Doing is easier than teaching
Doing the children is easier than teaching?...

school would be 10 times better with vouchers and no unions, faggot

My brother in law is a teacher, and he's a good dude, but one of the dumbest people I've ever met. Teaching has become a fucking civil service job, and the left keeps fetishizing and lionizing it, pushed by propaganda in order to keep the money laundering scheme they have going with the teachers' union.

Everytime I hear these type of stories, mortgage is involved for some reason. Don't buyshit you can't afford, so simple.

They already have this type of thing but the privatized schools need to find their own funding as the state will not fully fund them.

>Shitty results
>More kids becoming retards annually
>Work half the year
>Complain about not having enough money
Teachers can suck my ass. I'm tired of paying their stupid fucking teacher union wages for indoctrinating the next generation.

3 years ago, and the preceding 8 years.

>Teachers in Canada are also underpaid
Depends on the province, but experienced teachers definitely get paid decently in most places. It's the novice teachers who work 50 hours a week for peanuts who are underpaid for the work they do.

In the states where these walkouts are happening, teachers sometimes need to take a second job to make ends meet. In addition, they don't even have the resources to teach their classes and in some districts they've cut school weeks to four days.

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How much are they making?

Oh ok, i guess that has merit as it was during the butt fuck period of the recession years.

So his intelligence compares to that of school children?
If he was smart he'd be a university professor.

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15$ an hour with free coffee.

Don't tell people to become university professors like it's easy.

Until we get vouchers it will always be " give us more money and we'll fix our public schools "
but they never will
haven't since the 60's

not to mention a good 90% of the shit you learn you'll forget after a week and never apply later in life.

Yes good goy. I’m glad you saw our (((advertisement)))

Is cutting the school week a bad thing?

Well it's more of the question of what the children will do with their free time that isn't dedicated to facebook/minecraft youtube videos.

I'd say that cutting the school week for kids to do things in real life is fairly important. But you would need to kill access to social media to get the kids to get off their asses and do normal kid stuff.

A lot of public school teachers are dumb as rocks. I have family members who are high school teachers. On Easter I was talking to one about how I was reading a book about ancient Greece and how I'd love to learn how to read ancient Greek one day, and Latin too. With complete sincerity she said, "wait, what is the difference?" Confused, I asked her what exactly she meant? Like difference in difficulty of learning each language? Nope, she meant that she had no idea they were two different languages. She had no idea that Latin was a real language and she claimed she never knew that Italian/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Etc. all descended from Latin. (She didn't know what a Romance language was.) This is an adult woman with a master's degree in education. (Of course it's some night school no name college on the degree, but still.) These are the people who are teaching our children. And they make shit money. But you know what, honestly if they made better money it would attract smarter people. Perhaps we could have teachers who know even the most basic things about history and culture or anything useful at all. For that reason I do support increasing teacher salaries, under the condition of firing the shit teachers when their replacements are found.

might as well be a janitor at that point.

Why are they called teachers and not indoctrinators????

>Dr. Leopold Potsch... used our budding nationalistic fanaticism as a means of educating us, frequently appealing to our sense of national honor. By this alone he was able to discipline us little ruffians more easily than would have been possible by any other means. This teacher made history my favorite subject. And indeed, though he had no such intention, it was then that I became a little revolutionary. For who could have studied German history under such a teacher without becoming an enemy of the state which, through its ruling house, exerted so disastrous an influence on the destinies of the nation?

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It's easy if you're smart: i.e. not a school teacher.

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Right now. In decent countries. Obviously not in yours.

Why did it make you think?
Having an education doesn't equal money.
Ask all the millennials with 4 year degrees and no job about it.
Obviously the comic is funny as it makes fun of boomers.
>Did you shake his hand?
>Did you look him in the eye?

When did segregation end?

This. Anyone who disagrees with this post is a Nigger brain

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Teachers never grow up to a respectable maturity.
They sit in school benches and when they’re done with that they stand in front of the very same school benches.
They’re constantly surrounded by immature children and as you know you copy your environment to fit into the group.
Only when they’re much older do they eventually grow up and mature, way later then the people around them have.
You pay an oversized child to teach other children what they know. The paycheck is set after that.

kill all jews, commies and niggers

then, give teachers a raise

Teachers make nearly six figures where I live. Many still live paycheck to paycheck because they are shit at managing their money.
They are not underpaid in Ontario. ontariosunshinelist.com/positions/wfxvr

fuck you. i live paycheck to paycheck. i work in the medical field. life's tough. deal with it.

I have felt this to be true since middle school, there's always something pathetic about every teacher and you just put your finger on it

I don't really want to talk too much shit about teachers, because I wouldn't want to do their job either, but marrying into a family of public school teachers really makes me realize that its the blind leading the blind

Makes me sad desu

One of the few jobs you can get with a gender studies degree is elementary school teacher; hence, the wages are lower due to over-supply.

Maybe stop spending your money on stupid shit.

obvious bullshit, teachers in US earn a lot, middle-upper range
all while spouting neo-marxist garbage

Segregation officially ended around 1964 but truly ended during 1994-96. I don't see how race has anything to do with education.

I know that's bullshit because men aren't allowed to be teachers.

So in the future we'll have our children be taught by the millenial 3rd wave feminists. ~yay~

Pardon me while i down a few shots of whiskey.

Does this look like a place where someone learns anything?



Public-school teachers are underpaid. Private school teachers are paid adequately. My mother was a public highschool teacher who taught all the budding young criminals in 35+-to-a-teacher classes, my teachers taught 15-20 kids per class and all the kids were children of affluent people or poor people who busted their fucking asses to put their kids there (like my family).

Unless you hate your children, do as the elites do and send them to private school.

It's pretty fucking hard to get educated over the hollering and noise of smacking lips.

grade school teachers are glorified babysitters.

Looks like the typical retardation of the 5 schools i've been to. Every situation was just a bitch or an idiot of either white, black, or brown with no sense of belonging. It's the problem with the people who work harder for attention than actual education that shouldn't even be put into system in the first place.

This is in context to the Oklahoma teacher walkout, They are paid a really low amount but that's because they're all emergency hires that have been at the job 3-4 years at an average. Their walkout is about to lose the state a lot of federal funding because kids aren't able to take their end of year tests.

Attached: Teacherwalkout.jpg (800x533, 183K)

I work minimum wage, rent and pay bills and I have thousands in the bank saved up.

The power of not falling for the alcohol/cigarette/drug jew

>joining military in few months
>Afterwards going to school to become a history teacher
I'm going to fix this shit
I'm going to teach kids the truth

$10 dollars an hour in Oklahoma.

How would you know, you're in Finland. Your country is populated mostly by Hwite people.

Good, but just don't end up like this teacher.


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Good for you user. Me too, but math instead of history. I will be a positive male figure in their lives and show them not to be a degenerate. The ones who are looking for it, anyway. The shitheads will not appreciate it i'm sure, but that's just reality

What the fuck dude. Minimum wage in NY is $12.00 - $13.00/hr at the local burger king in a rural area! What's wrong with your state.

>spew leftist drivel
>suck jew dick in class
>get unionized up the asshole
>wonder why you are treated as the person you are instead of the person you tell others you are

I had three actually GOOD teachers throughout my public education. The rest were middling to bad, and one was maliciously incompetent

Here's to you, Mrs. C, Mr. N and Mr. P

most teachers are just glorified day care workers.

their job is to keep the brown people from murdering each other for 8 hours. nothing beyond that can reasonably be accomplished in the average american classroom so they are payed accordingly.

Just an assumption. Besides, we're mongols, not white.

Oh come now. Outside of the immigrants that'll be crossing your borders soon, you guys are Neon Hwite. Sexy too.
google.com/search?q=Finnish people&num=100&client=firefox-b-1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiExtK956naAhURWq0KHVKlDH8Q_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=910

desu teachers should be happy to get paid at all

>t. teacher

Teachers are NOT all underpaid. In my area, they start at maybe mid-30s but quickly they're over 50K and most know enough to be certified for special ed, zoom, they're up above 70-80K.

Anybody remember that union hag who told Chris Christie that by rights she should be paid 80K (or so), implying she was paid much less. And it was soon disclosed that her salary was ... 80K. Plus.

god that hits close to home. that was every fucking day of my high school experience.

people really don't know how bad things are in black high schools. you just don't fucking know unless you lived it. it's otherworldly and the few people that do know are too afraid to be called racist to ever point it out.

this guy is correct

this guy is State School idiot who doesn't understand anything

State Schools have been deliberately dumbing down the population for generations, more concerned with 'socialization' than education. they are the first place the education in collectivism begins.


Fuckers are over paid.

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Are you saying all races value education and respect teachers equally? Are you REALLY saying that? Have you ever set foot in a "diverse" public school?

All this talk about teachers being communist indoctrinates that goes on in Jow Forums, is regular conversation here. I think the legislator was trying to collapse the school system so it would all be privatized. Then these protests happened.

Public schools are fake and gay
No one should work or go there.

Modern public education teachers in the West are nothing more than 3rd rate babysitters too stupid to realize they could have made a shit ton more money by saying, "Fuck 4+ years of college!" and electing to privately nanny a couple of rich brats instead.

Fuck public school teachers. They haven't taught anything important in decades other than being a poorly funded daycare operation for autistic white kids.

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Should've done STEM

>becoming a teacher

Most teachers are commies anyway. fuck off and sage.

>tfw to intelligent for learning

They’re doing pretty fucking well for having a low skill job with an entire season off.

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unions fucking your child's education

He’s lying lol

It averages out to more like $22 an hour, . That’s if you don’t count breaks as a thing on top of it too

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Fuckin hell, I'm gonna go teach in Wyoming