Looking for an x ray of this girl plzzz and thank you in advance
Plz X-ray gods
Not possible.
It is if the brightness get turned up? I tried on my iPhone but it doesn’t look good
No, it's not. X-raying through colored and especially black clothes is incredibly difficult but on top of that, the resolution and captured lighting of this photo is poor. It won't work.
its a little faked, but there was a big round spot where her left areola is supposed to be
Can anyone xray this one?
How about this
Could someone try this?
How about her?
Please somebody help
Not much to work with
would anyone mind telling the secret of how to do it? i have just started xraying and i still dont really know what do do, just kind of
Not the same user
For real x-ray, you need sheer clothing. You select just the clothing, copy it to another layer, and change the color levels to remove the garment color/color the garment as skin color. You can also use the burn tool to increase contrast, bring out nipples, exaggerate the separation between breasts.
For fake xray, you find a donor image like any other fake, sandwich it between to layers of the original,and use layer masks to hide the excess areas of the donor image, and play around with the top two layer's opacity until it looks nice.
At least, that's what I learned how to do
what do you think of this? i did this within 5 minutes or something in gimp
started xraying yesterday
Should be easy wonder if you could do something with the black marks
You understand the color levels thing, which is the main idea
GIMP's fuzzy select tool can sometimes be really helpful in getting more natural edges, use it to select and add a a layer mask from selection.
When messing around with the color levels gives it an off hue like that, try messing with the hue/saturation to get it to look more skin-like
Note you can see the nipple and the separation between the breasts, it might look nicer if you tried to dodge/burn it to improve contrast.
You will get the hang of it
alright thanks alot
I hope that tattoo isn't her birthdate
3 - 27 - 2002
She would only be 17
hey, its me again
i have just finished another one, but i am still not happy with it
how would you fix it?
thats the original
I would try doing the bright area and the area in the shadows separately. The left side is not the worst, and the details could be brought out with burning. The right is going to harder because the shirt reflects more light than her skin, so there will be relatively less detail seen through it.
okay so TL;DR: more details?
how would you deal with the triangle between her breast and waist?
Tried it I had difficulty with two different layers, leaves an ugly seam.
By triangle, you mean the shadow on below the left breast? That is there because the clothing is separated from the skin and in diffuse light, not enough light reaching the skin gets back through. You could color a copy of the clothes with hue/saturation and use a layer mask to put make it blend well to draw in skin color in that region.
Forgot pic
alright, yours looks so much better though god damn